Jean-luc Drouin's favorite articles

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  • 2021-09-17 Club News

    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) For the beginning of autumn we have updated…

  • 2021-04-23 Club News

    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Today, a long-planned hardware upgrade of the upload server was to be carried out by our IT service provider Innovations ON. Regrettably, this upgrade turned out to be more difficult than expe…

  • Reactivation Proposal for Esperanto

    [FR] ▶️ Proposition de réactivation de l'espéranto [DE] ▶️ Reaktivierungsvorschlag für Esperanto [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity, Ten months ago, we had decided to further maintain the ipernity website only in the seven main languages of the western hemisphere. This cut the software maintenance effort in half so we could achieve twice as much with our limited programming capacity. Despite this limitation, we do reach 99.3% of all club members in their native langua…

  • 2020-05-27 ⚠️ Server Maintenance ⚠️

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! An unexpected replacement of one main server will be necessary in the next few days. Therefore our website has to be completely shut down for a while. The date and time of the shutdown cannot be stated yet. It depends on how we progress with the preparations. The duration of the interruption could be 12 to 48 hours. We ask for your understanding. Your ima team [FR] Chers membres et amis d'ipernity ! Un remplacement inatt…

  • Competitive Comparison of Display

    Screenshot 2020-05-29 15.24.10
    1) Flickr Optical impression: ✅ Wide screen (responsive) ⛔️ Disorderly arrangement ⛔️ Little space between the pictures is annoying when viewing, ⛔️ Portrait format images are disadvantaged to landscape format images Information: ✅ Image description ⬜ Image title ( only visi…

  • Le journal "Libération" retrouve son indépendance

    - 14/05/2020 - [FR] "Libération" va quitter Altice [ grand groupe industriel français ] pour retrouver son indépendance. Sur le même modèle que "Mediapart", le quotidien doit intégrer une nouvelle structure à but non lucratif. "Cette nouvelle structure garantit à Libération sa totale indépendance éditoriale, économique et financière" et sera "présentée aux instances représentatives du personnel", précise le groupe [ aujourd'hui actionnaire majoritaire ] dans un cour…

  • Über die Freundschaft - Die Rose und der Fuchs aus "Der kleine Prinz" von Antoine de Saint-Exupéry [eo - en - fr - es - pt - it - nl - rus - jap - cn] ]

    Kletterrose neu in meinem Garten
    [eo - en - fr - es - pt - it - nl - rus - jap - cn] Über die Freundschaft Die Rose und der Fuchs » Du bist ewig für das verantwortlich, was du dir vertraut gemacht hast. Du bist für deine Rose verantwortlich « sagte der Fuchs »... Ich bin für meine Rose verantwortlich ...« wiederholte der kleine Prinz, um es sich zu merken.…

  • 2006 - Meine neue Heimat in der Sächsischen Schweiz - Mia nova hejmo en la Saksa Svisio - Ma nouvelle vie en Suisse Saxonne depuis 2006 - 我於 2006 年在薩克森瑞士進住的新居我於 2006 年在薩克森瑞士進住的新居

    Vor meinem Haus - antaŭ mia domo
    Diesen Artikel veröffentlichte ich bei Ipernity am 09.01.2008 Meine neue Heimat in der Sächsischen Schweiz seit 2006 我於 2006 年在薩克森瑞士進住的新居 Mia nova hejmo en la Saksa Svisio ekde 2006 Ma nouvelle vie en Suisse Saxonne depuis 2006 我於2006年在薩克森瑞士進住的新居 Seit dem 13. August 1999 bin ich Witwer meine Frau starb 56-jährig an Krebs. Deswegen zog ich von Bielefeld, wo ich 40 Jahre gewohnt…

  • 2020-04-24 Newsflash / COVID-19

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! Our COVID-19 Help Offer has triggered a great movement of solidarity. To this point we received 48 donations*) with a total volume of 1,692 EUR. After deducting money transaction fees of 58 EUR, a net amount of 1,634 EUR is available for financial help. ▶️ Help can be granted for subscription renewals that are becoming due, up to no more than 30 days in advance. ▶️ The prerequisite is a financial emergency as a result of th…

  • 2020-05-08 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The image editing via PicMonkey works again. The manufacturer of this program has repaired its interface. 2) But there is free access only to the old version of PicMonkey. This is based on the Adobe Flash Player, whose days are numbered because the technology is outdated: why-is-adobe-flash-player-shutting-down 3) It is therefore to be expected that this old version of PicMonkey will not be online for much longer. We recommend you to…

  • Depuis douze ans parmi vous...

