StoneRoad2013's albums
{new} IBB[25] - Ian's Birthday…
15 items
{new} med - medical matters
12 items
{ok} srt - Sand Art
10 items
{new} pam - Pro Atheist Memes
27 items
{OK} OHF - Old Hall Farm
21 items
{OK} swr - Swanage Railway
33 items
{OK} amb - Amble, Alnmouth & A…
3 items
{wip} abc - AJSMOC ; North Eas…
10 items
{new} SoS[25] - Signs of Sprin…
12 items
{OK} anl - Ashington & Northum…
14 items
{W!P} atm - Anti Trump {GOP} M…
154 items
{WiP}WSL - Wooden Slate Waggon…
17 items
{OK} STR[H] - Hickins'
6 items
{OK} HoS - Head of Steam aka H…
19 items
{OK} MoW - Museum of Weardale
14 items
{WIP} gdn[R] - Garden Roses
20 items
{OK} cls[24] - Chester-Le-Stre…
55 items
{OK} W&L - Welshpool & Llanfai…
8 items
{OK} [Explored] - Explored & I…
75 items
{OK} CyB - Castell y Bere
13 items
{OK} wcr - West Coast Railways
12 items
{OK} SBB[24] - Stoneroad's 202…
91 items
{OK} got - Great Orme Tramway
4 items
{OK} aca - NER Acaster no.2
10 items
{OK} ntv - NER Tool Van
1 item
{OK} ssm - Stamfordham St Mary
12 items
{OK} sbr - Stamfordham Bike Ru…
28 items
{OK} WR (O&A) - Poole 2024 [li…
16 items
{OK}jen - Jensen sports cars
3 items
{OK} cub - carriage u/frame &…
2 items
{OK} TiG[mc] - Micro-cars
18 items
{OK} hlft - High and Low Force…
22 items
!new album!
1 item
{W!P} BtC - Bella the Collie
134 items
{OK} STTES[2024] - Corbridge r…
33 items
{WIP} WR[HI] - Historical Imag…
4 items
{wip} GE2024 - UK's 2024 Gener…
97 items
{OK} lfp - RNLI*200 - Lifeboat…
138 items
{WIP} gct[5] - camera trap fiv…
30 items
{OK} sol[24] - solar eclipse […
4 items
{OK} HRA - Heritage Railways A…
16 items
{updated} CoLC - Cost of Livin…
73 items
{WIP} SoS[24] - Signs of Sprin…
18 items
{updated} stb - stop the boats
24 items
{w!p} - 111[CuCu] - places in…
13 items
{*W!P*} oad[B] - Beauty [previ…
26 items
{OK} ScI[23]- Scottish Interlu…
17 items
{updated} bri - Bridge
42 items
{OK} SBR - Statfold Barn Railw…
52 items
{OK} O&S[W] - wonky
19 items
{WIP} gct[4] - camera trap fou…
16 items
{OK} oaw[A] - Amphibians & Rep…
19 items
{OK} SFF - Space, the Final Fr…
26 items
3 items
{OK} TRv6 [F&L] - Finished & L…
29 items
{OK} twb - Tynemouth, Whitley…
34 items
{WIP} bmc - Ben-my-Chree [1998…
26 items
{OK} hrh - Home of Rest for Ol…
8 items
{WIP} SMR - Snaefell Mountain…
13 items
{WIP} MER - Manx Electric Rail…
23 items
{OK} DHT - Douglas Bay Horse T…
15 items
{OK} NER986 - NER Brake Third
3 items
{OK} NER 1173 - Officer's Salo…
16 items
{OK} dss - Douglas Snapshots.
