[EN] Hello to you all,
Since the announcement of ipernity upcoming shutdown, many of you have expressed their support and their willingness to help.
An initiative stands out among the proposals we have received, the taking over of ipernity by a non-profit organization open to all users, the "Ipernity Members Association".
This association (whose creation is planned) invites us today to inform you about a survey the aim of which is to know how many people want to support this initiative and want to have a voice in deciding the future of ipernity.
Here is the survey in question (Google Tool), thank you to respond by February 1:
Here is the website that will tell you more about the ambition of this association:
ipernityma.wixsite.com/ipernityma (English)
ipernityma.wixsite.com/ipernityma/francais (in French)
ipernityma.wixsite.com/ipernityma/deutsch (in German)
This initiative is currently supported by the following:
Eric Desjours (Eric Desjours), Sara Shrives (Stoneroad2013), Don Sutherland (Don Sutherland), William Sutherland (William Sutherland)
The project of Ipernity’s resumption supported by this association seems to be today the most realistic proposal we have received, and we will, of course, provide all our support.
Thank you in advance for your participation in the survey :)
See you soon,
The ipernity Team
[FR] Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
Depuis l’annonce de la prochaine fermeture d’ipernity, nombreux d’entre-vous ont manifesté leur soutien et leur volonté d’aider.
Une initiative se distingue parmi les propositions que nous avons reçues : celle de la reprise d’ipernity par une association à but non lucratif et ouverte à l’ensemble des utilisateurs, la “Ipernity Members Association”.
Cette association (dont la création est en projet) nous sollicite aujourd’hui pour diffuser un sondage destiné à savoir combien de personnes souhaitent soutenir cette initiative et veulent faire entendre leur voix pour décider de l’avenir d’ipernity.
Voici le sondage en question (Outil Google), merci d’y répondre avant le 1er février :
Voici aussi le site internet qui vous en dira plus sur l’ambition de cette association :
ipernityma.wixsite.com/ipernityma (En anglais)
ipernityma.wixsite.com/ipernityma/francais (En français)
ipernityma.wixsite.com/ipernityma/deutsch (En allemand)
Cette initiative est actuellement portée par les personnes suivantes :
Eric Desjours (Eric Desjours), Sara Shrives (Stoneroad2013), Don Sutherland (Don Sutherland), William Sutherland (William Sutherland)
Le projet de reprise d’ipernity porté par cette association nous semble être à aujourd’hui la proposition la plus réaliste que nous ayons reçue, et, nous comptons bien entendu y apporter tout notre soutien.
Merci d’avance pour votre participation au sondage :)
A bientôt,
L’équipe ipernity
The first results for the survey [EN] [FR]
Les premiers résultats du sondage.
07 Feb 2017
ISSUE : SOLVED - archiveteam [EN] [FR]
[EN] Hello to you all,
We address this message to people who are participating in an aspiration…
16 Jan 2017
See all articles...
An association proposes to save ipernity ... [EN] [FR]
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I will do anything within reason to save Ipernity. For me it is one of the best photosharing sites
I dont know if the proposed will be enough to save IP but in my opinion it's worth a try.
ROL/Photo club has replied to Treasa Ui Cionaodhale problème sera la même
il écrive ça >>>Please be informed that 50,000 Euros is sufficient to keep the platform alive through the end of 2017
I have joined the Association in the hope we can save this place.
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to William Sutherland club.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to William Sutherland clubHorizon 36 club has replied to William Sutherland clubBecause, there is simply nothing that compares with Ipernity.
Le Président d'une association est le seul juridiquement responsable
de celle-ci...en cas d'échec que va t'il faire...?, car échec il peut y avoir pour le marquez vous même en fin de compte pour le moment que 4 membres lancent cette idée (Eric Desjours, Sara Shrives, Don Sutherland, et William Sutherland) ..créer une association financée par la cotisation(50€) des membres intéressés n'est pas une solution très crédible...à mon avis..
Les 2/3 des membres qui ne donneraient rien seraient alors vraiment bénéficiaires....!
et 50 000€ pour survivre jusqu'à la fin de l'année...mais ce n'est alors que déplacer le problème actuel.. un non sens
Dommage que ce beau site n'intéresse aucune société ...........un mystère pour moi quand même....!
Toutefois merci Audrey pour cette réponse
Cordialement à toute l'équipe
Please, everyone, do not let this fabulous site fail.
So basicly your being invited to enter the survey link provided
Enter your email addres and your link to your IP Page wihich is below.
Then just follow the options given and answer. That's all.