    Un cadeau de l'un d'entre vous
    Ceci est le 223ème article sur mon blog ipernity... N'est-ce pas le temps des bilans ? Alors malgré ma trouille de la feuille blanche, j'aligne ici quelques chiffres : 1 020 documents et 3 657 photos ont été honorés de vos 174 000 visites... Soyez-en ici chaleureusement remerciés ! Transfuge de Dailymotion où j'ai sévi auparavant, c'est en mai 2008 que j'ai débarqué sur ipernity, véritable couteau suisse international, où j'ai tout de suite trouvé entraide, solidarité, sympathie et même am…

  • Namibia 2020

    18. Dezember 2019 - Nun ist es eine beschlossene Sache. Die Fernreise 2020 geht nach Namibia. Aus der Idee kann nun ein Plan werden. Gebucht ist fast alles, für die intensiveren Planungen ist noch etwas Zeit. Ich überlege, mein Fotoequipment etwas anzupassen.

  • Wer ist Arlequin Photographie?

    Arlequin Photografie
    Wer ist Arlequin Photographie? - Ein Interview Wahrscheinlich ist diese Frage nicht schwer zu beantworten. Das liegt aber wohl an der Sichtweise - der Perspektive. Und Selbstbeschreibungen sind wahrscheinlich die schlechteste Perspektive, die man sich vorstellen kann - Selfie halt und ich hasse Selfies. Hier ein virtuelles Interview, zusammen gestellt aus Fragen, die mir, entweder privat, in einem Disput oder auch in realen Interviews gestellt wurden.

  • Photo+Adventure 2024:

    Das Messe-Festival am 8. + 9. Juni 2024 im Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord.

  • Nous sommes encore Charlie!

    Gedanken zum kommenden Jahr. Réflexions sur l'année à venir. Reflections about the coming year. Gedachten over het komende jaar. Pensamientos sobre el año que viene.

  • ⚠️ COVID-19 Help Offer / Offre d'aide / Unterstützungsangebot

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! Our COVID-19 deferral offer from last Friday has triggered an even more ambitious member initiative. Donations were offered to help those who have financial difficulties paying for due subscription renewals as a result of the Corona crisis. We welcome this initiative and make the following arrangement: ▶️ Aid can be granted for subscription renewals that are becoming due, up to no more than 30 days in advance. ▶️ The prerequisite is a…

  • 2020-04-03 Newsflash / COVID-19 Relief

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Last Sunday the Ipernity General Meeting IGA2020 took place. The attendance ( list of 43 participants ) was significantly better than last year (31 participants). 2) All major activities of the ima team and the progress made were presented in the report of the CEO . Particularly noteworthy is the successful differentiation of the previous unified club membership into needs-based subscription packages with different features. The number of…

  • IGA2020 - Report of the CFO

    IGA2020 - Report of the CFO Related Annual Financial Statements 2019 IGA2020 - Rapport du CFO États financiers annuels correspondants 2019 IGA2020 - Bericht des CFO zugehöriger Jahresabschluss 2019

  • 2020-03-21 Urgent Appeal - Appel urgent - Dringende Bitte

    2020-03-21 Use of DeepL
    [EN] Dear club members of ipernity! In view of private and professional worries of many members due to the Corona crisis, the ima team discussed whether the general meeting should be postponed. We have decided not to do so. After all, the virus has not yet reached most of us, even though the fear has gone around and we are already experiencing many restrictions in our everyday lives. Fortunately, these do not affect communication via ipernity, which for many members is an important par…

  • IGA2020 - Report of the CEO

    IGA2020 - Report of the CEO IGA2020 - Rapport du CEO IGA2020 - Bericht des CEO

48 articles in total