E. Adam G.

E. Adam G. club

Posted: 09 Sep 2020

Taken: 09 Sep 2020

30 favorites     10 comments    250 visits

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noir et blanc noir et blanc

Magical sunlight Magical sunlight

Licht und Schatten Licht und Schatten

wood wood

l'insolite l'insolite

Diagonal Diagonal

Austria Austria

Bridges /=|=\ Bridges /=|=\

Geometric Abstracts Geometric Abstracts

Street photography Street photography

Black&White Black&White

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250 visits

Frastanz Österreich

Frastanz Österreich
Blick von der Sonnenseite auf die Wetterseite.
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beapixa, photosofghosts, , Nicolas Mertens and 26 other people have particularly liked this photo

10 comments - The latest ones
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
Superb light and shadow Adam

Thank you for posting in the group
4 years ago.
Annemarie club
well seen:)

Enjoy this last summer days:)
4 years ago.
J.Garcia club
Shadows depend of the light but are they that give beauty to the light and beyond that they have an own life
Strong and superb image
Wonderfully captured this moment, Adam
4 years ago. Edited 4 years ago.
 * ઇઉ *
* ઇઉ * club
A splendid abstract!
4 years ago.
 Jocelyne Villoing
Jocelyne Villoing club
Excellent contraste !*******************
4 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Lovely play of light and shadow.
Happy weekend.
4 years ago.
 Anton Cruz Carro
Anton Cruz Carro club
A very interesting abstract wooden structure. Cheers, Anton.
4 years ago.
FarbFormFreude club
und schon ordentlich abgewettert
4 years ago.
 Gabi Lombardo
Gabi Lombardo club
Schatten- und Lichtspiele ergeben ein interessantes Abstrakt!
4 years ago.
polytropos club
Klasse Schattenspiel!
4 years ago.

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