med - wakefield lying {2 of 2} the true nhs data on the same 12 kids

{new} med - medical matters

A mixture of serious & not-so-serious images covering a range of medical topics. Plenty of memes, of course, which are Not my Image : fair use & public education / entertainment.
  • med - comparing health care systems
  • med - wakefield lying {1 of 2}
  • med - wakefield lying {2 of 2} the true nhs data on the same 12 kids
  • med - pro-life depicted
  • med - "pro-life" hypocrite
  • med - healthcare
  • med - cost pa per head of health care
  • med - M*A*S*H 4077 layout
  • atm - EO vs WHO
  • med - Polio, worldwide : 1980 - 2020
  • med - Polio rates
  • atm - tRump cuts research funding