When this survey is completed IP will have an idea if their new proposal will work or not.
Krisonteme club has replied to Treasa Ui CionaodhaSo, please people, share this news on as many times and platforms as possible!
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubStormlizard club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubTreasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to Stormlizard clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Stormlizard clubBoarischa Krautmo club has replied to Treasa Ui CionaodhaStormlizard club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubBernadette has replied to Treasa Ui CionaodhaIpernity is so easy to use and understand. It's uploader is quick and I can upload a lot more than just one photo a day. Sharing is easy as well. I don't get a lot of traffic from other Ipernity members but I certainly have been able to communicate easily with them. The loss of all my favorites from Ipernity is too much of a bitter pill to take. Please, make this new venture successful!
ROL/Photo club has replied to Annaig56 clubdonnes moi le lien..
Moderator club has replied to ROL/Photo clubdocs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6seHpaFHBCwoypXg6SyzywEm8KgDoxDlp6ZNKvqMh2XK13w/viewform
ROL/Photo club has replied to Moderator clubattendons la suite..! de ce sondage
Aber irgendwie sollten doch auch die vielen guten Vorschläge, die im Dezember zusammengekommen sind, umgesetzt werden.
Wer kümmert sich darum?
LutzP club has replied to Bergfex clubWritten to William Sunderland
Tess Mc Kenna has replied (see the discussion)
This survey in my opinion will not achieve intended result.
Ipernity need to send an email to all it's members to alert them on this new proposal and give them a chance to be informed
The time frame allowed ( 5 days) is far to short for important survey. If you think there is any merit in what I am saying I would ask you ( as you and the other musketeers who have work so hard in trying to solve the problems of IP.) contact IP with my ideas.
This survey will achieve nothing if the above is not implemented. Just my humble opinion
Stormlizard club has replied to Treasa Ui CionaodhaMembers should also think in a manner accepting that the Glass is Half Full, not that it is Half Empty..
Just give us your money and don't worry about it? Is that the model? And the membership fee options would be a complete burden for so many! Especially given the very high risk of failure.
Seems to me, all that's cared about is money.... Well.... Why a rational person would pour money into a FAILED business model is beyond me. If you want people to invest in this site, there has to be more info. than what the "Ipernity Members Association" is an what it's not associated with! You already had your survey answers from one done here in ipernity... Soooo... In all the time that's passed, this is all that's been accomplished? Doesn't inspire much confidence....
We have no plans for the future of the site, but give us your time, effort, and money to pull this failure out of the fire? Surely folks who actually intend to succeed in this venture can offer those whose support they want more than that....
I don't intend to offend, but I can't look at this through rose-colored glasses.... Times are tough, people work very hard for their money while others are on fixed incomes (which many of you asking for funds seem to conveniently forget/ignore), and you're simply asking too much to save an unsustainable site. It's true that there are no guarantees in life, but, one cannot deny that this business model has shown itself to be a guaranteed failure.... So, unless I see some frameworks for how the site would be profitable or at least sustainable beyond donations from desperate folks not wanting to lose their unique photo sharing site, I cannot support this IMA venture.... You're forging ahead with no idea where you're going --- at least that's how it appears and if you can't convince people otherwise, why should they pay for the gas?
Tanja - Loughcrew club has addedLischen has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew clubRainer Blankermann has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew clubJeder müsste per E-mail in zumindest in Englisch, Französisch und Spanisch informiert werden!
Besser noch in seiner Landessprache, weil die google-Übersetzungen oft mangelhaft sind.
Tanja - Loughcrew club has replied to LischenLutzP club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew clubBrigitte ✨️ club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew clubIf the survey advances to crowdfunding, the money would go purely for the site -- cloud hosting, platform costs. Nothing would go for salaries or to Ipernity S.A. the corporate entity that currently runs the site. The 50 Euro membership fee is consistent with what other sites charge and would cover the annual costs of maintaining the site based on current costs directly linked to this site and ensure viability for years to come. Of course if club memberships grow this figure could drop to reflect added revenue since the goal of this association would not be to make a profit nor for anyone's personal gain.
The survey is a first step to determine if there indeed is a willingness and ability to save Ipernity. So I hope everyone completes it so we can get a realistic picture.
Please be aware that at this time no one has asked for money. This won't be done unless it is feasible and realistic to save the site. If so, the membership association would become a legal registered entity in France so that it could legally receive funds to save this platform.
