Sami Serola (inactive)'s favorite articles

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  • What are groups for?

    On a given occasion some basic thoughts....

  • Schneekristalle fotografieren

    Collage Schneekristalle
    Schneekristalle faszinieren mich. Jeden Winter hoffe ich, dass es kalt genug wird, und ich wieder "auf die Jagd" gehen kann. Leider wohne ich in einem eher warmen Teil von Deutschland, aber an manchen Wintertagen reicht es doch. Da ich aufgrund der (blauen) Bilder in diesem Album mehrfach gefragt worden bin, wie ich die Bilder gemacht habe, hier mein Vorgehen: Variante 1: Die Bilder der Collage oben sind allesamt mit einer Kompaktkamera fotografiert. Die Sony Cybershot DSC T9 ist zwar s…

  • 2021-04-02 Club News

    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Last Sunday, March 29, 2021, the Ipernity General Assembly 2021 took place. The previous Board of our Association was discharged for its activities in 2020. The p…

  • Excellent Photography - Showcase Ipernity

    Explore the group ► Showcase Ipernity with excellent photos across the Ipernity universe. The group will grow, stay tuned! The group has been closed, but the content is still visible!

  • Gruppenbeschreibungen internationalisiert

    Die letzten Tage und Abende verbrachte ich damit, alle meine 29 Gruppen, auf die ich administrative Rechte habe, in die von Gruppenbeschreibungen unterstützten 8 Sprachen zu übersetzen (also im Regelfall sieben Sprachversionen neu anzulegen). Eine Heidenarbeit.... die sich aber hoffentlich gelohnt hat, denn nun findet ihr alle Gruppen in eurer eigenen Sprache vor, egal, welche auch immer das sein sollte.

  • Group Names & Descriptions - Adding Multiple Languages - Translations

    Group Administation tab
    Add Group Name and Description translations through the Administration tab (click the word): =============================================================== Click on ‘Name, description, roles’: There one simply clicks on the (add) symbol next to the language name, and then enters the translation in the ‘Name’ and “Object of group’ fields: Note, languages that already have name and description do not have the (add) link next to them, bu…

  • 2021-02-05 Club News

    Smartphone-Mock-Up, 2021-02-05
    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1. In the wake of the positive response to the new ' Explore ' page, we have now put it online in all language versions. As a result, we now have a contemporary landing page for visitors from the web that also looks attractive on smartphones and tablets:…

  • 2021-01-22 Club News

    2021-0122 new 'Explore' - draft
    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1. The upload problem has been solved for the most part so far. Work is still in progress to fix the bug in replace function. Donations to compensate for the unbudgeted external IT costs caused by the malfunction now amount to 5,682EUR. We sincerely thank all donors. 2. In order to position ipernity more clearly as a non-commerci…

  • Re-Programming Ipernity

    Let’s fund the reprogramming and future proofing of Ipernity in 2021 If the cost is around 30,000 EUR and I say I will donate 100 EUR are there 290 other members who are able and willing to do the same ? The answer from previous attempts is probably No. If I say I will donate 1,000 EUR are there 29 other members who are able and willing to do the same ? I guess the answer may also be no. BUT what if a smaller number of people donate a larger amount e.g 3,000 EUR a…

  • Ipernity Groups

    Let's look at the Groups on Ipernity via Explore I joined Ipernity in 2013 and yesterday was the first time I clicked that link. I had no knowledge of the groups and that must be because I wasn't inspired to look for them. The Groups I have joined have been by invitation and I joined them to be polite and friendly ( It is a good enough reason I suggest). I have been 'promoted' to Admin of Groups and so far have done nothing about it. I have neither re…

  • Photo updates (edited - 5th December 2024) ...

