Dear members and friends of ipernity!
Our COVID-19 deferral offer from last Friday has triggered an even more ambitious member initiative. Donations were offered to help those who have financial difficulties paying for due subscription renewals as a result of the Corona crisis. We welcome this initiative and make the following arrangement:
▶️ Aid can be granted for subscription renewals that are becoming due, up to no more than 30 days in advance.
▶️ The prerequisite is a financial emergency as a result of the Corona crisis.
▶️ Applications can be submitted by ticket via 'Help & Contact'.
▶️ Examination and allocation are carried out by an independent committee. The amount and duration of the aid depends on the individual case and the amount of donations received.
▶️ The initiative is initially limited until September 1, 2020.
In these difficult times, ipernity provides many people with orientation or distraction from everyday worries. If you are one of the lucky ones who are in a secure job or have a good retirement plan, help those who are having a hard economic time staying in our community.
⭐ Here you can donate directly.
We thank you for your solidarity and wish you a Happy Easter and Passover.
Your ima team
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Chers memberes et amis d'ipernity !
Notre offre de report COVID-19 de vendredi dernier a déclenché une initiative des membres encore plus ambitieuse. Des dons ont été offerts pour aider ceux qui ont des difficultés financières à payer les renouvellements d'abonnements dus en raison de la crise du Corona. Nous nous félicitons de cette initiative et prenons les dispositions suivantes :
▶️ Une aide peut être accordée pour les renouvellements d'abonnements qui arrivent à échéance, jusqu'à 30 jours à l'avance au maximum.
▶️ La condition préalable est une urgence financière résultant de la crise du Corona.
▶️ Les demandes peuvent être soumises par ticket via "Aide & Contact".
▶️ L'examen et l'attribution sont effectués par un comité indépendant. Le montant et la durée de l'aide dépendent du cas individuel et du montant des dons reçus.
▶️ L'initiative est initialement limitée au 1er septembre 2020.
En ces temps difficiles, Ipernity permet à de nombreuses personnes de trouver une orientation ou de se distraire des soucis quotidiens. Si vous faites partie des chanceux qui ont un emploi sûr ou qui ont un bon plan de retraite, aidez ceux qui ont des difficultés économiques à rester dans notre communauté.
⭐ Ici, vous pouvez faire un don directement
Nous vous remercions de votre solidarité et vous souhaitons de bonnes fêtes de Pâques et de Pessa'h.
Votre équipe ima
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Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde von ipernity!
Unser COVID-19 Stundungs-Angebot vom vergangenen Freitag hat eine noch weiter gehende Mitglieder-Initiative ausgelöst. Und zwar wurden Spenden angeboten, um Jenen zu helfen, die als Folge der Corona-Krise finanzielle Schwierigkeiten haben, fällige Abonnement-Verlängerungen zu bezahlen. Wir begrüßen diese Initiative und treffen folgende Regelung:
▶️ Beihilfen können für Abonnement-Verlängerungen gewährt werden, die aktuell fällig sind (Tagesdatum + maximal 30 Tage).
▶️ Voraussetzung ist eine finanzielle Notlage als Folge der Corona-Krise.
▶️ Anträge können per Ticket über "Hilfe & Kontakt" eingereicht werden.
▶️ Prüfung und Zuteilung erfolgen durch ein unabhängiges Komitee. Höhe und Dauer der Beihilfe hängen vom Einzelfall ab, sowie vom Umfang des Spendeneingangs.
▶️ Die Initiative ist zunächst bis zum 1. September 2020 befristet.
Vielen gibt ipernity in dieser schwierigen Zeit Halt oder Ablenkung von den Alltagssorgen. Wenn ihr zu den Glücklichen gehört, die in einem sicheren Arbeitsverhälnis sind oder eine gute Altersversorgung haben, helft Jenen, die es wirtschaftlich gerade schwer haben, in unserer Gemeinschaft bleiben zu können.
⭐ Hier könnt ihr direkt spenden.
Wir danken für eure Solidarität und wünschen euch Frohe Ostern und Pessach.
Euer ima-Team
2020-04-24 Newsflash / COVID-19
Dear members and friends of ipernity!
Our COVID-19 Help Offer has triggered a grea…
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2020-04-03 Newsflash / COVID-19 Relief
Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) Last Sunday the Ipernity General Meeting IGA202…
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⚠️ COVID-19 Help Offer / Offre d'aide / Unterstützungsangebot
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Committee / Comité / Komitee:
Thomas R.
