What's On The Cards?, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire…
NYS&W #142 and #2400 In Southern New York, USA, 19…
ex-GWR #5972 "Olton Hall" Hauling "The Wizard Expr…
Display On Vinotheka Wine ZBar, Cross Processed, P…
CD Class 141, Cross Processed, Praha Hlavni Nadraz…
Path, Cross Processed, Sidliste Haje, Prague, CZ,…
Karosa Buses, Cross Processed, Dejvicka, Prague, C…
Vitezne Namesti, Cross Processed, Dejvicka, Prague…
Abandoned Building, Sherwood Forest Yard, Cross Pr…
View From Rip, Bohemia(CZ), 2006
CD Speeder On Bridge Over The Sazava River At Cerc…
Krapcice, Bohemia(CZ), 2006
CD #452 013-6 At Praha Hlavni Nadrazi, Prague, CZ,…
Brandenberger Tor (Brandenberg Gate), Berlin, Germ…
Berliner Dom, Berlin, Germany, 2007
Pigeons On Streetlight, Namesti Miru, Prague, CZ,…
Hall Of Languages, Syracuse University, Syracuse,…
Grand Hotel Europa, Vaclavske Namesti, Prague, CZ,…
GNER #91121 "Archbishop Thomas Cranmer," York, Nor…
ex-LMS #5000, National Railway Museum, York, North…
ex-BR #44767 (ex-LMS #4767) "George Stephenson," H…
Amtrak #241 In The Trees, Southbound With Train #6…
Amtrak #301 With Train #68, "The Adirondack," Arri…
GNER #89001 "Avocet," Doncaster, England(UK), 2003
ex-BR #60800 (ex-LNER #4771 and 800) "Green Arrow"…
Docklands Light Railway #78 From The Cab Of An Onc…
BR #37186 (model), York Model Railway Show, York,…
Charles Babbage's Difference Engine, Science Museu…
Ducks, Parc Bute, Cardiff, Wales(UK), 2007
Mala Strana Multiple Exposure, Prague, CZ, 2006
Christmas Decorations, Brussels, Belgium, January…
Nadrazi Praha-Uhrineves, Prague, CZ, 2006
Battersea Park Power Station, London, England(UK),…
Train Head And Marker Light Streaks, Cercany, Bohe…
RZD/Wagons-Lits 00102285, Picture 2, Berlin Hbf, B…
Brandenberger Tor (Brandenberg Gate), Color Shot 2…
RZD/Wagons-Lits 00102285, Picture 1, Berlin Hbf, B…
Brandenberger Tor (Brandenberg Gate), Color Shot 1…
View Of Krapcice From Rip, Color Shot, Rip, Bohemi…
Hrad Okor, Okor, Bohemia(CZ), 2006
View From Rip, Color Shot, Rip, Bohemia(CZ), 2006
Romanske Rotunda sv. Jiri (Romanesque Rotunda Of S…
Buildings, Stefanikova, Smichov, Prague, CZ, 2007
View From Chotkova, Prague, CZ, 2007
Shops And Shadows, Stefanikova, Smichov, Prague, C…
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452 visits
Metro Transit #110A, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 2004
When I visited, Minneapolis was just putting the finishing touches on a controversial light rail project, called the "Hiawatha Line" after the famous steam-era express trains, and I was lucky enough to see them testing one of the new trams. These aren't particularly unconventional as modern trams go, except for that they have train horns and bells instead of traditional tram bells, making them extremely noisy. This may have had something to do with Metro Transit classifying them as "trains" rather than trams or trollies, even though they operate in the street and perform in every concievable way like most other modern trams. I haven't found out whether this has elicited complaints, improved safety, or both, but I do know that most of the controversy was unrelated to noise. Rather, the main argument against the project was that it didn't go anywhere locals wanted to go, instead providing a link only from Nicollet Mall (seen here) to the Mall of America. The line has since been extended further north to the Warehouse District, however, which would be to the rear of this photo (if I'm wrong on either of these points please correct me). In spite of the initial arguments against the project, however, this year Metro Transit reported their highest ridership on all modes in 22 years, with 73.8 million riders for 2006, blowing past their target of 71 million. The Hiawatha line only accounted for 9.4 million of these, but if you consider that initially it was predicted no one would ride, this could actually be called quite a success.
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