ROL/Photo club has replied to William Sutherland cluboui l'on ne fait rien.. et Iper meurt..
ou alors on fait l'essai.. proposé en créant une association..
mais attention... dans une association il faut un Président,
et il sera le seul responsable de toute l'association,
il faut un trésorier , un secrétaire.. et des membres actifs..
J'ai été Président pendant plus de 10 ans d'une association.., je pense savoir de quoi je parle..
Ok pour ce questionnaire qui va donner un aperçu... mais après... il faut donc créer un comité
avec un président un secrétaire un trésorier.. la ce encore un problème.. ou avez vous déjà des propositions pour prendre ces postes à responsabilité...???
enfin William
je te remercie pour ton dévouement, et tes réponses
good luck, to all of you
Eric Desjours club has replied to ROL/Photo clubNous demandons de renseigner dans le sondage les compétences que chacun souhaite mettre au profit de l'association : cette entreprise doit être collective ; chacun peut y jouer un rôle bien au delà de sa contribution financière. Plus il y aura de propositions dans ce sens, plus elle aura de chances de réussir.
Si vous vous sentez à nouveau l'âme d'un président d'association, n'hésitez surtout pas à postuler.
ROL/Photo club has replied to Eric Desjours clubmerci pour ta réponse..
plus de mon âge ça à 72ans on laisse ça aux jeunes
déjà trop donner aussi il faut dire.. très lourde tache d'être président
Be◉bachter club has replied to ROL/Photo clubBut it is evel, when you dont write in your language in a correct manner.
Dont make dots ( ...) and make a space after a period.
I show you the result of the translation of your text:
Oui William.je'm auf Ihrem avis.complètement.
ja, es ist rien.et Iper oder meurt.
dann essai.proposé erfolgt durch ein association.
attention.dans zu schaffen, sondern muss ein Verband ein Präsident sein ,
und für alle Vereinigung ist allein verantwortlich wird
muss ein Schatzmeister, eine Sekretärin. und Mitglieder actifs.
Ich war Präsident seit mehr als 10 Jahren der Verein. Ich glaube, ich weiß, was ich parle.
Ok für diese Umfrage, die eine après.il geben aperçu.mais notwendig, ein Komitee zu schaffen
mit diesen immer noch ein Problem, ein Sekretär trésorier.la Präsident. oder Sie bereits Vorschläge haben, diese Positionen zu nehmen. ??? schließlich
danken Ihnen für Ihr Engagement und Ihre Antworten
viel Glück, an euch alle.
Pam J club has replied to William Sutherland clubje viens de découvir le message grâce à un de mes contacts et non via Ipernity.
comment faire confiance à cette initiative, alors que l'acheminement du message est tellement aléatoire?
d'autre part, les sommes proposées devraient commencer au cout actuel d'un abonnement, etil devrait être possible, dans le choix "autre"de définir une somme. sinon comment se faire une opinion du montant disponible si chaque membre répond "autre"?
le délai du 1er février semble aussi très court. A reporter d'une ou 2 semaines.
William Sutherland club has replied to BernadetteI'm not sure what you mean. The link to the survey is in this blog created by the IP team. Please see the link above:
Bernadette has replied to William Sutherland clubI just mean that it would have been better to send this link directly by mail to ALL the ipernity members, to be sure that every one received it, rather than publishing it on ipernity team blog where it is easy to miss it if you don't go to this blog to read it.
the other thing which made me a bit suspicious, is the choice "other" in the survey regarding the amount of money. how to you intend to evaluate the real value of all the "other" choice?
Danielle has replied to BernadetteThis is the prerequisite !!!
YES and also in German-language and Spain-language ... this is the spectrum for the 4 great languages!!!
warm greetings aNNa*
Il me semble important de rester actif pour envisager la recherche d'un statut ...commercial.....administratif, aux bons soins de spécialistes dans ces domaines.....
Annaig56 club has replied to Robert Cabaret clubDanielle has replied to Robert Cabaret clubPS.: Die Umfrage startet nicht in deutsch, springt immer auf englisch/französisch. Es spricht nicht jeder perfekt die Sprachen, daher würde ich mir eine Umfrage auch in deutsch wünschen...
Kalli club has replied to I Holzidiedje has replied to I HolziAnd yes, I am for it, but I am missing a detailed plan, which would make it easier for most members to join.
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to LutzP clubBut also extend the time frame for the end of the survey
Stormlizard club has replied to Treasa Ui CionaodhaAlso to give the bigger users time to download and save their work if they have not saved original ex camera files at home in some way.
William Sutherland club has replied to Amelia clubAll Ipernity users can access it. You don't have to be a club member to complete it.
