Ur@nos' favorite articles
Newly Elected Board - April 7th, 2024
Executive Board (elected by the Ipernity General Assembly on March 25, 2023 and April 7, 2024) William Sutherland , United States, President Corinne Pommerell , Luxemburg, Treasurer Rob Stamp , United Kingdom, Webmaster Laura Fletcher , United States, Moderator Executive Assistants ( appointed by the Executive Board in accordance with ARTICLE VII,10 of the IMA Statutes ) Helena-Paule Fitoussi , France (hotline, spam removal) Stefan Roßkopf , Germany (IT) S…
3 November 2023 - Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Bulletin from our club president. On 7 October 2023 we were presented with a claim for monetary damages from a well-established and reputable German-headquartered company that specializes in obtaining compensation from intellectual property theft (e.g. copyright infringements) because of the actions of an ipernity member. He is now a past member because his account was promptly deleted along with the image that had been uploaded without the photog…
2023-03-03 Club News
1) It's spring now! Seasonally fitting, we now welcome all visitors to our website with the spring pictures you provided. Thank you for your support! You can watch all the current spring pictures as a slideshow on YouTube . 2) Positive news - We are keeping the membership contributions stable. Last year, the expenses for the servers we rent from Amazon Web Service (AWS) increased. (We will provide you with exact figures at the IGA.) Nevertheless, the ima team has agreed not to incr…
2021-04-23 Club News
For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Today, a long-planned hardware upgrade of the upload server was to be carried out by our IT service provider Innovations ON. Regrettably, this upgrade turned out to be more difficult than expe…
Ich poste zu viele Fotos - I'm posting too much
Heute wurde mir von einem IMA board member folgendes gesagt: "Wenn wir Pensionisten mit viel Zeit durch unsere Volumendominanz jene an die Wand drücken, die noch berufstätig sind, schaden wir ipernity mehr, als dass wir der Gemeinschaft nützen." Nun, ich bin seit vielen Jahren dabei, ich denke seit 2008. Da sammelt sich einiges an an Bildern und ich gebe zu, dass es inzwischen einige Gruppen gibt, wo ich die meisten Beiträge gepostet habe. Sollte ich damit unserer Gemeinschaft Ipernity geschad…
After the little storm - Nach dem kleinen Lüftchen
Little storm? Compared to all the really important issues it was nothing but a short gentle breeze, I know ;-) And some of you were right, I should calm down. Yes, I did, I do. Maybe, I overreacted. And, Kiezkickerde, you are right, I should distinguish between the private person Bergfex and the board of IMA, for which he surely does and excellent job. We are thankful for it. To make it clear, of course I respect the rules of any group and I always understood, what Bergfex said, that a "hall…
IGA2020 - Report of the CEO
IGA2020 - Report of the CEO IGA2020 - Rapport du CEO IGA2020 - Bericht des CEO
Unendliche Brennweiten
Liebe Fotofreunde, wir schreiben das Jahr 2019. Der Fotokosmos - unendliche Brennweiten. Das Universum der Fotocommunities wurde von heftigen Implosionen erschüttert. Ein unsägliches Schwarzes Loch hat die Flagschiffe Panoramio, Picasa und Ipernity geschluckt (diese Diskontinuität brachte mein stabiles Raum-Zeit-Kontinuum in eine depressive Lage und ich krabble erst jetzt wieder langsam aus dem Holodeck). Ipernity? Nein! Nachdem das Raumschiff am Rande des schwarzen Loches ins Trudeln gerie…
2019-07-05 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! To address questions being raised about Irene Steeves and her groups, I regret to say, we received several complaints about content Irene displayed in her photostream. IMA conducted a thorough investigation, from which the results required account suspension/deletion based on the Terms of Service and Guide of Good Conduct. This action was also taken to protect the best interests of all parties involved and stakeholders. As stewards entrusted to…
Nachdem "die da oben" im Herbst 2018 wieder gemerkt haben, dass das mit der Zeitumstellung 1980 Unsinn war, haben sie beschlossen, diesen Unsinn rückgängig zu machen (weil über 80 Prozent der Europäer dafür sind). Das soll bereits im Jahre 2021 geschehen - dann haben sie nämlich das Jubiläum für 40 Jahre Unsinn überschritten. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu dieser schnellen Umsetzung. Es wäre allerdings schön, wenn "die da oben" auch noch beschließen würden, dass der Freitag auf den Donnerstag v…
2019-01-01 Frohes Neues Jahr!
