Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) Last week we encountered irregularities related to gift subscriptions and upgrades of ipernity users who never had been club members before. Both problems were resolved quickly. We are grateful for the help received from members and for the cooperation of Christophe Ruelle.
2) Our call for assistance yielded a pleasing resonance outcome, thanks for that as well. Depending on the urgency of the matter we will contact you individually.
3) In the joy over the successful transfer of ipernity we received a number of improvement proposals. As far as we can handle these we will have an eye on it, however, if they entail a modification of the source code of the site, we have to postpone this due to the lack financial and manpower resources.
4) We are very pleased to recognize, that uploads are increasing in terms of number and quality. It is a pleasure to have a look into the accounts, the groups and explore and admire your creativity.
5) In order to concentrate on our actual tasks and not overwhelm you with news, we will change to a bi-weekly issue of the newsflash, unless there is something very important to report, which cannot wait.
6) Last but not least: Please report spam using the “Report as inappropriate” link on the right hand side of any page.
Have a nice start into the season of the golden leafs!
On behalf of IMA
Eric and William
Chers membres et amis d'ipernity!
1) La semaine dernière, nous avions encore des soucis sur les abonnements cadeaux et lors de la première inscription au Club. Ces deux problèmes ont été résolus rapidement. Nous tenons à remercier l'aide reçue des membres et la coopération fructueuse de Christophe Ruelle.
2) Notre appel à collaboration pour la traduction des "Conditions d'utilisation du site" et autres rubriques ou articles a trouvé un écho très favorable et nous tenons à vous en remercier. Nous contacterons individuellement ceux qui se sont proposés lorsque cette question, et d'autres, arriveront sur le dessus de la pile.
3) Dans l'enthousiasme du succès du projet de reprise d'ipernity, nous avons reçu un grand nombre de propositions d'amélioration. Merci également pour cela. Nous les examinons toutes. Dans la mesure où nous avons les moyens de les mettre en œuvre, nous en étudions l'implémentation. Celles qui impliquent une modification du code source du site, par contre, sont différées en raison du manque présent de ressources financières et de ressources humaines ; mais elles seront remises à l'ordre du jour dès que ces aspects seront réglés.
4) Nous sommes heureux de constater que les téléchargements augmentent en termes de volume et de qualité. C'est un plaisir d'explorer les galeries utilisateurs, les groupes et d'admirer votre créativité!
5) Afin de nous concentrer sur nos tâches de fond et éviter de vous submerger avec trop de "news", nous allons passer à une émission bi-hebdomadaire du présent flash d'information (newsflash), sauf cas exceptionnel d'information importante et urgente à vous communiquer.
6) Nous vous rappelons de nous signaler, s'il vous plaît, les SPAM que vous rencontrez sur le site en utilisant le lien "Signaler comme inapproprié" en bas à droite de chaque page du site. Merci.
Nous vous souhaitons à tous une joyeuse entrée dans la saison des feuilles dorées!
Au nom d'IMA
Eric and William
Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde von Ipernity!
1) In der vergangenen Woche gab es noch Unregelmäßigkeiten bei den Geschenk-Abonnements und beim Upgrade-Versuch von Mitgliedern, die noch nie eine club-Mitgliedschaft hatten. Beide Störungen konnten schnell behoben werden. Wir danken allen, die daran mitgewirkt haben, für ihre Hilfe und Christophe Ruelle für seine Kooperation.
2) Unser Aufruf zur Mithilfe hat eine erfreuliche Resonanz gehabt. Auch dafür danken wir. Abhängig von der Dringlichkeit der jeweiligen Angelegenheiten kommen wir darauf individuell zurück.
3) In der Aufbruchsstimmung, die sich nun einstellt, erreichen uns zahlreiche Verbesserungsvorschläge. Soweit wir sie selbst erledigen können, befassen wir uns gerne damit. Falls sie jedoch einen Eingriff in den Source-Code der Website bedingen, bitten wir um Verständnis, dass wir dafür zurzeit weder die personellen noch die finanziellen Ressourcen haben.
4) Mit großer Freude nehmen wir wahr, wie die Menge der Uploads und deren Qualität wieder zunimmt. Es ist ein Genuss, in die Accounts, die Gruppen, sowie „Explore“ zu schauen und eure Kreativität zu bewundern.
5) Um uns wieder mehr auf die eigentlichen Aufgaben konzentrieren zu können, und auch euch nicht mit Nachrichten zu überfluten, werden wir diesen Newsflash von nun an in einem vierzehntägigen Rhythmus herausgeben, außer es handelt sich um sehr wichtige Mitteilungen, die weiterhin zeitnah veröffentlich werden.
