Gabi Lombardo's favorite articles

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  • New Club Members - most recent

    Mireille Marignac-Vinais ← publicly active Thomas Lamp ← publicly active Didier Foulard Katrina Anto Michael Thon ← publicly active ------------------------------- Rajeev Khana Lucus Oliver Wiener Tarockcup ← publicly active Christoph Blau ← publicly active Cristian Cernat Maria Rainer-Giotto ← publicly active Mark Balsiger Beat Loosli

  • A la recherche de la poudre d'or

    Madagascar - Ces orpailleurs qui cherchent de la poudre d’or dans les entrailles des terres aurifères, à proximité de la bourgade d’Ivato ; les voyageurs de passage les assimilent à des cultivateurs. Pourtant, lors de la saison touristique, ils sont nombreux à les apercevoir patauger dans les eaux boueuses. Mais ils sont pressés de se rendre en voiture à Antoetra, le hameau qui est le point de départ d’un trek de plusieurs jours pour visiter les villages et populations montagnardes zafimaniry. Alors, si on ne sait pas que ces familles qui creusent sont à la recherche d’or, on ne leur prête pas attention. Ils se fondent dans ce décor tourmenté.

  • 2021-04-02 Club News

    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Last Sunday, March 29, 2021, the Ipernity General Assembly 2021 took place. The previous Board of our Association was discharged for its activities in 2020. The p…

  • 2021-01-22 Club News

    2021-0122 new 'Explore' - draft
    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1. The upload problem has been solved for the most part so far. Work is still in progress to fix the bug in replace function. Donations to compensate for the unbudgeted external IT costs caused by the malfunction now amount to 5,682EUR. We sincerely thank all donors. 2. In order to position ipernity more clearly as a non-commerci…

  • 2020: das Jahr in dem ich Geduld lernte

    Geduld ist nicht meine Stärke, echt nicht. Wer hätte gedacht, dass sie dieses Jahr so strapaziert wird. Corona, da müssen wir alle einen langen Atem haben. Diese blöde Krankheit, die ich nicht loswerde (und die Uniklinik rät dringend von einer stationären Aufnahme ab - wegen Corona ... ) Und ipernity kränkelt nun auch noch. Danke an die ima, die sich kümmert. Erinnert euch: Wir haben ipernity schon vor dem Untergang gerettet, da sollten wir jetzt wirklich noch mal geduldig sein.…

  • Newsflash 2020-11-05

    Eye Catcher (2)
    Version française : Veuillez faire défiler vers le bas ⬇️ Deutsche Version: Bitte nach unten scrollen ⬇️ [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The global Covid 19 pandemic is currently seriously restricting our personal mobility. As a result, many of us are spending more time at home. We can use this time to maintain our ipernity contacts and to advance ipernity as a whole. 2) In this context, we would be pleased to receive new pictures for the ipernity…

  • ⚠️ COVID-19 Help Offer / Offre d'aide / Unterstützungsangebot

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! Our COVID-19 deferral offer from last Friday has triggered an even more ambitious member initiative. Donations were offered to help those who have financial difficulties paying for due subscription renewals as a result of the Corona crisis. We welcome this initiative and make the following arrangement: ▶️ Aid can be granted for subscription renewals that are becoming due, up to no more than 30 days in advance. ▶️ The prerequisite is a…

  • IGA2020 - Report of the CEO

    IGA2020 - Report of the CEO IGA2020 - Rapport du CEO IGA2020 - Bericht des CEO

  • 2020-01-24 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Since the option of taking out multi-year subscriptions with ipernity has been available, more than 100 club members have made use of it. We would like to thank them all for the confidence they have expressed in the future of ipernity by this. 2) As a result of these multi-year subscriptions, more than 11,000 EUR have been contributed into the club treasury ahead of schedule. In order to place this liquidity advantageously, we are convertin…

  • 2019-11-29 Newsflash

    ipernity club subscriptions (2019-11)
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The inflow of new members is rather encouraging: 2) Although 34 of the club subscriptions registered in 2019 are still trial subscriptions, the increase in the number of paid subscriptions is expected to exceed 100 by the end of the year. That's more than during 2017 and 2018 combined. 3) On the other hand, we regret the loss of some long-time…

  • 2019-05-03 Newsflash

    Dynamic Google Maps API Requests
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The display of shooting positions has meanwhile been migrated from GoogleMaps to OpenStreetMap. This map is free of charge and has even better accuracy than GoogleMaps. In contrast to earlier times, the exact address and GPS coordinates are now also displayed. You can copy them directly into other applications, such as Google-Earth. 2) For the GEO-positioning of photos we have to use Google's fee-based service until further notice, because…

  • 2019-03-08 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) To date, 50 club members and 35 "free" users have made financial contributions to the reprogramming of ipernity. The amounts paid in adds up to 8,543 EUR (28,5 % of the required starting capital). 2) This Sunday, 10 March, 18:00 CET, there will be a trial run for the General Assembly. All members who have registered by then can participate. 3) Please do not wait until the last day with your candidatures! It is important that all members…

  • 2019-02-28 Aide à renouveler ipernity !

    Cher utilisateur gratuits du site Web ipernity ! Le site Web ipernity que vous utilisez actuellement a été développé entre 2009 et 2013. Son concept et sa technologie ont donc 10 ans. Après 2013, il a connu une évolution organique et comprend maintenant plus de 21 000 fichiers html en réseau. Sa fiabilité opérationnelle a sensiblement diminué. Les adaptations pour le maintenir à l'état de l'art deviennent de plus en plus difficiles et coûteuses. Il est donc devenu inévitable de le reprogra…

  • 1 Mars 2017 [EN] [FR]

    [EN] Hello to you all, What is going on in ipernity ? We are patiently waiting for IMA to makes their proposal. Once it will be set, the negotiations will get started. They have officially registered the association to the French office. They are waiting for the paper to come back. If you do not have seen it yet, they published their Bylaws : (English) (French) ipernityma.wixsite.c…

  • what's going on

    Dear friendly people of ipernity, What's going on right now ? the head of the team is negotiating with several potential buyers. One seems to be really serious. But nothing is done. What am I doing ? I'm actually reading all your comments (hundreds...) on the latest articles and collecting informations/data on your feelings, ideas, support etc.. thus, to use it to make a "at the moment" state of ipernity. (We may share a survey poll soon) Which means I have fewer time to reply to the su…

  • Unofficial User Poll - Make Your Vote Count!

    All of the uncertainty over the future of ipernity and the ongoing discussions about how to secure its finances got me thinking about what this great site has to offer and more importantly just how much we’d be willing, or need, to pay to keep it afloat. In the past I’ve said I’d happily pay twice the current subscription fees and I’ve seen lots of other members make similar statements, but recent developments seem to indicate that based on current membership numbers even that level of undert…