Guydel's favorite articles
What is a noteworthy photo?
Deutsche Version : Was ist ein sehenswertes Foto? Version française : : Qu'est-ce qu'une photo remarquable ? © German Federal Archive / B145 Picture-F088809-0038 / CC BY-SA 3.0 DE / Photographer Joachim F. Thurn / Painting: Dmitri Wladimirowitsch Wrubel / East Side Gallery, 1990 / Original Photo: Régis Bossus , Oct 5, 1979 The answer is simple The answer is actually simple, as we all know such photos. They arouse our curiosity by showing s…
2021-06-04 Club News
For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) We thank Google for stopping giving away storage space for free since June 1, 2021. This finally removes a major competition distortion. Never…
2021-04-02 Club News
For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Last Sunday, March 29, 2021, the Ipernity General Assembly 2021 took place. The previous Board of our Association was discharged for its activities in 2020. The p…
Le vent joue sa complainte automnale Naissante dans le dernier silence estival. Déjà jaunissent les arbres aux parures verdoyantes Tandis que flamboie la nature mourante. L’été s’en va doucement sur la pointe des pieds. L’oiseau chante la mélodie d’un songe envolé. Ses joyeux trilles hésitent et il se tait, étonné. C’est le temps béni des vendanges où tout change. Septembre adouci va laisser tristeme…
2017-12-31 Happy New Year 2018
[EN] Against all odds A year–end message from the ima–Team It was in December 2016 when the founder and CEO of Ipernity S.A., Christophe Ruelle, announced the closing of the platform by January 2017. (1) It’s now the end of 2017 and ipernity is still online. What happened? Of course, members were scared, disappointed and started looking for alternatives to Ipernity. But true alternatives were (and are) hard to find. Quite a bunch of users moved over to flickr – bu…
2017-10-27 Newsflash
[EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Meanwhile IMA has gained access to the ticket log for “Help & Contact” and going forward will address issues. Please understand that we cannot go backwards to past requests, but will do our best to help going forward now. Where there will not be instant answers please be patient. We will be doing our best to answer in a timely manner. 2) Weeks ago people have asked an option to allow free guest accounts for family and friends. We recently di…
2017-09-22 Newsflash
[EN] Dear ipernity friends and IMA members, 1) We are pleased to inform you today, that all changes regarding the financial transactions have now been successfully and completely implemented. All payments are being transferred exclusively to the IMA. You may therefore proceed with the extensions of your subscriptions In some areas you may still encounter problems, when you try to pay via one of the Skrill options (Credit Card, etc). Please note, that in some countries you can pay…
Votre Galerie Virtuelle
Bonjour à ceux qui passerons par ici ! Vous voudriez voir vos photos accrochées sur un mur blanc avec un bel éclairage ... comme dans une galerie d'expo ? Vous pouvez le faire VIRTUELLEMENT grâce à "Bodyofart" et gratuitement ! C'est assez amusant et sympa ! Jouez avec la souris et les flèches du clavier pour aller à droite ou à gauche, changer de pièce, et grossir les "tableaux" ! De 5 à 20 photos par galerie ... et autant de galeries que l'on veut ! Voilà ce que cela donne: www.bodyofart…
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