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to William Sutherland clubStormlizard club has replied to Amelia clubTreasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to BalatreAn UPDATE - changed the browser and has success!
Et aussi pourquoi continue-t-on à voir, lorsque l'on ouvre le site : "Vos photos ont de l'avenir".
N'est-ce pas là une forme de publicité mensongère ?
Wenn man mich ins Boot holen möchte, will ich das alles exakt verstehen und vielleicht auch meine Gedanken dazu äußern.
Mein DDR Schulenglisch ist nicht so gut und in einem ungepflegten Zustand. Dann ist IP für mich zu Ende, leider.
Tanja - Loughcrew club has replied to uwschu clubHeidiho club has replied to uwschu clubHeidiho club has replied to Tanja - Loughcrew clubuwschu club has replied to Heidiho clubWenn man mich fragt, sollte es auch in der Sprache sein, die ich zu 95% verstehe. Kann mir auch mit meinen Englischkenntnissen was zusammen reimen, und Lücken mit Google Translate überbrücken. Sinnvoll und ansprechend mitdiskutieren kann ich nicht und das Gefühl ist nicht gut.
Da schalte ich auf stur und verabschiede mich aus diesem Kreis.
Heidiho club has replied to uwschu club1. Deine Internet-Adresse
2. Dein IP-Mitgliedslink
3. Frage, ob Du Klubmitglied bist
4. ob Du bereit wärst, einen bestimmten Geldbetrag zu zahlen, damit der zeitliche Vorlauf bis zur
Neuformierung der mitgliedergeführten Vereinigung gegeben ist
(man kann auch sagen: wir gründen eine Genossenschaft).
Mir gefällt auch nicht, wie vage das alles hier gehalten ist, aber:
die Alternative ist, daß IP schließt.
Und Flickr und Co. will ich alle nicht.
LutzP club has replied to uwschu clubuwschu club has replied to LutzP clubNur, wer befragt mich da überhaupt. Ohne Konzept und planlos für mich.
Im Moment sehe ich nur Fragen für mich. Wenn man dann auch nicht so richtig mitreden kann, kommt man sich sehr hilflos vor, man geht mit einem Teil der Masse unter.
LutzP club has replied to uwschu clubcp_u club has replied to LutzP club(*NIKonGT*) has replied to Heidiho clubPanoramio could afford it because she had at the head Google, but Ipernity who must support themselves thanks to subscribers no! Or all members contribute equally, otherwise you can not leave again to those who sign up to do what they want.
Hello to all. Giancarlo
Merci Annick de m'avoir fair suivre ce lien.
I urge you to fill in the survey, sign the fundraising and become a member of the association.
Some key members of our community sent me mails because they noticed that I did not sign the mail even though I was in the initial initiative.
It is true, I proposed a different concept, but in this very difficult situation it cannot be verified which concept would be more successful.
However, please trust the people who run the initiative; they have the best intents. I had calls with them, I know their intents, they really want to do the best for the ipernity community.
Also, I had numerous calls with Christophe. Please believe me that he wants to do his best for the community but he is in a really difficult legal situation as the CEO of Ipernity SA and he cannot act as many of you believe he should.
Having said this:
Dear Initiative owners, my dear friends!
I think you need to clarify some basic questions to make our best willing members answer the survey:
• Can you please clarify whether membership payments into today’s Ippernity (SA) will be counted into the membership fees of the associations. I personally understand that it could be that my membership fees into iperinty SA are gone and I need to pay again; fine, it is a difficult situation and I am ok (not fine) to pay again; I just think honesty and clarity would be great.
• Can you please indicate how the association wants to deal with ipernity SA. This is a big issue here in the questions. People want to know how you would use the money they would give you in order to keep the ipernity service runninig that is currently owned by the iperinity SA company.
• Can you please clarify the difference between fundraising and the association membership fees: I understand we need to find money to survive; and then we need money again to keep the association alive to pay the ipernity website service. I am really happy to pay 2 times sine I am in agreement with all these members here that we love ipernity. But can you please be very clear on this point. I think the members are very loyal and deserve very honest and open answers.
My dear friends here and there,
Let’s make it happen! We really can.
Claus-Peter (cp_u www.ipernity.com/home/1058283)
William Sutherland club has replied to cp_u clubWith re: to the second point, the Member Association would have nothing to do with Ipernity S.A. per se except perhaps leasing the platform from it until the end of the year. The funds raised, if we advance that far would cover lease payments and other platform costs (e.g. cloud management, bandwidth usage, server space) if they're not already covered in the lease.