    And, RIGHT on the nose, for a change - 192,000 visits at 13:00 [GMT] on 5th December 2024. Please Keep Safe - to everyone being subjected to natural environmental, health hazards and man-made warfare ! NOTE : GMT returned on 27th October 2024, with Samhain, bonfires and winter to follow ... Hopefully BST, and sunshine with dry & warmer weather cometh on Sunday, 30th March 2025 to Sunday 26th October 2025. Sadly we've lost Ben de-Dog, he crossed the bridge on Tuesday 4th June 2024, after collapsing following his morning constitutional around our garden. All of us are devastated - and that includes Beauty [our tripod cat]. However, we are now owned by a Collie, "Bella" came from a local working dogs rescue, She came to us as very shy & timid with a few problems. Bella has already learnt her new name, and has begun remembering her obedience skills. The start of metereological summer is 1st June 2024 ! Much better weather here in the last few days, with greater amounts of sunshine, much less cloud / rain, and therefore warmer temperatures. I am sure the local sheep and farmers appreciate the improvement, my garden certainly seems to do so - and I've needed to do several grass cutting sessions. NOTE : Now on BST from 02:00 on 31st March 2024 - so hopefully some sunshine and dry weather cometh ... GMT returns on 27th October 2024, with Samhain, bonfires and winter to follow ... Many Thanks for visiting ! as I really do appreciate all the various interactions with my images, especially the comments & favourites. I'm hoping to be more interactive with other people's images etc in 2024, as well as deal with most of my own image backlog in the next few months. Obviously, the newest albums have the least number of views - currently they are on page 12 of most viewed albums. I have been keeping up with my uploads, with various visits to places of interest featuring quite strongly but the vast majority are still "Private" as I have been busy in the garden and with a range of administration & other activities ... I have caught up with the last of the backdated items in the Cobid-19 album. Also, I am still working away with more of the various backdated images, and I have found some more "missing" images ... this has meant creating more new albums, for those that didn't fit into the existing albums; as well as adding titles, captions and keywords to the actual images. Final stage is unlocking them and adding some to groups. Mostly, I have "tagged" the albums I am working on with *New*,*updated*,*WiP* and *done* as needed, these will stay for a week or three, depending on the status. For my ease of access, I sometimes add the albums I am currently working with into my favourites, so the contents of the "favourite" banner on my album home page may get changed periodically. Currently, SRR have hree vehicles as two new jobs for 2022, their *NEW* albums appeared recently. Backdated coverage is for :- NSR23, MSR62 & 63, plus two ex-Corris vehicles now on the Talyllyn. Also, various "holiday snaps" and visits to places of interest & gala type events. I still have several hundred images to process, and a further backlog of images to upload ... Please stay safe and healthy - keep indoors or follow social distancing rules if you must make an essential trip outside. Wash hands or sanitise them frequently. Cover face - Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when required, please, for not only your own protection but also for others. Make Space ; Stay at least the minimum distances apart (for me, in the UK that is 2m) Ventilation - make sure there is plenty of fresh air That means there have been an average of 1,000 interactions with my photostream each month, so very many thanks to all the visitors and for all the comments and yellow stars. Apologies, all this has been delayed as I have been concentrating on my garden rebuilding project and writing tender documentation. Although I have been doing a lot more of my administration work at home since March 2020. Luckily, I have avoided catching the plague, so far.

  • Why do I not receive e-mails from ipernity?

    Dear members of ipernity! If e-mails sent by ipernity do not arrive, it is because they get caught in the spam filters of the receiving e-mail providers. These always first monitor whether the sender's IP address is on a public blacklist. A check of the ipernity domain using the tool has shown that ipernity is not included in any of those blacklists. Mails from ipernity will therefore always arrive at your mail provider. But mail providers a…

  • Group suggestions or invitations for your pictures

    Hello everyone! Some images on " Explore/Gallery " cannot be suggested or invited to the group ❖ Ipernity Photo Gallery ❖ (formerly " Ipernity Frontpage & What's Hot! ") although they comply with the rules of ipernity and the group. This usually happens when a photo has been added to too many groups and/or there are too many group suggestions or invitations. So far, if possible, I've referred internally to this fact, but kindly ask you to take care of it yourself from now on and make…

  • Mass Observation Diary 2020

    Sorry I am a day late mentioning this but if you can remember your day yesterday 12th May 2020 You can write up your diary and send a copy for the record. I have done this for many years now and it always amazes me how much I can write. See: for details No, I'm not going to publish it here :-)

  • A new start with Lightroom

    October 1st 2020. I have made haphazard use of Adobe Lightroom for a few years now and today I have decided to start again. I have created a new Catalog and am going to start to create Collections and better use of tags and Maps.... as I type I realise I have uploaded files to Ipernity and have omitted that step so I will have to export some again with map locations. The random use of the Develop options to date means no consistent approach. The creation of preset options should speed…

  • Newsflash 2020-09-11

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) In the comments to the last Newsflash again many suggestions for improvement were made. We will do our best to fulfill them. However, it is not possible to make changes that require modifications of the database. With a ten-year-old database recording millions of uploads, ratings and comments linked together, the risk of causing critical follow-up problems would be too great. 2) Technical support would be helpful to accelerate the proce…

  • my musical videos on YouTube

    Specialmente quelli legati a foto caricate qui su ipernity

  • Newsflash 2020-08-07

    Illustration to Newsflash 2020-08-07
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) As announced last Friday, we have now released the trial version with the extended display options . At first it is only available in the English version, so that you can compare the previous and the new version by changing the language. As always, we ask for constructive optimization suggestions. The current changes only affect the “Photos” page (both your own and other members'), and the display options for them. The left hand panel was…

  • Translating Languages at ipernity

    Ipernity currently supports 7 languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, and Portuguese). Translations of comments are integrated into Ipernity via the outside translator DeepL which supports 24 languages meanwhile. To translate languages not supported by DeepL, or where the integrated DeepL is not availaible to you as a Guest, you will need to use an outside translator. One easy option for this is to install the plug-in “Mate Translate”. Once this extension is installed…

204 articles in total