Cologne - Love locks
HFF !!!
überwacht und gut verschlossen
auf der Alten Mainbrücke
der König und die Liebesschlösser
Liebesschlösser an den Landungsbrücken
Alster HFF
HFF vom Schwanenwik (PiP)
Hamburg, Blick von der Fährhaus-Brücke
Happy Fence Friday to All of You
Jungfernbrücke Hamburg
Ungewöhnliche Liebesschlösser
Auf der Hohenzollernbrücke - HFF to all!
HFF to all Ip members
Hohenzollernbrücke in Köln (1x PiP)
Ein Platz für die Liebe
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Cologne - Hohenzollernbrücke
Cologne is the fourth-largest city in Germany - and one of the oldest. A Germanic tribe, the Ubii, had a settlement here, this was named by the Romans "Oppidum Ubiorum". In 50 AD, the Romans founded "Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium", the city then became the provincial capital of "Germania Inferior".
The Hohenzollernbrücke (Hohenzollern Bridge), constructed between 1907 and 1911, is named after the House of Hohenzollern, rulers of Prussia and German Emperors. At the time, Cologne was part of the Prussian Rhine Province. It was inaugurated in 1911 by Kaiser Wilhelm II.
The Hohenzollernbrücke was an important bridge during WW II. In March the German armee blew up the bridge as Allied troops began their assault on Cologne. The bridge got repaired, rebuilt and was completed again in 1958.
About 1200 trains cross the Hohenzollerbrücke every day - and many young couples! In 2008 the first "love locks" were found here, meanwile here is a wall of "love locks". It is estimated, that way more than 40.000 locks add more then 15 tons of weight to the bridge, but sofar there is no danger to the bridge´s statics.
In the backdrop - the Dom.
The Hohenzollernbrücke (Hohenzollern Bridge), constructed between 1907 and 1911, is named after the House of Hohenzollern, rulers of Prussia and German Emperors. At the time, Cologne was part of the Prussian Rhine Province. It was inaugurated in 1911 by Kaiser Wilhelm II.
The Hohenzollernbrücke was an important bridge during WW II. In March the German armee blew up the bridge as Allied troops began their assault on Cologne. The bridge got repaired, rebuilt and was completed again in 1958.
About 1200 trains cross the Hohenzollerbrücke every day - and many young couples! In 2008 the first "love locks" were found here, meanwile here is a wall of "love locks". It is estimated, that way more than 40.000 locks add more then 15 tons of weight to the bridge, but sofar there is no danger to the bridge´s statics.
In the backdrop - the Dom.
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