Tanja - Loughcrew's favorite articles
6 December 2024 - Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Is a group active? In order to support the current efforts by our members to improve the perception of groups, especially to visitors, a new feature has been added to assist them. On a group's homepage, the blue (?) icon beside 'Latest contributions' shows how long ago the most recent image was added to the group. Additionally, this is available via the [ i ] under each image. This is the date that a user agrees to a suggestion, or when a g…
Wer durch Schwaben reist...
Saint-Genou - Eine Vorankündigung
Da haben wir eine kleine Kirche in einem kleinen unscheinbaren Dorf mit einem alten Postamt, dessen Erscheinungsbild ein wenig an das ehemalige Gebäude der Gendarmerie nationale in Saint-Tropez erinnert. Die alte Gendarmerie nationale in Saint Tropez steht wahrscheinlich auch nur noch deshalb, weil die Geschichten um den Gendarmen Ludovic Cruchot es berühmt gemacht haben. Und wir haben einen kleinen Fluß, der ca. 100 km weiter in die Loire mündet und einem Departement seinen Namen gibt. Immerhin hatte diese Gemeinde, deren Einwohner man Saint-Genulphiens oder nicht ganz so heilig einfach Genulphiens nennt, bis zu sieben Fabriken, die Porzellan herstellten. Die letzte Fabrik wurde 1999 geschlossen. Das wären so einige Facts zu Saint-Genou, ein ca. 900 Seelen Städtchen im mittleren Westen Frankreichs. Wären wir damit zufrieden, würde mein Artikel mit der Einführung hier schon enden. Aber - ein Städtchen mit sieben Porzelanfabriken, einer Kirche, einem Postamt, an einem kleinen Fluss gelegen, kann auch Stoff für eine Geschichte liefern, die 1964 begann.
4 October 2024 - Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Seasons change. We hope as the seasons shift that you find yourself inspired by the light. Share some of that in one of our Days of the Week Groups. Here's a selection: Macro Mondays Happy Bench Monday Happy Tuesday Table Happy Wednesday Wall Happy-Flexy-Wednesday Orange Thursdays Happy Fence Friday Happy Chairy Saturday Saturday Self-Challenge Are there more? Let us know! 2) Where we…
Ein kurzer Exkurs über die Vernunft
woran sterben mehr Menschen - an Schnaps oder an Hai-Angriffen? Und wovor haben die Menschen mehr Angst - vor Schnaps oder vor Haien? q.e.d.
5 July 2024 - Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Welcoming new members. Allow us to remind you of the New Club Members - most recent page. With the wonderful new online message to new members, the team moderator no longer has to send a personal ipermail to them. However, you can choose to visit this page and engage with these new members, like our long time member Jaap van 't Veen does. So, our thanks to Jaap, and may we encourage others to join in this activity of simply being friendly. Is an…
Newly Elected Board - April 7th, 2024
Executive Board (elected by the Ipernity General Assembly on March 25, 2023 and April 7, 2024) William Sutherland , United States, President Corinne Pommerell , Luxemburg, Treasurer Rob Stamp , United Kingdom, Webmaster Laura Fletcher , United States, Moderator Executive Assistants ( appointed by the Executive Board in accordance with ARTICLE VII,10 of the IMA Statutes ) Helena-Paule Fitoussi , France (hotline, spam removal) Stefan Roßkopf , Germany (IT) S…
IGA 2024 - Treasurer's Report on 2023
IGA2024 - Treasurer's report on 2023 Related Annual Financial Report 2023 IGA2024 - Rapport de la trésoriere sur l'année 2023 États financiers annuels rapport 2023 IGA2024 - Bericht der Schatzmeisterin über das Jahr 2023 Zugehöriger Finanzbericht 2023
U.S. Nears an Epic Historical Moment
Something in the intensity with which Windrip looked at his audience, looked at all of them, his glance slowly taking them in from the highest-perched seat to the nearest, convinced them that he was talking to each individual, directly and solely; that he wanted to take each of them into his heart; that he was telling them the truths, the imperious and dangerous facts, that had been hidden from them… —Sinclair Lewis, It C…
IGA (ipernity general assembly) 2024
Dear Full Club Members of ipernity, The IGA 2024 will take place on Sunday, April 7, 2024, 6pm Paris (16:00 UTC). Please check your clock for the correct time in your country. Your time zone ============================================================ We encourage all full club members to attend. ▶️ Follow this link to the sign up procedure . The verification of your identity is only necessary, if you are participating for the first time. Otherwise, we only require…