6) Last but not least: Um Spam zu melden, verwendet bitte nur den Link “Als unangebracht melden“, der sich rechts unten auf jeder Seite befindet.
Wir wünschen euch einen schönen Start in den fotografischen Herbst!
Im Auftrag von IMA
Eric und William
2017-10-11 Translator Issue
To all,
Some features such as the translator are currently not available since the IP SA judici…
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2017-09-22 Newsflash
Dear ipernity friends and IMA members,
1) We are pleased to inform you today, that all…
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Leon_Vienna club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubLeon_Vienna club has replied to Guydel clubdeclic67 club has replied to Guydel clubYou may give yourself a rest and be back to normal (at least for a while) - you deserve it!
Team club has replied to Leon_Vienna clubBernhard (ima)
Leon_Vienna club has replied to Team clubKlasse übrigens auch, dass Wikipedia (und vermutl. auch Faceb. und Twitter) upgedated wurde.
Schönes WE, bleibt im Westen das Wetter auch gut?
Bergfex club has replied to Leon_Vienna club(Am Icon wird Dir der Unterschied auffallen: jetzt bin ich kurz noch mal privat unterwegs. Dann muss ich aber an den Herd. Meine Frau kommt in einer Stunde mit ihrer Freundin vom Shoppen zurück und freut sich auf's Mittagessen. Am Wochenende ist die Küche mein Job. dafür lässt sie mich unter der Woche am PC werkeln.)
Hier soll's am Nachmittag leider kalt und regnerisch werden. Ich mach dann weiter mit dem Feintuning der Wohnungseinrichtung. Da gibt es nämlich auch eine Deadline: Weihnachten wollen wir "fertig" eingerichtet sien.
Schönes Wochenende Dir!
Alles sehr informativ.
Danke, IMA !
Und auch mein Dank an CR, für seine uneigennützige Kooperation.
I have a very perplexing problem. Not being at all computer literate, I find that, if I go to my account page to extend my club membership, it still takes me to the old 'Extend your membership' page.
I realise that I have only a few weeks left with the new IMA site and need a simple and very obvious way to do this. Will the IMA be sending out individual messages to folks with an easy link?
Many thanks in advance from this old Luddite.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Amelia clubI don't remember what the prices should be in pounds right now, but I have there: 6 months for 22.95€, and 12 months for 41.95€.
Amelia club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Amelia clubAll, don't mind the old layout (red armchair) on subscription pages. As long as you see there options 6 months and 12 months, and you are able to proceed with payment, then it is okay. Subscription pages are using https, thus keeping the data secured.
Amelia club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubaNNa*
les visites reviennent, bravo!!!!!
William Sutherland club has replied to Peggy C clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to Peggy C club╰☆☆June☆☆╮ club has replied to Peggy C clubSmiley Derleth club has replied to Peggy C clubDavid Dahle has replied to William Sutherland clubthank you for all the hard work and grateful forever.
Team club has replied to neki desu(Pam IMA)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Melanie from N.Y.Melanie from N.Y. has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Melanie from N.Y.Glad to hear you got it solved.
I recall that it was written that it will take a while to do all the (15) translations. Should I wait or will my Club account be deactivated before I get the chance to renew in an informed way?
Pam J club has replied to John Oram clubAs I did explain to you before .... the Terms of Service were French Law before . All that is being changed is things like addresses and any redundant things being taken out.
They are being worked on right now... and should be on site soon. It up to you if you want to wait.. but nothing that affects anyone has changed. .
Pam (IMA)
John Oram club has replied to Pam J clubMy fear has been that I might have some financial liability if IMA were unfortunately to experience any financial difficulty in the future.
We all hope this never happens as so much hard work has gone into keeping something alive.
declic67 club has replied to John Oram clubront confirmer ou infirmer mes dires
Pam J club has replied to John Oram clubThere will not now be , nor was there before , any responsibility on Members.
The English , French and German TOU will be put up shortly anyway
Pam (IMA)
John Oram club has replied to Pam J clubIt is also great to hear that there will be regular news updates. This is something we never had before and something I always thought was needed. Thanks!
Krisonteme club has replied to declic67 clubdeclic67 club has replied to Krisonteme clubwww.ipernity.com/group/2260604/discuss/188378
I hope this will help those having problems paying or renewing club subscriptions using Skrill.
The following is a link to the countries Skrill support and Skrill do not support.. Hover mouse over shaded countries.
Pay pal supported countries
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Treasa Ui CionaodhaMy personal rule of thumb is this. Outside Europe do try PayPal first, and if you don't have PayPal account, see if you can pay without need to open an account at PayPal. This should be possible for example in USA.
