"Just checking, dear; thought I heard something in the bushes"

50 + favourites

"Just checking, dear; thought I heard something in…

19 Jun 2016 57 93 421
HFF, Everyone! Madrid. Parque de El Capricho. Palacio de Los Duques de Osuna.

Almond blossom in the garden. HFF, everyone!

27 Feb 2021 52 74 428
A sunny day before the Calima struck again (another dust / sand cloud from the Sahara), rendering photo opps a zero these past few days and expected to last a few more days. I gather France has got it too.

La Sierra de La Cabrera

09 Oct 2011 52 57 375
Granite playground. On Z please for the rocky detail.

The last day of the snow 6 weeks ago!

07 Jan 2021 68 108 414
HFF, Everyone! The next day the snow had all gone. The view from my sister's home (now mine too for the time being!), looking over the hen coop and the roofs of Valderrey, our community. Early evening shot. Best on Z.

Almond blossom in evening light

19 Feb 2021 55 65 303
On my evening walk. The right time of year for this tree at its best. On large, please!

Granite 'sculpture'

09 Jan 2013 54 44 337
Typical granite, La Sierra de La Cabrera. I'm not sure if it's a Henry Moore or a Barbare Hepworth.

Basset Cove at low tide.

19 Jul 2012 50 32 333
Cornwall. Rocky shoreline.

HFF Everyone! Algete street scene no. 15

08 Dec 2020 54 67 386
A street in Algete just before the big freeze this winter.

...Hmmmm... now let me see ... Yes, I'm sure the p…

08 Aug 2014 63 84 800
Photo taken in August 2014. I previously walked this stretch of coast path in the summer of 2010 and the path did indeed go straight across from this point! A massive land slip had occurred in those few years. Porthtowan and St Agnes Beacon can be seen. First posted on ipernity in 2018. Better on large.

Iberian* Lavender - best viewed large. Spring revi…

09 Jun 2013 51 52 916
Sierra de La Cabrera, Madrid province. * I used to call this 'Spanish' lavender but at the insistence of Isabel I am now (correctly I'm sure!) calling it 'Iberian' lavender, as it is also found in Portugal! This variety is known as Cantueso and used to be thought of as the same as Provencal wild lavender but DNA profiling shows it is not the same. The top two 'petals' are in fact modified leaves. Shot taken in 2013 and first shown on ipernity in 2017.

Wild lupin, La Sierra de La Cabrera

25 May 2013 58 62 1333
Spring revisited no 7. H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

Orchid (Anacamptis picta). Spring revisited no 6.…

02 Jun 2013 92 110 2053
These are profuse here between April and June, as are others including a Snake's Tongue variety. Well, early June is still spring in the Sierra. Anacamptis picta, is the name of this variety. I have Ronald Losure to thank for this information. He has included more information and photos in a useful link alongside his comment below. Shot taken 2013 and first posted on ipernity 2016.

Spring revisited no 5. Poppy field, Algete

22 May 2015 62 86 1200
Algete, Madrid province, poppy field. May 2015. Upload feature now up and running again so this may be the last of my 'spring revisited' series for the time-being. (Or maybe not! Time will tell!).

Spring revisited no 4. Catkins, Valdemorillo, Mad…

11 Mar 2013 61 91 1230
aNNa Schramm solved the puzzle as to what tree these catkins come from. They are the male catkins of the Populus Tremula (Lt), European Aspen (Eng), Zitterpappel (Gm), Peuplier tremble (Fr) or Alamo (Sp). Thank you aNNa! Taken March 2013, first posted on ipernity 2016. Valdemorillo, Madrid Province.

H. A. N. W. E. everyone! Spring re-visited no 1. L…

28 May 2011 53 58 1103
Please enlarge to see the granite detail. It's not perfect but this is definitely a favourite of mine. Photo from 2011.

HFF everyone!!

14 Aug 2011 58 70 791
View from Carn Marth to Carrick Roads (Falmouth Docks just about visible), Cornwall. Yes, there is a fence in there! Photo from 2011, first posted on ipernity 2016. Montbretia and heather in the foreground.

A really hot day in the Sierra de La Cabrera

15 Jun 2012 50 57 559
A scorching day - the one where I forgot my sun cream and had ears like pork scratchings (the Spanish would better understand 'toreznos') at the end of it! It also persuaded me that a hat was essential! Taken in 2012 and first posted in ipernity in 2018. Perhaps better on full screen.

Sierra de La Cabrera

19 Aug 2015 52 56 665
From the ridge looking down onto the town of La Cabrera. Granite scenery. I waited ages to get some vultures in view but not that day, alas! I had to move on as eventually I had to catch my bus back to Madrid! Taken august 2015, first posted on ipernity 2017.

369 items in total