14 items
{OK} ohl - Oval Head Lamp
3 items
{OK} oaw[I] - Insects & spider…
34 items
{OK} oaw[b&w] - Bees and Wasps
36 items
{OK} dps[23] - Duncombe Park S…
68 items
{OK} hst - Hastings
11 items
{updated} aav - Alston Arches…
40 items
{OK} eld - Elsdon
20 items
{OK} nmbm - National MotorBike…
53 items
{OK} bmm - British Motor Museu…
50 items
{wip} MF[23] - Miller Fifer Re…
21 items
{OK} STTES [2023] - Corbridge…
82 items
{updated} - 111[ncle] : places…
11 items
{W!P} gct - [results] garden c…
155 items
[WIP] gct[2] - camera trap two
20 items
{WIP} gct[3] - camera trap thr…
13 items
{WIP} gct - [ cats ]
25 items
{OK} gct - [goats]
40 items
{WIP} gct - [pheasants]
46 items
{WIP} gct[1] - camera trap one
168 items
{OK} SoS[23] - Signs of Spring…
54 items
{OK} spk - Sparrowhawk
5 items
{wip} sco - Swans ; Cygnus olo…
23 items
{OK} rbg - Ranby Road Graffiti
8 items
{OK} cam - Cambrian Railways
12 items
{WIP} MSR : F63 [Done] & leavi…
18 items
{OK} MRV - MR Box Van
15 items
{OK} wsc - winter solstice cel…
33 items
{wip} twc - Tabby & White Cat
15 items
{OK}sea - Shackleton's Enduran…
4 items
{OK} tbi - Three Bridges & Inc…
92 items
{OK} kwv - Keighley & Worth Va…
9 items
{updated} crc - Carriage Resto…
35 items
{OK} fkw - Falkirk Wheel
32 items
{OK} rsf - Roker Sea Front {do…
33 items
{OK} nym - North Yorks Moor Ra…
5 items
{OK} shw - Summer Heat Waves
30 items
{OK} pcc - Peveril Castle, Cas…
24 items
{OK} ppd - prehistoric peak di…
20 items
{OK} wlp - White Ladies Priory
7 items
{OK} svr - Severn Valley Railw…
68 items
{wip} cls - Carriage Lighting,…
16 items
{OK} bcv[22] - Barnard Castle…
55 items
{wip} gpc - HBM HTT HWW HFF gr…
321 items
{W!P} UKR - Ukraine [2022/...…
209 items
{updated} UKR[2] - stamps, mem…
41 items
{updated} 66045 - LMSR General…
59 items
{w!p} TRv6 - Van No.6 [ex-Corr…
58 items
{OK} NCMM - National Coal Mini…
24 items
{OK} NCMM[HI] - historical ima…
10 items
{OK} NCMM[f&l] - finished & le…
22 items
{wip} 1822 - NCMM waggon
76 items
{OK} 1986 - NCMM waggon
81 items
{W!P} NER 70 - First Class Pri…
110 items
{W!P} cvd - Covid-19 Pandemic
1 019 items
{WiP} IoM - Visits to the Isle…
208 items
{WIP} mxt - Manx Transport
18 items
[wip] MSR[HI] - Historical Ima…
26 items
{W!P} MSR : F37 - Hurst Nelson
111 items
{WIP} F54 - "Pairs" - A7 + C10
8 items
{W!P} MSR : F62 - Pairs : A1 +…
24 items
{WIP} MSR : F62 [done] - Resto…
43 items
{WIP} MSR : F63 - Pairs : B6 +…
5 items
{WIP} F.66 - "Pairs" - B11 +…
3 items
{WIP} F67 - "Pairs" - B23 + C1…
2 items
{WIP} F74 - "Pairs" - A11 + C1…
2 items
{wip} KHT - Knotty Heritage Tr…
40 items
{W!P} NSR 23 (ABC)
79 items
71 items
136 items
{OK} NSR 228 (first class)
21 items
{OK} NSR - ABC Plans
12 items
{OK} NSR - Warley Ducket
13 items
{OK} NSR - Historical Images
8 items
{W!P} Ipernity - Most popular…
36 items
{W!P} CF - Company Facilities
94 items
{OK} GT (CF) - Glue Test
12 items
{wip} KIT - mainly hand tools
8 items
{OK} Slideshow - an SRR summar…
116 items
{wip} Prob - How NOT to do thi…
28 items
{OK} ddd - delivery driver dis…
10 items
{OK}MF - Miller Fifer Restorat…
188 items
{OK} MF (2015) Finished Refit
27 items
{OK} MFL - Miller Launch (Dec…
42 items
{OK} MFS - Miller Fifer : Shak…
74 items
{OK} MFSL - training
8 items
{OK} MFW - Miller in Whitehave…
52 items
{OK} MFA - at sea (Adrian's im…
93 items
{OK} MFH - Historical images
10 items
{wip} 1001 Things to Restore ?
