Nick Weall

Nick Weall club

Posted: 16 Jan 2020

Taken: 15 Feb 2014

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193 visits

HFF from St Peters Church ~ Brighton

HFF from St Peters Church ~ Brighton
there is fencing to be seen if you look hard enough. I used to live very close to this church many years ago. More recently one of my Step-Daughters lived even closer

Nouchetdu38, Tanja - Loughcrew, * Didier 85 *, Mecklenburg-Foto (Reinhard L.) and 9 other people have particularly liked this photo

13 comments - The latest ones
Amelia club
Is there a scaffolding fence behind the hedge? My eyesight isn't what it used to be. ;-)))
HFF and HANWE, Nick
5 years ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Amelia club
You got it dear LGM there is life in your old peepers yet ~ I have the same problem ~ but of course I was able to blow the shot right up ~ Thanks for your good wishes which I reciprocate x
5 years ago.
 Rosalyn Hilborne
Rosalyn Hilborne
A beautiful picture Nick. I have been to Brighton just once on the windiest day ever! :)
HFF and wish you a good weekend ~ Rosa.
5 years ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Rosalyn Hilborne
Hi Rosa, I'm sorry that your one and only trip to Brighton was so windy ~ as it can be fun on a calm sunny day. Thanks for your good wishes & Hanwe
5 years ago.
Rosalyn Hilborne has replied to Nick Weall club
I never let the weather bother me too much Nick...we had a fun time and a great lunch there :-))
5 years ago.
Hello Nick a lovely looking church indeed and i do assume the fence is in place for repairs to be carried out sadly something many churches are in need of and miss out

Wishing you an HFF and hope you have a good weekend Nick

Best wishes .... Steve
5 years ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Ste
Hi Steve yes it is a lovely church inside and out. I suspect that your are quite correct with your assumption too.

I wish you & Hazel a great weekend ~ All the best ~ Nick
5 years ago.
Peter_Private_Box club
Hi Nick

I really like this sunny picture.

My only knowledge of Brighton is when I've cycled there from London (for charity), and gone there on the motorbike on bank holidays.. but somehow this looks familiar!

Best Wishes, HFF, and a good weekend
5 years ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Peter_Private_Box club
It should look familiar Peter as it is on the London Rd out of Brighton just after the ;level ~ Hanwe
5 years ago.
gezginruh club
Hi dear Nick,

A very belated HFF, sorry I missed it!
Have a happy new week!

Best wishes
5 years ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to gezginruh club
Hi dear GGR ~ Do not worry ~ there is no time pressure as far as I'm concerned. Your visit is appreciated when ever it occurs . So many thanks for your good wishes and may your week be equally as good ~ Warm wishes ~ Nick
5 years ago.
 Tanja - Loughcrew
Tanja - Loughcrew club
Oh I can see it without my it´s ok :)
This church ist wonderful....the method of construction shows,
that people build them to get into heaven or to god! :)
HFF Nick!
5 years ago.
Nick Weall club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew club
Yes they went to extraordinary lengths to get nearer to God
5 years ago.

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