Sven Scholz's favorite articles
2019-06-28 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Lately there has been a proliferation of copyrighted third party content presented as own creation. Please be reminded, the Terms of Service prohibit the use of content that violates copyright protections. To protect the best interests of our website and photographers, IMA reserves the right to delete content found to be in violation of copyright laws with or without prior notice. To avoid this inconvenience or embarrassment we strongly rec…
Ich habe meine club - Mitgliedschaft erneut verlängert!
Moin ihr, auch wenn es so aussehen mag, dass ich hier nicht mehr aktiv bin, habe ich soeben meine Ende des Monats auslaufende Clubmitgliedschaft bei ipernity um weitere 6 Monate verlängert. Und ja, es ist in der Tat so - wirklich aktiv bin ich hier im Moment nicht mehr. Das liegt aktuell vor allem an einem Zeitdefizit, denn ich bin beruflich gerade sehr stark eingespannt. Aus diesem Grund komme ich aktuell nicht mehr dazu, zu fotografieren - geschweige denn, mir anderer Leute Fotos oder B…
2018-05-25 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Synchronization problems on our upload servers have affected ipernity's performance since May 8th. In cooperation with Christophe Ruelle, our IT support team succeeded in finding and correcting the cause of the error. 2) We thank you in this context for your patience and your trust, as well as for the many encouragement we received via Facebook: 3) At the same time the direct link…
Ist es nicht toll, dass es ipernity noch gibt? Das denke ich jedes mal, wenn ich eure tollen Bilder sehe. Und manchmal denke ich, man müsste reisen und nicht nur virtuell von den anderen lernen. Mit Katja die City von Frankfurt erkunden, mit Heidi durch die Berliner Lost-Places stiefeln, mit Sami skurrile Handybilder schießen, mit Gudrun zu den Nordlichtern reisen, Adrians wahnsinnige Insekten-Macros, Yvonnes brilliante Landschaften, Judith, die oft so ähnliche Einfälle hat wie ic…
Endlich die Ballonfahrt
Vorweg: Ich habe derzeit so viel zu tun, dass ich nicht dazu komme, mich viel auf ipernity aufzuhalten. Also verzeiht mir die Absenz. Ich hoffe, das wird bald wieder besser ... Die Fahrt: Wer letztes Jahr das 365-Tage-Fotoprojekt verfolgt hat weiß, dass mein Termin für die Ballonfahrt immer wieder verschoben wurde. Bis zum Schluss habe ich nicht geglaubt, dass es an diesem Tag klappt. Aufregend war das, als dann der Ballon aufgebaut wurde. Eine junge Frau flitzte völlig…
alte Schätze - neu entdeckt
New backup facility for your albums
[EN] Good news: the well awaited feature that enables you to download to your computer the entire content of your albums is now finally available. >> Everything is explained in details in our help section<< There is no simple way to download in just a few clicks the content of an album that can reach up to 2000 photos and several gigs of data. We therefore are offering the best compromise we have found. What you must know: 1) This feature is restricted to the members of the ipern…
Sharing your private content outside ipernity (AKA guest passes) is at last possible! // Partager votre contenu privé hors d'ipernity est enfin possible!
[EN] You can finally share your private content outside ipernity with people who do not have an account on ipernity! By private we are referring to content you do not share on ipernity or only with your friends and family. This affects all your content: photos, videos, docs, articles and albums! To share one of your private content, simply click on the new sharing button (see screenshots). We then generate a special link to access your content that you can give out to your guests vi…
Searching for photos inside a group is finally possible!
[EN] Hello all, Searching for photos inside a group is now finally possible. Don't ask us why it was not possible before because we have no reasons to give apart that we simply plain forgot! Actually you could previously search inside groups you were a member of but not inside other groups. As from now the search feature is available for all the groups on ipernity. Catch you soon! The ipernity Team [FR] Bonjour, La recherche de photos à l'intérieur d'un groupe est enfin…
Ich wünschte ...
Europeans - are you serious?!
(Ursprünglich publiziert am 26. Mai 2014) Front Nationale in Frankreich: 25%, und damit stärkste Partei. Are you fucking serious? Belgium - Vlaams Belang - warum? Ganz ernsthaft - warum? Bulgarien - Ataka. Musste das sein?! Italien - Lega Nord. Wie immer halt. Lasst uns über die Cosa Nostra sprechen, huh? Niederlande - Partij voor de Vrijheid. Und ich hielt euch bisher für ein relativ liberales Land. Doch nur verkappte Rechtspopulisten. Österreich - Freiheitliche Partei Österreic…
Lightbox: bigger is better! // Vue sur fond noir : plus grand, c'est mieux !
Photo credit: Landschaft im August - Landscape (cc) Marcel [EN] Try out our brand new lightbox with WIDER photos! You can launch the lightbox from individual photo pages by clicking on the photo, or from any page where this button appears: Of course, the size of a displayed picture depends on its original size and on the max size its author allows you to see. This is a good occasion to remind you that you can check up your settings for your own photos here .…
[EN] About group promotions
Hello all, A lively debate has been going on for a few weeks now concerning the group promotions in the comments under the photos. We have taken into account the arguments and suggestions of users that are for and against this and therefore we have decided to bring some improvement to the service that we hope will satisfy everyone. We still do not wish to have the comment field being used to promote groups. Why is that? All these comments posted without any limit and with the same for…
[EN] Featured albums!
New "Featured albums" blocks are at your disposal so that certain albums of yours have a better visibility on your pages. These blocks are automatically fed by your latest albums that you add to your favorites. Of course this only works for your own albums. To enable an album to be featured simply add it to your favorites! Display the "Featured albums" on your home page To add this block on your home page go to your display settings . This block will display from 1 to 3 albums dep…
[EN] Sort your albums into folders!
As from now you can sort your albums into folders! Just go on your album page and discover the new tools. What you must know: - You can sort an album in no more than one folder. - Folders are assimilated to albums. Therefore they are accessible from the "Album" section of each user. The list of folders are primarily displayed. - The display order of folders and albums can be changed by drag and dropping them directly on the page. Go on the "Tools" menu on the top right hand corne…
Android app: call for volunteers / Appel à volontaires
[EN] Good news! The ipernity application for Android is about to be released. Before making it public we would like to have it tested by volunteers. If you want to take part in this then please post a comment below. We will contact you by email in the following days. [FR] Bonne nouvelle! L'application ipernity pour Android est sur le point d'être achevée. Avant de la rendre publique, nous souhaiterions la faire tester par des volontaires. Si vous voulez en faire partie, merci de poster un co…
[En] New groups news page
As promised we are introducing today a new page displaying the news of your groups in a more practical way. If you are moderating groups you will also find in the wink of an eye all the new contributions to validate before being posted. This page is for testing purposes only. We are awaiting your suggestions and feedback before finishing it up, so please do not hesitate to leave us a comment under this article. Rest assured that we have not forgotten the other news pages especially those…
[EN] It's the return from the summer holidays with a lot to announce!
Hello all, We hope you had a nice sunny holiday and that you had the chance to take beautiful photos :) We are in the final phase of very useful improvements that will be offered to you before the end of the month. Android Application We are a few weeks behind but the application is nearly finished being developed. It will be available in Google Play in a fortnight. Click on the thumbnail to see how the application will look like! Groups news pag…
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