[English] www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4715932 [Français] www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4715938 Bericht der Berater Frohes neues Jahr! Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde von ipernity! Im Dezember vor zwei Jahren erreichte uns die Hiobsbotschaft, dass die "Ewigkeit" von ipernity nach nur 10 Betriebsjahren zu Ende sein solle. Heute gibt es ipernity immer noch - dank eures Engagements und eurer Treue, sowie des großen Einsatzes einiger Ehrenamtlicher, die als ima-Team für iper…
2018-04-13 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) In the meantime, the beta version of the new homepage has also been optimized for mobile devices. Desktop version malfunctions have been fixed, language presets linked to the main software. The homepage now runs stable in all browsers. By clicking on the copyright symbol in the image you can directly access the account of the respective photographer. 2) The Easter collection of the homepage pictures was replaced by spring pictures from the c…
2018-03-30 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! Today we may present the new ipernity homepage for testing. We thank all those who have contributed to its realisation. Above all, we would like to thank the photographers who contributed the pictorial material. The entire collection can be seen here: www.ipernity.com/doc/team/album/1049798 During activation, there may be brief interruptions or slowdowns in operation tonight. We ask for your understanding and wish you a happy Easter! Your…
2017-12-31 Happy New Year 2018
[EN] Against all odds A year–end message from the ima–Team It was in December 2016 when the founder and CEO of Ipernity S.A., Christophe Ruelle, announced the closing of the platform ipernity.com by January 2017. (1) It’s now the end of 2017 and ipernity is still online. What happened? Of course, members were scared, disappointed and started looking for alternatives to Ipernity. But true alternatives were (and are) hard to find. Quite a bunch of users moved over to flickr – bu…
2017-12-22 Executive & Advisory Board
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) We are glad to announce that we managed to implement the new Terms of Use before end of 2017. For details see here: www.ipernity.com/about/tos 2) Further we assigned responsibilities within the ima team to fulfill the tasks more efficiently. These are: Acting Executive Board: CEO (Chief Executive Officer) and President: Eric Desjours, France COO (Chief Operating Officer) William Sutherland, USA CFO (Chief Financial Officer) Eric De…
Reality check
We are "social media nomads", not like those who are travelling around the world and keeping their personal blog or vlog about it, but folks who try to survive in the jungle of social media services. We try to find best and cheapest place to share our creativity and hunger for inspiration. And what makes us as nomads is the fact that nothing seems to continue forever, especially not the social media services. Who remembers such communities as Multiply and My Opera? Who will soon remember Pan…
2017-11-24 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) As you know, our community received ipernity "as it is". With regard to the database it unfortunately consists a lot of spam and abandoned accounts. Nevertheless we have made good progress in removing a lot of them. This removals have no impact on the excellent content of ipernity that you have contributed. 2) While we're at it we are analysing the whole database. This work is not yet finished, but the first evaluation is strengthening our c…
2017-11-10 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Based on a member initiative the articles in the English and German Wikipedia have been updated to reflect the new status of ipernity. A Dutch version is currently being prepared. In order to update the articles in other languages such as French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish but also Esperanto and others we kindly ask for your help and to raise your hand. We would also be grateful, if we could find a volunteer, who will coordinate all Wiki…
2017-10-27 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Meanwhile IMA has gained access to the ticket log for “Help & Contact” and going forward will address issues. Please understand that we cannot go backwards to past requests, but will do our best to help going forward now. Where there will not be instant answers please be patient. We will be doing our best to answer in a timely manner. 2) Weeks ago people have asked an option to allow free guest accounts for family and friends. We recently di…
2017-09-29 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Last week we encountered irregularities related to gift subscriptions and upgrades of ipernity users who never had been club members before. Both problems were resolved quickly. We are grateful for the help received from members and for the cooperation of Christophe Ruelle. 2) Our call for assistance yielded a pleasing resonance outcome, thanks for that as well. Depending on the urgency of the matter we will contact you individually. 3…
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