10 years!
100,000 users
54% of men and 46% women
45 TB data stored on our servers
20 Millions photos posted
21 Millions comments
16 available languages and visitors from over 200 countries
Ok, only 1 visitor from Yemen last month ... :)
What a long way since the first Beta version of ipernity who launched in May 2006 and which presented itself as one of the first services allowing everyone to store and share online all types of documents: Photo, music, video, blog, ... even an excel file :)
The proof ... (sorry the only copy we have is in french).
The idea was also intended to be a digital safety-deposit box to durably store our digital memories from the yearbook, videos with friends on vacation, to the letters written to relatives ... and maybe to transmit our treasure to future generation.
It was the main idea ... and it was probably much less fun than the use that each of you made of ipernity, a place to share beautiful images reflecting your personality and your passions.
From unusual to minimalist, across the world or in your garden, these images are ipernity history. And this adventure is above all yours!
We searched the ipernity’s archives to offer you to discover or rediscover some of the most viewed, appreciated or discussed pictures during the past decade.
A the end of the article, you will see a small selection, a glimpse, because it would be impossible to publish here the tens of thousands of photos that have made headlines for so long.
And now the SURPRISE !
As you know ipernity needs new paying members, so to celebrate this anniversary and to allow as many persons as possible to discover the CLUB, we decided to offer for every NEW subscription (not renewing) to double the CLUB subscription or to offer a user the equivalent of the subscription contract!
For example if you purchase a one year subscription, we offer one year additional to you or to the user of your choice!
Offer valid until 30 June 2016
To enjoy this offer, please send a message via the platform Help & Contact
--> Let us know that you have subscribed or indicate a direct link to the account person you want to offer a subscription.
Today, ipernity needs an active and social community so feel free to mention our anniversary offers around!
Dear friends, more than ever, we appreciate your faithfulness!
See you soon,
the ipernity Team
[FR] Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
10 ans !
100.000 utilisateurs
54% d’homme et 46% de femmes (?)
45 To données stockées sur nos serveurs
20 Millions de photos postées
21 Millions de commentaires
16 langues disponibles et des visiteurs en provenance de plus de 200 pays
Ok, seulement 1 visiteur du Yemen le mois dernier… :)
Que de chemin parcouru depuis la première version Beta d’ipernity qui vu le jour en mai 2006 et qui se présentait comme un des premiers services permettant à chacun de stocker et partager en ligne tous types de documents : Photo, musique, vidéo, blog,... même un fichier excel :)
La preuve en image…
L’idée était aussi d’être un coffre-fort numérique destiné à conserver durablement nos souvenirs digitaux : des photos de classe, des vidéos avec ses amis en vacance, des lettres écrites à des proches,... et peut-être même pouvoir les transmettre aux prochaines générations.
Ca c’était l’idée… et cela aurai été surement bien moins fun que l’usage que chacun de vous fait aujourd’hui d’ipernity : un lieu pour partager de belles images, reflet de votre personnalité et de vos passions.
Quelles soient insolites ou minimaliste, d’un bout à l’autre du monde ou dans votre jardin , toutes ces images font l’histoire d’ipernity. Et cette aventure, c’est avant tout la vôtre !
Nous avons fouillé les archives d’ipernity pour vous proposer de découvrir ou redécouvrir quelques-uns des clichés les plus vus, appréciés ou commentés durant ces dix dernières années.
A la fin de cet article, vous en découvrirez une toute petite sélection, un clin d’oeil, car il serait impossible d’exposer ici les dizaines de milliers de photos qui ont fait la une depuis si longtemps.
Et maintenant, la SURPRISE !
Comme vous le savez ipernity a besoin de nouveaux membres payants, donc pour fêter cet anniversaire et permettre au maximum de personne de découvrir l’offre CLUB nous vous proposons pour toute NOUVELLE subscription (pas les renouvellements) de doubler votre abonnement CLUB ou d’offrir à un utilisateur l’équivalent de l’abonnement souscrit !
Par exemple si vous souscrivez à un abonnement d’un an, nous vous offrons un an d’abonnement supplémentaire ou nous l’offrons à l’utilisateur de votre choix !
Offre valable jusqu’au 30 juin 2016
Pour profiter de cette offre, nous vous remercions d’envoyer un message via la plateforme Aide&Contact pour :
Soit nous indiquer que vous avez souscrit un abonnement.
Soit nous indiquer un lien direct vers le compte personne à qui vous souhaitez offrir un abonnement.
Aujourd’hui, ipernity a besoin d’une communauté active et sociale. N’hésitez pas à parler de notre offre anniversaire autour de vous !
Chers amis, plus que jamais, nous vous remercions de votre fidèlité !
A très bientôt,
L’équipe ipernity
And now, let's go back to the past !
et maintenant, un petit retour dans le temps !
Let’s start with the most seen portrait : 23730 views
Commençons avec le portrait le plus vu : 23730 vues
The most successful macro : 260 likes
La macro la plus appréciée : 260 likes
Enlarge © Clofotos
Animals | Animaux
Enlarge © Don Sutherland
Enlarge © Didier Bracard
Ephemeral | Ephémères
Enlarge © Helena Ferreira
Enlarge © Didier85
From all over the world | Partout dans le monde
Norway © Bjarne Stokke
Morocco © Malik Raoulda
Peru © anaïs
At all seasons | A toutes les saisons
Autumn © pajmcb
Winter © Joke Hulst
Spring © MissFujii
Summer © John Woracker
Finally, the most liked picture !