88 items
{OK} A&P - Awning - Aveling &…
28 items
{OK} BBH - BlueBird
26 items
{OK} BBV - Ballast Brake Van
14 items
{OK} BM - events
59 items
{OK} BM - General - smaller Pr…
14 items
{OK} BM BV - Bread Van
57 items
{OK} BM CV - Berryman's Chip V…
152 items
{wip} BM FC - Forcett Coach
120 items
{OK} BM - Trams
21 items
{OK} Bowes Railway - general
20 items
{OK} BR - "Ordinary" 971
67 items
{wip} BR - Bowes Railway - B49
36 items
{OK} BR - Kibblesworth Drift B…
57 items
{OK} BT - Boer War era Fowler…
17 items
{w!p} Corris Coach - TR17 *fin…
67 items
{OK} CSB - Classic Ski Boat
34 items
{OK} DC - Display Case
16 items
{OK} DRA - Drascombe (Lugger)
3 items
{OK} DT - Designer Table (mult…
4 items
{OK} Ford - Cortina 1600E
4 items
{wip} Foxfield Railway - as a…
28 items
{OK} G2 - Matchless G2 CSR
5 items
{OK} Gavels
4 items
{OK} HHC - HopeHead Cottage
5 items
{OK} ISE - Isetta 300 : 789 LG
21 items
{WIP} LTD - Kawasaki outfit
5 items
{OK} LBA - low back armchairs
6 items
{OK} MRT PalVan Middleton Rail…
26 items
{OK} MWM - Murton War Memorial…
13 items
{OK} NEAM - Bloodhound
5 items
{OK} NER 2853 - 7 compartment…
99 items
{OK} NRMv - as a visitor
36 items
{OK} NRM - Shildon - BoBo
24 items
{OK} NRM - Shildon - Director'…
6 items
{OK} NRM - Shildon - Sans Pare…
8 items
{OK} Old Oak Doors
15 items
{OK} PA - Pullman Armchairs
10 items
{OK} PQR - Peterhead Quarry Ra…
103 items
{OK} PQR - graf
30 items
{OK} PQR - Historical Images
14 items
{OK} PQR - Interpretation
13 items
{OK} R&ER - Pullman three seat…
6 items
{OK} RERM - Ravenglass Museum…
117 items
{OK} RER - L'aal Ratty, as a v…
36 items
{OK} SCL - Saltburn Cliff Lift
58 items
{OK} SCB - Seaham Callout Boar…
23 items
{OK} SMB - Altar Refurbishment…
6 items
{wip} SSW - Sentinel Steam Wag…
69 items
{W!P} STR - South Tynedale Rai…
39 items
{OK} TAR - Latil 4-wd
3 items
{updated} TR6 - 5 cmpt Third (…
102 items
{OK} WHHR - general / events
12 items
{OK} WHHR - Buffet Car
35 items
{OK} WHHR - Number 25
51 items
{OK} WHHR - underframes
17 items
{OK} WHHR - Pickering Brake
3 items
{OK} WET - Wenda
6 items
{OK} WR - William Riley
50 items
{OK} VPC - wass camera
2 items
{wip} SWP - small work project…
21 items
{OK} Headboards, patterns and…
5 items
{OK} mods - IDY - various
18 items
{OK} mods - PGB - various
18 items
{OK} mods / pps - Patty's Proj…
16 items
{w!p} mods - SJS - various
20 items
{OK} EHSI - Scheme in general
20 items
{OK} EHSI - JC (1)
3 items
{OK} EHSI - BJ (2)
19 items
{OK} EHSI - LW (3)
13 items
{OK} (E)HSI - AR (4)
12 items
{OK} ESHI - LB (5)
7 items
{OK} EHSI - SR (6a)
1 item
{OK} EHSI - JC (6b)
7 items
{OK} OSP - Other schemes and p…
11 items
{w!p} APT - Apprentice
11 items
{OK} FU - Film Units
18 items
{WIP} rmf - rocks, minerals an…
28 items
{WIP} ClCh - Climate Change {C…
137 items
{W!P} css - Clouds, Sunrises &…
85 items
{W!P} gbw - Great British Weat…
313 items
{w!p} gbww - winter
91 items
