gecetreni's most read articles

  • Shooting old stones in the Selfie-age

    - 1 195 visits
    Since days I am editing the photos of ancient cities from my last trip. Stones, stones, trees, very old stones, very old trees... Now I've stopped with a question in my mind. If I close my eyes I can see it: It is written on various languages on stones and wood and was getting bigger and bigger: Is it insane to shoot two thousand years old stones in the Selfie-age? Is it something like shooting dead bodys instead of living creatures? So a kind of a runaway from the actual reality? Where is the r…

  • 16 Tons - Miners' destiny

    - 1 002 visits
    We had a -new- mining disaster with ca. 380 dead fathers, sons, brothers, friends. We even don't know how many bodies are burried down there after three days because we cannot reach the real figures. The mining companies and the state are responsible for all info. But who can trust the killer about a murder? [ EDIT: At the end of the rescue efforts the official death toll is 301. ] My film 16 Tons is an ironic look at the history of humanity. It tells the story of how we came to construct the…

  • What a wonderful world...

    - 934 visits
    Fire on streets. Teargas in lungs. Chemicals in water cannons. Police in downtown. Teargas cannisters and rubber bullets to the heads. 3 deads. More than 10 young people with lost eyes. Body at home, soul on streets. Watching the medical doctors being arrested because of helping the wounded. Listening the ambulance sirens. Smelling the teargas coming inside (it is everywhere). Leaves and insects on close-ups & macros. Mountains in colors. City scapes in B&W. Just joined the group Série Noire.

  • Photostream vs Exhibition

    - 849 visits
    No doubt: If you're making photos and want to show these to others, the internet is the most proper place and environment for this. And the common way is to have a photostream, say here. You can arrange how to show your work, build albums, put titles, explanations, add poetry or even music. You can get many compliments - and if you are lucky and your visitors have courage it is possible that you can get some constructive criticism too. It's fantastic! But what if you want to have a permanent e…

  • Does ipernity have any counter?

    - 747 visits
    No need to repeat the question. And it is not easy to accept the answer: maybe. Plus, I guess not. You add 34 photos of an event. Each of these photos are viewed between 57 and 90 times. So you have to have app. 74 views and ca. 2500 total. But your total view count was before and after. It is ridiculous and useless. I am using this "shop" as a showcase and mostly for special purposes, so it is not a crucial problem. And I am happy to pay to this shop at the corner and not to th…

  • Intro...

    - 650 visits
    Hi! In my corner in Ipernity I have some photos which, I hope, are telling something. I am trying to tell stories with films, mostly. I make documentaries, shorts and experimentals. My name is Ümit Kivanç. I have a website about my films but this is mainly Turkish, there are only a few English pages: . So: My non-Turkish/non-Kurdish (non-commercial) movies, English subtitled films, music videos and films without words can be found at: . Or…

  • Birds in the Rear Window

    - 602 visits
    I was doing some tests with a new video camera and heavy tele lenses and at the end I've decided to make a funny short movie : Birds in the Rear Window . Yes, there are scary music in horror movie style and there are birds ! And everything happens outside of my rear window . Using 300 mm lenses with a small but very high quality censor was an amazing experience because my 300 mm was practically 870 mm on this camera (and the 200 mm was 580 mm) and the sharpness and the tone quality we…

  • Feeling the past

    - 501 visits
    As a human being with an endless enthusiasm for history I am lucky for being born here. If I am using the words "lucky" and "born here" in a sentence together I have to mention immediately that I am talking only about the ground on which many civilisations have followed each other and let so much behind them for us to see, to wonder. I am shooting in various ancient cities since ca. 40 years. My albums here don't include old ancient city photos. (I don't know why.) Last week I've made a trip…

  • On the road to the cliff

    - 496 visits
    My country is in a very critical phase of developing a process of collective suicide. Because the subject is not an individual but a whole society -which actually is not "a" society but many hostile societies in the same framed part of the universe- this is not a simple decision but a complex process. There is a lot of killing and terror (with the widest possible meaning of the word). Racism is not a danger but a reality which poisons everything: the souls, minds, relations, life... and prepares…

  • First lap is finished

    - 494 visits
    I've finished to edit, prepare and upload almost everything I've planned to put here. With additions: some newer photos I've made during this time. So I have an exhibition here. And an internet exhibition gives us the chance to make it always better. I believe this group of photos has a meaning because it includes shots from a period of ca. 25 years. I've tried to edit the older photos on a way that they don't look so old-style but enjoy people with "today's taste" too. I hope:) I was lucky b…