In Europe Skrill should work, but again, you don't need to create Skrill account. See if there are tabs that even gives you an option to pay with debit.
Je ne sais pas à quoi imputer le phénomène des mails "X ne fait plus partie de votre groupe y" que je reçois de plus en plus souvent :(
Il correspond, la plupart du temps, à une suppression de compte .....
J'espère de tout cœur que ce n'est pas une réelle fuite des adhérents !
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Gyp'1) Some people indeed do not like the new prices, and are leaving ipernity. That is relatively easy to find out by going to accounts of those people and see if the account opens. If it does, then see if they are active, and/or are still in Ipernity Club (red 'club' attached to account name).
2) People have decided the same as I have, and limit the number of groups where they want and/or have time to participate: www.ipernity.com/blog/serola/4643224
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has addedIf that happen to you, then please read the ipernity group guidelines: www.ipernity.com/about/grouprules
Team club has replied to Gyp'The third reason is: a part of ipernity is alike to a graveyard with many abandoned old accounts, which weren't updated or visited since years. Half a year ago Christophe mailed to the account holders, if they wanted to keep their account alive or not. Some answered, others didn't, even not on a second demand. (We are not talking about a dozen or two, but about some hundred thousands!)
With regard to the huge server costs (ipernity is hosted at a professional cloud service - Amazon Web Services - to provide all of you with highest speed and reliability) a purge of no longer used disc space is going on in the background. As a result, the very old unused free accounts are disappearing gradually.
HappySnapper has replied to Team clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to Team clubAny idea what it means financially ??
Financially it means, that 1 club-member pays the expenses for ~100 free accounts. Most of them are abandoned since years. Ipernity S.A. never took care of it, because its strategy was focused on growth, same as facebook. (You may glean it in the forecasts, which had been published, when Ipernity went public.) It's a very voluminous work to tidy up this graveyard. It has to be done manually, cause of the former strategy an appropriate tool never was programmed. Since three weeks this boring work takes us several hours a day.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Team clubEn ce qui concerne les coûts énormes du serveur (ipernity est hébergé dans un service professionnel du cloud - Amazon Web Services - pour vous fournir la plus haute vitesse et la plus grande fiabilité ) une purge de l'espace disque non utilisé est en cours dans le b ... En conséquence, les très anciens comptes gratuits inutilisés disparaissent progressivement. "
Merci : cette réponse me rassure un peu et montre bien que le Team IMA a la volonté de "nettoyer" le site des "parasites" pour lui permettre de mieux fonctionner !
Merci à vous tous ;o))
Pam J club has replied to Anne Elliott clubAs well as us removing abandoned accounts... the removal of new and old Spam is ongoing.
Like Bernhard says... it becomes numbing.. but.... it IS producing a cleaner site. It will take time... months.. but each little victory is good !
Pam (IMA)
Ein wirksamer Schutz vor Robots und fleißigen Indern steht deshalb ganz oben auf der Liste der neu zu programmierenden Dinge.
LG Bernhard
We achieved 65% and aspire to suppress the cost below 50% until the end of the year. But it's not only a question of disc space, but also of traffic. To reduce that, an efficiant spam filter is necessary.
Bernhard (ima)
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Team clubIs there anybody perhaps, who has the time and the interest to synchronize the different Wikipedia editions about ipernity? English and German have been updated yet, but the other languages not. It would be very nice!
Bernhard (ima)
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Team cluband so time consuming and required such commitment. I have not been able
to be active for some time for personal reasons, but have renewed my account
and hope slowly to return and be fully active again.
One question, accounts that have not been renewed (club) what happens to these ?
do they have a period in which to renew and if they do not, then the account is
deactivated ? just a thought as there seems to be many that have not renewed.
Again my thanks for all the hard word already done and which is still ongoing.
6) Last but not least: Please report spam using the “Report as inappropriate” link on the right hand side of any page.
As far as I can see spammers that have no photos but who spam through Articles The Article section has no option to Report as Inappropriate
This link is an example of what I mean.
This person is using articles to spam and has 4 accounts spamming ???? medications.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Treasa Ui CionaodhaTreasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubPam J club has replied to Treasa Ui CionaodhaIts why I need the account ID and have it reported to that link
All Its now
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to Pam J clubIch habe nun über andere Soziale Netzwerke gelesen,
das sich mancher hier angemeldet hatte und den Account
aufbauen wollte, doch am gleichen Abend schon wieder
gelöscht war... muss man denn schon am Anmeldetag ein
Abo abschließen?!