Aid may be considered in the following cases:
◆ For self-employed persons who are obliged to use all their private assets before receiving state financial aid for their business.
◆ For employees who have been dismissed as a result of the Corona crisis or whose income has been significantly reduced by short-time working.
◆ For other rare or exceptional hardship cases at the discretion of the comittee.
The members of the committee are entitled to demand adequate proof of the existence of one of the aforementioned conditions.
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[FR] Prérequis:
Une aide peut être envisagée dans les cas suivants :
◆ Pour les travailleurs indépendants qui sont obligés d'utiliser tous leurs biens personnels avant de recevoir une aide financière de l'État pour leur entreprise.
◆ Pour les salariés qui ont été licenciés à la suite de la crise du Corona ou dont les revenus ont été considérablement réduits par le chômage partiel.
◆ Dans d'autres cas rares ou exceptionnels de difficultés, à la discrétion du comité.
Les membres du comité sont en droit d'exiger une preuve adéquate de l'existence de l'une des conditions susmentionnées.
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[DE] Voraussetzungen:
Eine Unterstützung kommt in folgenden Fällen in Betracht:
◆ Für Selbständige, die vor Gewährung staatlicher finanzieller Hilfen für ihren Betrieb verpflichtet sind, zunächst ihr gesamtes privates Vermögen einzusetzen.
◆ Für Angestellte, denen als Folge der Coronakrise gekündigt wurde, oder deren Einkommen sich durch Kurzarbeit erheblich verringert hat.
◆ Bei anderen seltenen oder außergewöhnlichen Härtefällen nach Ermessen des Komitees.
Die Mitglieder des Komitees sind berechtigt, einen geeigneten Nachweis über das Vorliegen einer der genannten Voraussetzungen zu verlangen.
raingirl club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubraingirl club has replied to Keith Burton clubraingirl club has replied to HelenaPF clubraingirl club has replied to LutzP clubraingirl club has replied to HappySnapperThanks for donating!
Of course it is also possible to donate by bank transfer via Crédit Agricole. It's just a bit more complicated for both sides.The account details are available here: ima bank account details
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Team clubraingirl club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubBergfex club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew clubraingirl club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew clubraingirl club has replied to Xata clubraingirl club has replied to tiabunna clubStoneRoad2013 club has replied to Marja SavonijeStoneRoad2013 club has replied to Aschi "Freestone" clubThomas R. club has replied to Rrrolf clubThomas R. club has replied to Fred Fouarge clubraingirl club has replied to Fred Fouarge clubThat is so kind of you, thank you so much!!
Fred Fouarge club has addedraingirl club has replied to Dominique 60 clubThomas R. club has replied to Ruesterstaude clubBergfex club has replied to DOMCHO clubraingirl club has replied to Diane Putnam clubThomas R. club has replied to raingirl clubraingirl club has replied to Thomas R. clubMoreover, for many contents, encryption is completely pointless. Because it doesn't matter if a hacker taps the team blog, public pictures, comments or other public content. Therefore, there is no really acute need for action in this matter. The complete encryption is rather a kind of image cultivation. We don't have to do it for security reasons, but only because it is part of good manners today.
Thomas R. club has replied to cammino clubLeon_Vienna club has replied to HappySnapperTeam club has replied to Steve Bucknell clubSteve Bucknell club has replied to Team clubIn considering each application the committee will take into account each applicant’s previous involvement with Ipernity. Members who wish to remain as members will be our first priority. We will also try to assist applicants who wish to expand their use of Ipernity from guest to full member. In difficult-to-decide applications the committee might ask for more evidence of an applicant’s current circumstances.
Team club has replied to Steve Bucknell clubBut we know that the committee has already thought about the principles of the allocation. Possibly they will be further inspired by your advice.
raingirl club has replied to Steve Bucknell clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to raingirl clubraingirl club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to raingirl clubHave a look at the original ima -offer:
... we have decided to offer deferral of due membership contributions to those affected...
and to the text above:
... Donations were offered to help those who have financial difficulties paying for due subscription renewals as a result of the Corona crisis...
raingirl club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubHappySnapper has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubBergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubUlrich G club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubraingirl club has replied to Steve Bucknell clubThe committee appreciates all suggestions. We have considered the two ideas put forth by Steve Bucknell and have come to the following conclusions:
1) While we accept that the original wording could be seen as a bit harsh, that was not the intent. It was written by a member having a professional legal background so the wording unfortunately became a bit to "legalese" without intent. We welcome all requests for help and each will be considered on a case by case basis. Further statements will attempt to be more welcoming while staying within legal requirements.