Pour finir, la photo qui a reçu le plus de favoris !
No I can't see any photos either.
I recently gave a two year subscription for my Son Brian (Sir Wellbelove)
Team club has replied to Stormlizard clubWe edited the post, hope it works better !
Stormlizard club has replied to Team clubJohn.
(hope there will be MANY more years to come)
No photo's to see!
Team club has replied to natureoncam aka Greg clubWe edited the post !!
..... special greetings to the ONE visitor from Yemen !!!
longue vie à ipernity et aux membres
Longue vie à ipernity
your site is the best laid out photographic site .. keep up the good work !
Many happy returns of the day.
and here's to the next ten years.
Merci pour ce beau cadeau :)
Thank you for the wishes !!
A complementary comment about the offer :
--> it is for new subscriber only, not for renewing
The purpose is for non-member to try the CLUB. :-)
J'espère avoir le plaisir den fêter beaucoup d'autres !
Since joining in spring 2013, I've had an amazing experience here. The worldwide community of photographers here is warm, welcoming, and incredibly rich in talent and creativity. The Ipernity team has been first-rate. I wish Ipernity continued success and look forward to many more years here.
Finally, I'm honored to see my sunrise and beach scene featured in the piece. May the sun never stop rising on Ipernity and may each new day be better than the last.
Up to the next decade, century, millennia!
for the most interesting internet sharing platform!
and the best adorably memories sharings!
thx u Team Ipernity !
cheers to the 100.000 people
10 years is wonderful. Keep up the good work, and thank you for what you have provided for us.
Kudos to the most viewed and most starred photo! ; )
Finally - let's hope the visitor comes back to post photos of Yemen!
Stormlizard club has replied to Diane Putnam clubModerator club has replied to Krisonteme clubNous comprenons votre sentiment.
Toutefois, la situation financière d'ipernity n'est pas la même, nombre d'entre-vous avaient plébiscité une augmentation des tarifs ce que nous n'avons pas fait à ce jour. Toutefois, offrir des mois voir années d'abonnement aux personnes déjà membres seraient totalement contre-productif dans notre objectif de pérenniser ipernity.
Nous sommes toujours ouvert à des propositions, n'hésitez pas à utiliser la rubrique Aide&Contact.
And congratulations to all the featured photographers. Beautiful photos! :)
Cheers and Happy Birthday from Hamburg! youtu.be/f8K1yPECJeQ?t=38s
Et depuis quelques temps, beaucoup d'utilisateurs s'en vont voir ailleurs.
I intend to renew for two years if the update is positive enough.
PS; I have an Excel file on my page Called Coffee machine I think, but as all documents have restricted access according to the rules only my contacts can see it.
I have changed the settings so everyone can see this rather silly but amusing Excel file.
Moderator club has replied to Stormlizard clubWe are in testing for some add solution (=revenue for ipernity), and we will talk about it soon.
Can you open a ticket in the Help section.
Stormlizard club has replied to Moderator clubYes, I will try, all previous were deleted unanswered by the team.
The biggest and most important event for photographers all over Europe.
Do you make promotion there, as FOTOCOMMUNITY does?
Best regards
Bernhard (from Austria)
C'est bien dommage tout cela ...!
autofantasia club has replied to Saluton al ciuj...!…I've been using the site for nearly 4 years now and throughout that time the management team seem to have stumbled from one crisis to another, often of their own making, without any sense of direction or the merest hint of a plan.
Bad decisions or no decisions have been the modus operandi for far too long and despite repeatedly claiming to want what is best for the site and the community it gives a home to they've failed to respond to repeated attempts by that same community to work with them to turn things around.
Even now with the site under real threat of closure they are still reluctant it seems to be fully open about what is happening and what is going to happen. That said I think the vast majority of us have drawn our own conclusions, but doesn't that just yet again emphasise how bad the team are at communicating.
There are people on the site that have had information put to them that would be better in the public domain and yet they have been asked not to divulge what has been said to them. We also here talk of potential buyers, one supposedly very serious only a few weeks ago, and yet there have been no public updates since then to say how these discussions are progressing. Then there are rumours of talks with individuals over how the site might be 'saved' if a buyer cannot be found, but once again there have been no official announcements.
There's even a Saving Ipernity Group that has been set up and a great many people have not only joined it but put in considerable efforts to pool their ideas and have come together to discuss ways in which the site might be saved. All for what though? Is anyone from Team Ipernity actually taking any notice of what this group is doing and are they actively talking to the people that have set it up or is it yet another example of what we Brits would call lip service whereby they hear what is being said, but it doesn't make any difference?
Surely, with just over 4 weeks to go until the possible closure date it is time for someone to step out of the shadows to make some sort of announcement about what is happening behind the scenes and what can be expected over the coming weeks. If closure is likely or even inevitable surely by now they should have a 'route map' with key dates for when certain things will happen and an indication of what assistance there will be to help users cope with what closure of the site will mean to them.
Surely it is time for them to make us aware of their plans ... or is it yet another case of them simply not having a plan at all?
However, this does mean that there will be a lot of people looking for a new home for their photos so perhaps this will present an opportunity for those of us who are trying to save ipernity to exploit?
Here's the full announcement as posted on Facebook:
Fotoblur To Close ...
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