Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin, Germany, 2007
Technical Museum, Berlin, Germany, 2007
Steam Marine Engine, Technical Museum, Berlin, Ger…
World War II Bomb Shelter, Unknown U-Bahn Station,…
Berlin Hbf Ceiling, Berlin, Germany, 2007
Scandlines #109-1, Berlin Hbf, Berlin, Germany, 20…
Scandlines Night Train, Berlin Hbf, Berlin, German…
Scandlines Night Train, Picture 2, Berlin Hbf, Ber…
ex-CSD 498.022 Under Branicky Most, Branik, Prague…
ex-CSD 498.022 Under Branicky Most, Picture 2, Bra…
ex-CSD 498.022 Under Branicky Most, Picture 3, Bra…
ex-CSD 498.022 Under Branicky Most, Picture 4, Bra…
ex-CSD 498.022, Branik, Prague, CZ, 2007
ex-CSD 498.022, Picture 2, Branik, Prague, CZ, 200…
ex-CSD #498.022, Nadrazi Branik, Picture 3, Branik…
ex-CSD #498.022 Builder Plate, Nadrazi Branik, Bra…
ex-CSD #498.022 Drivers, Nadrazi Branik, Branik, P…
ex-CSD #498.022 Injector, Nadrazi Branik, Branik,…
ex-CSD #498.022 Piston Rod Assembly and Valve Gear…
ex-CSD #498.022 Piston Valve Assembly, Nadrazi Bra…
Destination Board On Prague-Krivoklat-Prague Excur…
Road To Lipno, Sumavsky Narodni Pamatka, Bohemia(C…
Sunrise On Road To Lipno, Picture 2, Sumavsky Naro…
Bruckenmeisterei Werkstatt Shed Door, Berlin, Germ…
Coal Bunker, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berlin, Ger…
Water Spout, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berlin, Ger…
Bruckenmeisterei West Office, Rangierbahnhof Tempe…
Turntable, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berlin, Germa…
Water Tower, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berlin, Ger…
ex-DR #503707-2, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berlin,…
Track to Trail, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Picture…
Track to Trail, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berlin,…
Abandoned Turnout, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Pictu…
Abandoned Turnout, Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Berli…
Abandoned Power Switchstand, Rangierbahnhof Tempel…
Pipe Tunnel Rangierbahnhof Tempelhof, Picture 3, B…
John F. Kennedy Plaque, Berlin, Germany, 2007
S-Bahn Zug, Lotte-Lenge-Bogenstrasse, Berlin, Germ…
Einstein Monument, Berlin, Germany, 2007
Berlin Zoologicher Garten Bahnhof, Berlin, Germany…
Vattenfall Building, Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germa…
Fasanenstrasse, Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany, 2…
Delphi Theatre, Charlottenburg, Berlin, Germany, 2…
Red Windows, Cesky Krumlov, South Bohemia (CZ), 20…
Rooves, Cesky Krumlov, South Bohemia (CZ), 2006
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Bruckenmeisterei Werkstatt, Berlin, Germany, 2007
And...here it is, an active rail facility, Bruckenmeisterei Werkstatt, still in existence in a railyard that's been abandoned for so long that trees are growing through the tracks and the whole place has become a park. I wasn't trespassing when I took this, by the way, but rather I found a crack in the door just barely big enough for my lens, and then I had to crop this before I posted it. That train sitting there, by the way, is an old untergrundbahn, or subway/metro train, and I have no idea what it's doing here.
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