Nora Caracci's favorite articles
Ingresé en Ipernity el 2016 porque fotografiar es una de mis aficiones. Acepté las normativas de Ipernity. No existía ninguna reglamentación sobre la IA ni su relación con la fotografía, porque aún no tenía vida. Nació la IA y era evidente que se avecinaba una revolución general y en el mundo gráfico en especial. De inmediato en Ipernity comenzó el goteo de miembros que presentan composiciones gráficas generadas con la IA. Esto indudablemente irá a más por la propia evolución. Me planteé si debería escuchar los cantos de sirena y me dejaba seducir por la IA y lo rechacé de plano. No me niego a los avances tecnológicos, en general me parecen bien y este en concreto es una gran evolución para bien y para mal, como todos. Estoy en Ipernity por la fotografía, no desertaré de ella, y opino que ambas modalidades son incompatibles y no deberían convivir en un mismo lugar. El fútbol y el baloncesto son deportes, pero cada cual tiene su hábitat y su ser. Obviamente, son independientes en todo. A lo sumo, pueden confluir sus directivas en la pertenencia una misma sociedad propietaria. Hay socios de un club de fútbol, hay otros que son socios de baloncesto de la misma entidad, incluso otros son socios de ambos. Estimo que Ipernity debiera optar por una u otra modalidad o bien disponer de las dos por separado. Es decir; unos con membresía para fotografía, que supongo no necesitaría modificaciones al sistema actual, y otros con membresía para la IA. Lo mismo que se rechaza compartir fotografías ajenas, también se debería rechazar que una fotografía entrara en el grupo de IA y a la inversa. Y el que quisiera estar en ambas podría tener un precio inferior a la suma de las dos. Son mis sugerencias, que ni puedo ni pretendo imponer a nadie. Mas, como Ipernity no me impone amigos, de seguir conviviendo en un mismo espacio, será decisión mía elegirlos según entienda que compartimos la misma afición. Deseo aprender fotografía de otros, así que deberé tener amigos fotógrafos para ver sus fotos. Hasta ahora he compartido con amigos pasados a la IA. A partir de enero dejaré de participar en sus galerías. No tengo nada contra ellos, los respeto y hasta admiro sus trabajos y no descarto volver a tratarlos en una plataforma fotográfica. Pero tengo mis principios y los quiero llevar a la práctica. No jugamos en la misma afición, ni con los mismos medios, ni los resultados son homologables. Deseo que la fotografía sea independiente, mantenga los principios ganados en el decurso de los tiempos con el esfuerzo de avezados e insignes fotógrafos, así como incontables fotógrafos anónimos, y no los perdamos de golpe y porrazo en el totum revolutum, anexionados a la IA que, en fotografía, la considero un arte diferente y, si se pretende equipararlos, diría que desnaturalizado. Me podría callar, mirar hacia otro lado y hacer lo que digo, sin irritar a nadie, pero en mi entorno estoy acostumbrado a decir lo que pienso con franqueza.Y lo he dicho. Aprovecho la oportunidad para desearles a todos los miembros de Ipernity… FELIZ NAVIDAD Y PRÓSPERO AÑO NUEVO. José Manuel Polo Larrondo Bilbao, a 15 de diciembre de 2024.
3 January 2025 - Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, We all wish you a happy new year, health, peace and much love by the ones you love. 1) Removing items from a group. For an administrator of a group checking the suitability of content added to it, they can use the red [x] under an image as required. But if they open the large, single image view for a clearer assessment, they would have had to return to the group contributions page for access to the [x] to remove it. Now the 'Action' menu f…
4 October 2024 - Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Seasons change. We hope as the seasons shift that you find yourself inspired by the light. Share some of that in one of our Days of the Week Groups. Here's a selection: Macro Mondays Happy Bench Monday Happy Tuesday Table Happy Wednesday Wall Happy-Flexy-Wednesday Orange Thursdays Happy Fence Friday Happy Chairy Saturday Saturday Self-Challenge Are there more? Let us know! 2) Where we…
6 September 2024 - Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) World Photography Day. What a wonderful celebration we had! 73 members participated this year, breaking our previous record by 3. What amazingly varied days we all had. Starting with a gentle photo of an orange tree and ending with bright flower with insect and a collaborative stark mural on a large building. Take your time strolling through the special day in the World Photography Day group and enjoy not only the images which go…
7 June 2024 - Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Notes for new members. It was a task for the Moderator to send an ipermail to new members with useful information. This would inevitably not be at the instant of registration. It also required a decision on who to exclude as likely spammers. The text is now available in our 7 supported languages, as item 1.6 in the FAQ section. We view this as an overall improvement, while accepting the loss of the personal touch. This is mitigated by community bein…
3 May 2024 - Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Summary of the General Assembly of Members. We thank all of you who attended the online meeting. Please refer to the separate article: 2024 IGA Report . We have a plan to simplify the voting process, without the need for emails with links to each PollUnit, while still having a secure voting system. 2) Meeting in the real world. Last weekend, numerous ipernity members went to Hamburg to meet face to face. See Hamburg 2024 group . With…
5 April 2024 - Club News
1) Ipernity General Assembly (IGA 2024) will take place Sunday, April 7th, 2024. For registered attendees only, (the deadline to participate was April 3rd), the following documents will be made available at least 24 hours in advance: ● Annual Financial Statement 2023 ● IGA 2024 - Treasurer's Report on 2023 ● IGA 2024 - Report of the President on 2023 ● IGA 2024 - Motions to Agenda item 11 (Miscellaneous) Please read these documents before the meeting to save time. Make a…