2) As donations were given with the explicit purpose of helping those who have financial difficulties as a result of the Corona crisis, all donations to the Covid-19 Help Offer will only be used for that purpose.
Ideas for other types of support, while welcomed, need to be pursued in their own right. Anyone interested in leading such efforts should contact the IMA team through the Help & Contact link where there is an "I have a suggestion" option: www.ipernity.com/help
---------------------------------- below added 4/20/2020
Please accept my apologies for any confusion regarding the use of funds donated!!
All donations will be used FOR SUBSCRIPTION RENEWALS ONLY and
only if the need is in connection to financial difficulties related to the Covid-19 crisis.
ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to raingirl clubMan kann ipernity auch als Gast nutzen. Das ist gut. Aber Spendengelder dafür zu verwenden, aus Gastmitgliedern vollwertige Accounts zu machen geht am ursprünglichen Spendenziel deutlich vorbei.
Das ursprüngliche Ziel war es, die Konten von bereits zahlenden Mitgliedern zu erhalten und zu vermeiden, dass deren Konten geschlossen bzw. gelöscht werden, weil sie nun nicht mehr zahlen können.
Nicht das Ziel war es, neue "zahlende" Mitglieder zu gewinnen. Das ist ein ziemlich deutlicher Unterschied.
Wenn ihr Spenden sammeln wollt, um neue Mitglieder zu gewinnen, dann macht das - aber verbindet es nicht damit, bestehende, bisher immer zahlende Mitglieder vor einer Löschung zu bewahren.
kolibri* club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubBergfex club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubDarin ist nur von 'subscription renewals' die Rede. Auf deutsch:
▶️ Beihilfen können für Abonnement-Verlängerungen gewährt werden, die aktuell fällig sind (Tagesdatum + maximal 30 Tage).
raingirl club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club****************************************************************************************************
All donations will be used FOR SUBSCRIPTION RENEWALS ONLY and
only if the need is in connection to financial difficulties related to the Covid-19 crisis.
raingirl club has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubWe are sorry for any unintended confusion this has caused. As the IMA team has commented below, "The committee may only act within the bounds of the newsflash".
raingirl club has replied to kolibri* clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to Keith Burton clubkeep it up!!!
raingirl club has replied to Aschi "Freestone" clubAfter reviewing suggestions from an ipernity member, the committee has clarified wording of the original offer, and how donations are used.
See the reply to the orignal suggestions here:
⭐ Up to this point we received 44 donations with a total volume of 1600 EUR. ⭐
After deducting money transaction fees of 53 EUR, a net amount of 1547 EUR is available for reliefs.
For reasons of data protection, names and individual amounts are not disclosed publicly. However, the committee has access to all account transactions for auditing purposes.
As I said before, my corona gift is only intended for Club members who have financial problems when renewing their subscriptions due to the corona crisis. And not for .... helping those who have financial difficulties as a result of the Corona crisis....
If you cannot guarantee that my donation will be used only for this purpose, I kindly ask you to reimburse my money.
Team club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club▶️ Aid can be granted for subscription renewals that are becoming due, up to no more than 30 days in advance.
Bernhard (ima team)
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Team clubraingirl club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club****************************************************************************************************
All donations will be used FOR SUBSCRIPTION RENEWALS ONLY and
only if the need is in connection to financial difficulties related to the Covid-19 crisis.
Gerade jetzt ermöglicht Ipernity den Blick nach draußen, wo es heißt: stay at home!
Bleibt gesund!
Ich bin dabei!
raingirl club has replied to kolibri* clubThomas R. club has replied to kolibri* clubBernhard (ima team)
The wording in question is to be read as "those who have financial difficulties to renew their subscription as a result of the Corona crisis". Nothing else is intended or will be done.
raingirl club has replied to Malik Raoulda clubraingirl club has replied to Steve Bucknell clubThere were 52 donations in total. The gross amount received was 1806,33 EUR. After deducting the money transaction fees 1748,56 EUR was remaining.
A few members have benefited, however this donation pot has been used very little so far, and so we have plenty of funds remaining.
As the Covid 19 pandemic is not yet over, but we are facing a challenging winter half-year worldwide, we are currently considering extending the offer. This will be reported in the Newsflash.
The funds in the donation pot are safely deposited in a bank account and will not be used for any other purposes.
Steve Bucknell club has replied to raingirl clubSign-in to write a comment.