1 March 2024 - Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) One month until IGA. Sign up by April 3rd in order to attend. Our annual membership meeting will be held online on Sunday April 7th 2024, 5pm [Correction: 6pm] Paris (16:00 UTC) . Please see Sign-Up Procedure for IGA . For anyone who has not attended previously, a look at the IGA group will give you an idea of how the meeting is conducted online. There are two mandates open for election. 2) Meeting in the real world. We are inde…
Quel dommage que l'IA intervienne dans certaines des photos proposées. Que devient le naturel d'une photo savamment cadrée ? Que devient le côté humain dans le portrait ? Que deviennent les heures de patience pour capturer l'image d'un animal dans la vraie nature et le plaisir d'avoir réussi ? Que devient la présentation d'une nature morte aboutie après de nombreux essais ? Que devient la vraie créativité avec de vrais pinceaux et de la vraie peinture ? Va-ton laisser la machine dépass…
2 February 2024 - Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Two months until IGA. Sign up for the meeting now. Our annual membership meeting is due to be held on Sunday April 7th 2024, 5pm Paris (16:00 UTC) . "When are the others turning up?" Don't delay, please see Sign-Up Procedure for IGA . For anyone who has not attended previously, a look at the IGA group will give you an idea of how the meeting is conducted online. 2) Speaking of groups of animals... Our team advisor, past Club…
6 October 2023 - Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Revised Landing Page. The selection of images for the Landing Page has been made, and the software update implemented, see Explore . You will note that the image changes each time the page is refreshed. This is on a random basis, so you might get the same image twice, but most of the time it will be different. We hope that this refresh, suggested by our membership, helps new members engage with the text and our website, and that our current me…
Example message for Excess Photo Deletions
email heading: ipernity Photo deletions pending - please contact us or renew you club membership ipermail heading: Urgent! Photo deletions pending. Hi [NAME], I hope all is well with you. You were a full and active member of the ipernity Online Photo Club for a number of years and we thank you for that. However, your full membership to the ipernity Online Photo Club expired [DATE] and your account reverted to guest status. Your ipernity account is still operating but with o…
World Photography Day - August 19th, 2023
World Photography Day is an annual, worldwide celebration of the art, craft, science and history of photography. This year our club’s World Photography Day group will honor the day by accepting photographs taken on Saturday, August 19th, 2023. Each photographer may submit one photo (for 2023 a second photo will be allowed if placed in the description of your first photo). Submissions will be accepted through the end of August to allow time for editing, processing, and uploading. S…
4 August 2023 - Club News
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) World Photography Day - August 19th, 2023. Will your photo be out of this world? Get your cameras ready! Our annual World Photography Day celebration is happening soon. Remember that contributions will need to be taken on August 19th. More details will be posted in a news article about a week before the event. 2) Online kindness. iperni…
Über das Tanzen
Nachdem ich am Wochenende eine Tanzveranstaltung besuchen konnte/durfte/musste, scheint es mir der richtige Zeipunkt für einige Überlegungen. Usprung von Musik und Tanz Ich war ja nicht dabei und kann deshalb nur Theorien wiedergeben... Wikipedia erzählt uns, dass es in manchen afrikanischen Sprachen nur ein Wort swowohl für Tanz als auch Musik gibt. Bayern 2 (für alle Ausserbayern [soll's ja geben]: ein Radiosender) erzählt uns, dass die Ursprünge der Musik in einer Synchronisation l…
Club News - 2 June 2023
Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Next season. Summer is around the corner and the summer collection of homepage pictures and accompanying slideshow are online. See the slideshow on YouTube , and without logging out, see the ipernity homepage here. A deep thank you to all members who have added new contributions which keeps our website looking fresh. Keep those suggestions coming! And the team gives many thanks to Bernhard and * ઇઉ * for all the hard work t…
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