4 August 2023 - Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) World Photography Day - August 19th, 2023. Will your photo be out of this world? Get your cameras ready! Our annual World Photography Day celebration is happening soon. Remember that contributions will need to be taken on August 19th. More details will be posted in a news article about a week before the event. 2) Online kindness. iperni…
Club News - 2 June 2023
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Next season. Summer is around the corner and the summer collection of homepage pictures and accompanying slideshow are online. See the slideshow on YouTube , and without logging out, see the ipernity homepage here. A deep thank you to all members who have added new contributions which keeps our website looking fresh. Keep those suggestions coming! And the team gives many thanks to Bernhard and * ઇઉ * for all the hard work t…
2023 IGA Report
Dear members and friends of ipernity, Last Saturday, March 25th, 2023 the Ipernity General Assembly 2023 took place. The previous Board of our Association was discharged for its activities in 2022. The following links provide information on the course of the Assembly and the results: ● Agenda of the 2023 IGA ● Participants in the 2023 IGA ● President's report on 2022 ● Treasurer's report on 2022 ● Annual financial report for 2022 ● Minutes of the 2023 IGA…
2023-03-03 Club News
1) It's spring now! Seasonally fitting, we now welcome all visitors to our website with the spring pictures you provided. Thank you for your support! You can watch all the current spring pictures as a slideshow on YouTube . 2) Positive news - We are keeping the membership contributions stable. Last year, the expenses for the servers we rent from Amazon Web Service (AWS) increased. (We will provide you with exact figures at the IGA.) Nevertheless, the ima team has agreed not to incr…
IGA (ipernity general assembly) 2023
Dear Full Club Members of ipernity, The IGA 2023 will take place on Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 6pm CET. Please check your clock for the correct time in your country. Your time zone ============================================================ We encourage all full club members to attend. ▶️ Follow this link to the sign up procedure . The verification of your identity is only necessary, if you are participating for the first time. Otherwise, we only require an email to im…
2023-01-06 Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, As the world turns, our global membership is experiencing changes in the weather from one season to another. For many it is the cold arriving for winter, but for others the warmth of summer or mild fluctuations at their equatorial locals. Whichever way your seasons flow, we wish you a Happy New Year! 1) User Interface Improvements. 1a) Membership renewal by bank transfer. In an effort to make the method for bank transfer membership re…
What is a good photo?
© Bernhard Westrup ( Bergfex ) (collage with only own pictures) Three months ago, the administration of the ambassador pictures fell to me. This group is one of the flagships of ipernity, because the pictures in this group are shown to curious visitors from the web when they discover our website and click onto the button: Explore ➽Noteworthy . At this occasion, the co-admin raingirl , who also is a jury member, asked the important question: " What is a good photo? What mak…
2022-11-04 Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Help us select the best homepage pictures for the winter season! Due to the great interest in the trial voting for the homepage pictures in July, voting is now offered again for the upcoming winter pictures. If you would like to take part, follow this link: Vote on the ipernity homepage pictures for this winter . 2) Improve the visibility of your pictures. When browsing the gallery pictures using the Lightbox view, you may have noticed t…
2022-10-21 Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Let's get up and dance! Request for music suggestions for the winter slideshow uploaded to YouTube. There was feedback that the music chosen for the autumn slideshow was too melancholic. For the winter, 'Chris de Burgh / When Winter Comes' is envisaged. Do you have a better idea? Make your suggestions in a comment below. Note : Proposals need to be instrumental music of about 3 minutes duration. The music should be accompanying music…
2022-10-07 Club News
Photo contribution from 2022 World Photography Day Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) World Photography Day. Our event on August 19, 2022 was a joyous success. Over 50 members participated. With photographs from Austria to Australia, from Poland to Peru - over 12 countries are represented - truly a World event!! Contributions can be viewed in the group World Photography Day . If you have interest in how the event will be run next year, please add to the discussion in the g…
2022-09-02 Club News
For other languages: ipernity club members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) This weekend we are celebrating a 5 years anniversary , as on September 1, 2017, we members took over the operation of this website and thus saved it from disappearing. Since then, we have overcome all challenges. We a…
World Photography Day - August 19th, 2022
For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) World Photography Day is an annual, worldwide celebration of the art, craft, science and history of photography. This year our club’s World Photography Day group will honor the day by accepting photographs taken on Friday,…
The ipernity Homepage - Part 2
For other languages: ipernity club members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) The first article about the ipernity homepage told about its history and defined its purpose. The homepage shall present ipernity attractively and motivate visitors from the web to take a closer look at us. It is a promotional vehicle. It must be so inviting that visitors are ea…
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