Müssen sie nicht! Pam kontrolliert zwar jeden Tag, welche neuen Accounts entstehen, löscht aber nur, was ganz offensichtlich gegen die Richtlinien verstößt (Werbung, Porno, etc.) Private Accounts bleiben unangetastet. Eine Rückbestätigung gibt es allerdings nicht. Vielleicht rätst Du Deinen Bekannten / Freunden, gleich zu Anfang ein paar Bilder hochzuladen, die eindeutig erkennen lassen, dass sie keine Robots sind.
Bernhard (IMA)
Taormina has replied to Team clubnicht vertraut bin, kann ihn ihnen das auch nicht anraten.
Vielleicht sollte Ipernity das selber machen und Neumitgliedern
sagen, das sie gelöscht werden, wenn sie nicht sofort etwas
hochladen was sie als "was auch immer" verifiziert.
Oder man gibt ihnen ein paar Tage um sich umzuschauen...
und zu "entdecken".
Team club has replied to Taorminaich will auch Dir noch kurz antworten: Wir arbeiten dran. Da das aber nicht ohne - teilweise - Neugestaltung der betreffenden Webseiten geht, braucht es dafür etwas Zeit, vor allem aber auch Geld für den entsprechenden IT-support. Wir müssen solche Leistungen ja auf dem freien Markt einkaufen, weil wir als Gemeinschaft keinen fest angestellten Programmierer haben. Den könnten wir uns im Moment auch gar nicht leisten. Schau hier:
Bernhard (ima)
Taormina has replied to Team clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to TaorminaTaormina has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubeinfach nur Leute die Ipernity anderen Plattformen
vorziehen wollten.
However, there is a negative side to this clear out. I am Administrator of a small group here on Ipernity. Almost every day I get a message saying one of my members has left my group due to their account being deleted. All of their photographs also disappear. This is slowly diminishing the number of wonderful images in the group.
As nice as it is to see new images from everyone, it is also good to go back and marvel at the wonderful work people have done over the years. Unique images that can not be repeated are gone. Some kind of archive facility to maintain all this work would have been nice. But I suppose maintaining an online library is too expensive.
I am thankful Ipernity is rescued and continuing and thank you to all IMA staff for their hard work.
I'd like to answer in a qulified manner. But give me a better insight of the problem before, please. Which groups do you mean? I'd like to view inside first.
Bernhard (ima)
edit: meanwhile I've checked another 600 abandoned accounts (>3years without any upload or visit). Only one of the account holders was member of any group. All the others used ipernity more like a cloud but a sharing platform. Furthermore I've tried to simulate your problem: I've got into the group with the above mentioned abandoned account and deleted the account afterwards. As expected, all his entries disapperared, which is the purpose of this measure: to save AWS disc space. The former member became completely "invisible", no note about his departure. What means: Your notice obviously doesn't relate to the purge. (But of course I'll go deeper into that affair again, after you've sent me the link.)
Bernhard (ima)
Imogen has replied to Team clubPlease don't think I am questioning IMA's policies. I do not support people using Ipernity as cloud storage especially through free accounts.
I am only lamenting the loss of so many wonderful images from my group when accounts (inactive ones) are closed. It may mean my, and others', small groups may not be viable.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to ImogenDavid Dahle has replied to ImogenBergfex club has replied to David DahleImogen has replied to David DahleImogen has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubEarthwatcher club has replied to Imogen"But one of the small issues with Ipernity is there is no way for someone to know there is an invite from a group on individual photographs, unless that person looks at each and every one of their own photographs."
From your home page, if you choose from the menu strip at the top: 'News'-->'Your Space', you will see the latest actions (if any) by other members on your photos, including favourites and any invitations to add to groups.
Imogen has replied to Earthwatcher clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Imogenmeanwhile I've checked your group. It's really interesting and contains a lot of preciosities. As long as your members are active, there is no problem. We only touch those free accounts, which are completely inactive since more than two years. Therefore one solution might be for you as administrator to contact those members, who didn't upload anything for a long time, to spring into activity again. But I must admit, it's only a interim solution. Next year we also have to check the other free accounts.
We also discussed internally the possibility to swap out old content to a cheaper, but slower kind of storage at AWS, called iceberg. The problem is, that we can't distinguish worthwile content from uninteresting. Furthermore the moderation tool of ipernity doesn't offer such a possiblity. It has to be done manually. Who shall decide all the individual cases, and who shall do the work?
I suspect, we all have to live with the accompaniment, that a successful turnaround of ipernity does require some victims in special cases.
Bernhard (ima)
Imogen has replied to Team clubSign-in to write a comment.