Transformers at Carousel Mall (Destiny USA), Syrac…
Don't Become Deficient Be Energy Efficient, Carous…
Amtrak #74035, Harrisburg, PA, USA, 2007
Harrisburg Station, Harrisburg, PA, USA, 2007
Harrisburg Station Sign, Harrisburg, PA, USA, 2007
Saranac Beers From Utica, NY, USA, 2007
Aerial Over New York City, NY, USA, 2007
Aerial Over New York City, Picture 3, NY, USA, 200…
CD #162037-6 Puling Into Nadrazi Holesovice, Pragu…
CD #681006-3 At Nadrazi Holesovice, Prague, CZ, 20…
ZSSK #350016-2 Pulling Into Nadrazi Holesovice, Pr…
Franziskaner Weissbier, Berlin Hauptbahnhof, Berli…
Breakfast On DB, Somewhere in Belgium, 2007
Intercity 125 and Class 165 DMU In London Paddingt…
Cardiff Castle, Cardiff, Wales(UK), 2008
Cardiff Market Entrance, Cardiff, Wales(UK), 2008
St. John the Baptist Church, Cardiff, Wales(UK), 2…
Construction, Picture 3, B&W version, Cardiff, Wal…
Orchard Gold Welsh Cider, Bath, England(UK), 2008
St. Paul's Cathedral, Edit 2, London, England(UK),…
St. Pauls Cathedral, Picture 2, Edit 2, London, En…
Swansea Castle, Swansea, Wales (UK), 2008
Swansea Castle, Picture 2, Swansea, Wales (UK), 20…
Kirkland Art Center, Clinton, NY, 2007
Kirkland Town Library, Clinton, NY, USA, 2007
Lumbard Hall, Clinton, NY, USA, 2007
11,277 Views On iPernity!!! June 2nd, 2008!! :-)
Smazeny Syr Kiosk, Christmas Season 2007, Vaclavsk…
Christmas 2007 On Vaclavske Namesti, Prague, CZ, 2…
Statues on the Roof of Palac Koruna, Prague, CZ, 2…
U Novaku, Vodickova, Prague, CZ, 2007
DPP #8534 On Vodickova, Prague, CZ, 2007
Zeiss Ikon Contina LK Rangefinder, 2008
Trabi In Snow, Josefuv Dul, Liberecky Kraj, Bohemi…
Snow in Josefuv Dul, Picture 8, Josefuv Dul, Liber…
Snow In Josefuv Dul, Picture 7, Josefuv Dul, Liber…
Snow in Josefuv Dul, Picture 6, Josefuv Dul, Liber…
Snow in Josefuv Dul, Picture 5, High Saturation Ed…
Snow in Josefuv Dul, Picture 5, Josefuv Dul, Liber…
Snow In Josefuv Dul, Picture 4, Josefuv Dul, Liber…
Snow in Josefuv Dul, Picture 3, High Saturation Ed…
Snow in Josefuv Dul, Picture 3, Josefuv Dul, Liber…
Snow in Josefuv Dul, Picture 2, Josefuv Dul, Liber…
Snow In Josefuv Dul, Liberecky Kraj, Bohemia(CZ),…
Church at Night, Picture 2, Josefuv Dul, Liberecky…
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What's Left of Ontrack, Carousel Mall, Syracuse, NY, USA, 2007
Ontrack, when it was first inaugerated, was part of the revival of rail transport, particularly within cities, which was going on during the 1990s, and continues to this day, in the U.S.A. This long predated the current spike in fuel costs, as pollution, traffic congestion, and simple public demand for more effective transportation all played more of a role in the beginning. Back in the 1990s, gas prices were sometimes as low as a dollar a gallon, so it's hard to make an argument that they played much of a role in the public transport revival. So.......what's going on with Ontrack now, in the days when it's needed more than ever? It's shut down, of course. It suffered a long decline, and as I understand it, this was partly due to simple failure to run at all. I'll always remember the time back in the early 2000s (I don't remember the date) when I was train watching on this platform for several hours, watching the scheduled arrival and departure times advertised on the platform come and go without seeing a single train. The platform was full of passengers, and when me and my railfan friends finally left after standing for several hours without seeing a single train, the passengers followed us. In any case, the station now seems to be in use for storage of the equipment, and in the middle of the Christmas season, when I took this photo, the parking lot of Carousel Mall was so congested that it took 20 minutes for us to find a parking space. Such is the predicament of public transport in Central New York.
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