Third, the fundraising would be separate from the membership fee. The membership fee would cover the annual costs of providing uninterrupted service with the Ipernity platform from 2018 on while the fundraising would be aimed at keep the Ipernity platform alive until the Membership Association could be organized, legally established and take over platform management. I'm not sure Ipernity S.A., will exist by 2018.
None of the funds raised by the Membership Association would cover Ipernity S.A.'s expenses that are unrelated to the Ipernity platform we use nor be divided among the current shareholders of Ipernity S.A. since as a separate entity, the Membership Association would come into existence without liabilities or other obligations to third parties. The only obligation the Membership Association would have is to the paying members who join.
To everyone, please know I'm trying my best to communicate everything I can. There are also legal issues that require confidentiality with re: to some background happenings. To breach this confidentiality would make us potentially liable to certain parties and for sure end the effort to save this platform. Thank you for your understanding even though it's not easy with so many questions yet to be resolved.
Also, everyone should know this isn't going to be easy and deadlines are tight. If we don't get a sufficient response by January 31st, there may be no further extensions.
Beside that - in my view a user operated community is a big chance! So we schould try to get the best out of it.
In dem Fall brauchen für das erste Jahr nicht einmal alle Clubmitglieder zu spenden! So könnten vielleicht die Mitglieder, die erst vor kurzer Zeit ein Zwei-Jahres-Abonnement abgeschlossen haben, sogar von Spenden verschont bleiben.
Wenn das die Rettung für IP ist, bin ich gern bereit, 50,- EUR zu spenden! Dafür gibt es dann ein Paar Schuhe weniger im Jahr und ich kann mich weiterhin - hoffentlich ohne Zukunftsängste - an dieser Fotoplattform erfreuen. ;-)
Einen konkreten Plan, wie das "neue Ipernity" ab dem Jahre 2018 aussehen bzw. wie es weitergehen soll, hätte ich jedoch gern vorher gesehen, bevor ich IP durch meine Spende wieder auf die Beine helfe. Schließlich soll diese Fotoplattform mein langfristiges "Zuhause" werden, wo ich "meine Zelte" nicht nach einem Jahr wieder abbrechen muß.
Wenn IP allerdings allein durch die Finanzkraft der Clubmitglieder tatsächlich weiterbestehen kann, sollte es aber auch nur für zahlende Clubmitglieder zugänglich sein, ohne deren Hilfe und Gebühren IP schließlich nicht mehr existieren würde und könnte. Naja, vielleicht könnte man für interessierte Nichtmitglieder eine kurzzeitige kostenlose Testversion oder ein kurzzeitiges günstiges Schnupper-Abonnement anbieten?
Ich finde, die Idee der “Ipernity Members Association” wäre einen Versuch wert. Und wenn's nicht funktioniert, werden die Spenden erstattet, das sollte natürlich sicher sein!
PS: "Wie oft verglimmen die gewaltigsten Kräfte, weil kein Wind sie anbläst."
(Jeremias Gotthelf)
LutzP club has replied to Stevia clubWilliam Sutherland club has replied to Stevia clubHeidiho club has replied to Stevia club"Das Unmögliche bleibt so lange unmöglich, bis es einer tut."
Aus Defätismus und Kaputtreden ist noch nie was Sinnvolles entstanden.
... wenn es denn nur 2 Möglichkeiten gibt:
IP wird abgeschaltet - oder wir probieren was,
dann bin ich unbedingt dafür, was zu probieren.
William, Claus-Peter - wir versuchen das jetzt !!
Stevia club has replied to Heidiho clubWilliam Sutherland club has replied to Heidiho clubdiedje has replied to Stevia clubvor einigen jahren haben ein guter freund und ich einen tauschring gegründet, der auch funktioniert. in einer tauschzeitung und auf einer eigenen webseite werden regelmäßig die angebote der tauschringteilnehmer veröffentlicht. alles ist solidarisch organisiert. die menschen, die für diese aufgaben zuständig sind, werden dafür in der währung des tauschringes bezahlt. niemand muß sich für andere aufopfern. solidarische systeme funktionieren auch so. mittlerweile machen bei uns über 250 menschen mit. man muß es nur wollen.
Only thing i dont understand is why is so hard...why there is no offical email to every account? Where is the problem?
Do we really want to know real numbers or we can count only on people who are following blog.
Maintenant suis un peu comme René Boes arroser une salade qui pousse pas n'est pas forcément une bonne solution....
La question a se poser est comment modifier le système pour qu'il puisse perdurer
I have done the survey.
I was especially grateful to William for his extra information.
to write a comment.