{W!P} wst - Winter Storms in 2…
73 items
{W!P} gdn - Garden
176 items
{OK} gdn[HC] - Horse Chestnut…
15 items
{OK} gdn[ip] - ice plant (Sedu…
14 items
{OK} mpl - Abutilon ; flowerin…
8 items
{WIP} flo - bunches of flowers
17 items
{OK} SoS[21] - Signs of Spring…
36 items
{OK} SoS[22] - Signs of Spring…
83 items
{wip} WR - Out & About (genera…
36 items
{OK} WR (O&A) - HVRR (2008)
6 items
{OK} WR (O&A) - Coast (2008) a…
10 items
{OK} WR (O&A) - Fleetwood - 20…
4 items
{OK} WR (O&A) Q&C - May 2010
10 items
{OK} WR (O&A) Jubilee 2012 - T…
10 items
{OK} WR (O&A) Broads Challenge…
11 items
{OK} WR (O&A) GD 2013 - Grace…
7 items
{updated} WR (O&A) - Three Riv…
7 items
{OK} WR (O&A) River Tyne - 201…
23 items
{OK} WR (O&A - W) Wexford - 20…
4 items
{wip} olb - other lifeboats
144 items
{OK} tkw - Thomas Kirk Wright
10 items
{OK} Lighthouses, Lightships
48 items
{WiP} TiG - Transport related
105 items
{wip} TiG - Abnormal loads
19 items
{W!P} TiG - Air
47 items
{wip} TIG - Land
118 items
{wip} TiG - Rail
173 items
{wip} TiG - Water
95 items
{updated} C-130 : RAF Hercules
17 items
{wip} In Memorium
77 items
{W!P} CAS - * RIP * Jan 2019
43 items
{WIP} CAS - Family members
16 items
{updated} CAS[h] - Old [family…
19 items
{updated} CAS[w] - Parnalls &…
19 items
{WIP} CPM - Chippenham
19 items
{OK} JBT - Julie's Birthday Tr…
27 items
{w!p} JBB[22] - Julie's B'day…
74 items
{w!p} SBB - StoneRoad's Birthd…
8 items
{wip} hin - hols in Norwich [&…
60 items
{WIP} HWH - Historical Haltwh…
13 items
{W!P} oad - other animals (dom…
73 items
{W!P} *R*I*P* BDD : Ben de-Dog
172 items
{wip} bwc - black and white ca…
21 items
{OK} HHD - *RIP* - Harry H-Daw…
35 items
{OK} Hilli Cat *RIP*
9 items
{W!P} oad (g&h) - Gerbils and…
43 items
{wip} oaw - other animals & pl…
191 items
{W!P} B&M - Lepidoptera [Butte…
44 items
{OK} oaw[HH] - Hedgepigs / Hed…
19 items
{OK} nbx - Nest Boxes
11 items
{wip} baw - Birds at my Window
26 items
{OK} rbb - Blackbird rescue
17 items
{OK} oaw[C] / whn - Cormorant…
14 items
{W!P} oaw[rsq] - Red Squirrel
48 items
{OK} HHH - Haydon Hunt Havoc
11 items
{W!P} whn - Whitehaven
251 items
{OK} web - Whitehaven East Bea…
38 items
{OK} wwb - Whitehaven West Bea…
35 items
{WiP} whnt - tides at Whitehav…
30 items
{OK} wsba - Whitehaven Sailing…
13 items
{wip} Esperanto - incidentals
7 items
{OK} CAS - ber : Berwick - 201…
14 items
{w!p} CAS - dun : Dundee (June…
16 items
{OK} CAS - lar : Largs (2005)…
3 items
{w!p} CAS - sal : Salisbury (A…
27 items
{OK} CAS - sti : Stirling (200…
2 items
{OK} ESP - 93a UK - Roterdamo…
57 items
{OK} ESP - 93a - Maritime Muse…
16 items
{W!P} ESP - 94a UK - Pollando…
27 items
{WIP} ESP - 94a - ekskursa tag…
12 items
{W!P} WYS - Wyszki & visits
34 items
{OK} WYS (mww) - Miedzygorze &…
24 items
{OK} Pch - Pollando 2009 - com…
37 items
{OK} A4x6 - Final Farewell
8 items
{OK} agp - Aberglaslyn Pass
9 items
{OK} ant - Anstruther - Scotti…
7 items
{OK} ape - Apedale Gala
24 items
{wip} bal - Bala Lake Railway
12 items
{wip} bamm - Brooklands air &…
3 items
{OK} bcd - Blyth Coastal Defen…
16 items
{OK} BHR - Bristol Harbour
8 items
{OK} btm - Tank Museum, Boving…
18 items
{OK} BVR - Bure Valley Railway
4 items
{OK} ccc - Caister Car Collect…
163 items
{OK} CLW - College of Libraria…
13 items
{OK} cos - Cosford
12 items
{W!P} - Creteblock Wreck Whitb…
12 items
{OK} csg[12] - Cumbria Steam G…
48 items
{OK} csg[16] - CSG 2016
39 items
{OK} csg[22] - Cumbrian Steam…
79 items
{updated} cym - cymru, seen in…
39 items
{OK} DRC - Didcot Railway Cent…
13 items
{WiP} DoL - Dolgoch
23 items
{OK} dps[22] - Duncombe Park S…
60 items
{OK} DyF - Dyfi Furnace
12 items
{OK} eatm - East Anglia Transp…
22 items
{OK} eatm - half-deck coach
9 items
{OK} farnes - Farne Islands
14 items
{OK} FFT - Fleetwood Festival…
29 items
{updated} GGF - Gateshead Gard…
10 items
{OK} glo - Gloucester
26 items
{OK} hwc - Haltwhistle Carniva…
36 items
{OK} JLD - Jack Lane at Dinas
5 items
{updated} IoM[LW] - Laxey Whee…
11 items
{OK} lmhall - Little (or Old)…
29 items
{OK} mrg - Middleton Railway G…
37 items
{OK} mrw - Miltonrigg Woods
27 items
{OK} nhe - Northern Heritage E…
7 items
{OK} nsm - National Slate Mini…
32 items
{wip} IoM[2]PC - Peel Castle
19 items
{OK} pcl - Potts Clocks of Lee…
7 items
{OK} psr[12] - Pickering Steam…
14 items
{OK} Q&C - Quirks and Curiosit…
13 items
{OK} rpc - Richard Preston Col…
26 items
{OK} Roman Cumbria
25 items
{OK} rvc - Rendezvous Cafe
15 items
{OK} O&S - Ryton Bells
7 items
{OK} sam - Solway Aviation Mus…
48 items
{OK} rkp - Rickerby Park, Carl…
6 items
{OK} ScI - Scottish Interlude…
29 items
{OK} sol[15] - solar eclipse […
12 items
{OK} sol[21] - solar eclipse […
13 items
{OK} shs - Seahouses
34 items
{OK} stm - STEAM, Swindon
7 items
{OK} ssm - Strumpshaw Steam Mu…
55 items
{OK} STTES [2014]
32 items
{OK} STTES [2022] Corbridge ra…
48 items
{OK} Tour of Britain 2015
11 items
{OK} TBA - Turbinia
17 items
{OK} TRV - Tanfield Railway Vi…
18 items
{W!P} VoR - Vale Of Rheidol Ra…
65 items
{OK} vin - Vindolanda
23 items
{OK} VVM *CLOSED* Vintage Vehi…
20 items
{OK} wcl - Walk to Crammel Lin…
58 items
{wip} gbw - wast water
25 items
{wip} phw - pre-historic Wilts…
24 items
{WIP} Whitby
40 items
{OK} WPD - World Photography D…
5 items
{OK} wfl - White Funnel Line
30 items
{OK} O&S - bricks & tiles
13 items
{w!p} O&S - Memes and Cartoons
514 items
{w!p} O&S - Odds and Ends
304 items
{OK} msa - mass shootings / st…
32 items
{OK} dpn - Death Penalty
9 items
{OK} O&S [SF] - Street Furnitu…
39 items
{OK} par - Pareidolia
57 items
{OK} after fotopic
78 items
{OK} Most Interesting (at F***…
31 items
{OK} Vol - volcanoes & earthqu…
14 items
{wip} etn - ETNA, Sicily
3 items
{WIP} gld[24/23/22/21 ] - Geld…
18 items
{OK} LaP - Eruption of Cumbre…
6 items
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