Variationen's groups

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Public groups in which Variationen is an administrator

  • " A Limited Edition "

    " A Limited Edition "

    Created 8 years ago Das Nonplusultra der Fotografie ! Le nec plus ultra en photographie! The ultimate in photography! L'ultimo nella fotografia!

  • +9999 photos no limits, no restrictions, no conditions

    +9999 photos no limits, no restrictions, no conditions

    Created 16 years ago

    +9999 photos people, sexy or not, flowers, animals, everything welcome The group is rebuilding. There were problems with some presenters who did not accept nude photos.

  • 4 Seasons - Spring

    4 Seasons - Spring

    Created 17 years ago

    A collection of all the images of spring. If you feel like spring with a picture of yours, this is the right place. Further groups: 4 Seasons - Summer 4 Seasons - Fall 4 Seasons - Winter the winners of pic #1 - "a smell of spring" Varin for "Incredibly Nice" iljuschin for "Angies Relaxing" shilluette for "Frühlingsbotin" Esther Demaría for "Come Up"

  • All flowers

    All flowers

    Created 13 years ago

    I Know there are many flower groups but to save this one from closure please put your flower pics here. Thanks

  • Austria


    Created 17 years ago

    Pictures which show this remarkable little country in its entire diversity. * With statement of place and/or GEO-location, please. *

  • Bees, Bzzz, Bees !

    Bees, Bzzz, Bees !

    Created 11 years ago

    A place to showcase photographs of all types of bees: honey bees, bumblebees, native bees of your region or country. Only pictures of Bees please. Les abeilles seulement. Bienen erfreuen nur. Abejas sólo. Our aim is to raise awareness of the vital role Bees play, in nature, by photographing and sharing the diversity of Bees around the globe. Bee numbers are declining worldwide especially honey bees. Everyone can help bees flourish in their garden with plants bees love to visit !

  • Bokeh as MAIN Subject - the blurry way of photography

    Bokeh as MAIN Subject - the blurry way of photography

    Created 17 years ago

    As the subject says - Bokeh is the blurry way of photography. Even if you do not recognize it, bokeh is a big subject in photography, as you can see it every day in lots of pictures. This group is dedicated to all you bokeh-lovers - to all the people out there, who have an eye for the smooth and blurry subject in their photos (instead of the sharp subject in the foreground). You are welcome to join this group and to be part of the Bokeh community. Contribute your blurry shots and enjoy the…

  • Church Interiors

    Church Interiors

    Created 11 years ago

    Any image taken inside of any religious building - fonts, lecterns, hassocks, pulpits, carvings, pillars, pews, etc.

  • Collages


    Created 10 years ago

    This group is for photo collages - multiple pictures combined into one frame. No photos of art please - there are already collage groups for that. Any other subject is fine, as long as it is not vulgar. Nudity and porn are forbidden in this group.

  • Contemporary Abstracts

    Contemporary Abstracts

    Created 17 years ago

    Abstract photography is understood to mean that it does not depict objects in the natural world, but instead uses color and form nonrepresentational. Obviously do we need objects but let us see them abstract.

  • Enchanted trees

    Enchanted trees

    Created 7 years ago

    Dies ist die Neugründung der PANORAMIO-Gruppe "Enchanted trees". Die Gruppe hatte zum Schluß 625 Mitglieder und fast 13.000 Beiträge. ALLE Ipernianer sind herzlich eingeladen, am Entstehen einer neuen zauberhaften Sammlung mitzuwirken. Hier der originale Vorstellungstext: Show your magic trees ~ trees as they came out of a fairy tale ~ trees that tell a tale of magic ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ Here all trees that make your mind travel are welcome. It can be a part of a tree, a…

  • fleurs sauvages de montagne

    fleurs sauvages de montagne

    Created 10 years ago

    les fleurs et plantes sauvages des montagnes des alpes

  • Flo. Fam.: Brassicaceae

    Flo. Fam.: Brassicaceae

    Created 14 years ago

    sauvageonnes et cultivées Anciennement : Crucifères Famille des: Choux (Brassica), Giroflée, Cresson, Moutardes , Roquettes , Radis , Navets ,Rave, Colza, Cheiranthus et Matthiola (Giroflées), Cardamine, Arabis, Alyssum, Draba, Aubrieta, Iberis, , Erysimum, Capselle, Alliaire, Cakile, Rorippa , Sysimbrium ...

  • Flowers


    Created 17 years ago

    Flowers from all over the world. We only accept high quality photos with flowers as the main motif.

  • Funfair, amusement parks, kermis, theme-parks

    Funfair, amusement parks, kermis, theme-parks

    Created 16 years ago

    Rollercoasters, wild water slides, carousels, log flume, merry-go-rounds, roundabouts, foods, sweets, everything you could find at a funfair (or how you would like to call it) could be posted to this group.

  • i-Central


    Created 17 years ago

    i-Central: the Pulse of the Ipernity Community i-CENTRAL IS YOUR get involved and be active! The more you contribute, the better you make YOUR group!! Don't be shy, we have so many great threads and so many great people here. So, instead of just looking at the threads, post in them!! A group for all Ipernity members to share images, stories and ideas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  • Macro  Photos  -- Macro Photography

    Macro Photos -- Macro Photography

    Created 11 years ago

    Macro photography only free subjects Reminder: a macro is a photo of a very small thing taken very close, very enlarged on the photo The ratio must be greater than 1:1

  • Memorials / Cofebion / Monumentoj

    Memorials / Cofebion / Monumentoj

    Created 11 years ago

    Memorials rather than gravestones*: stones, plaques, inscriptions, gardens... any period (NB 'monument' is ambiguous: for this group it means "an obelisk, statue, building, etc., erected in commemoration of a person or event or in celebration of something" RATHER THAN "a building, structure, or site that is of historical importance or interest." *note - Unless it has particular significance, eg famous individuals. / Cofebion yn hytrach na cherrig beddau: meini, placiau, arysgrifiadau... unr…

  • Old Elbe tunnel (lifts, equipment, buildings)

    Old Elbe tunnel (lifts, equipment, buildings)

    Created 11 years ago

    The Old Elbe Tunnel (officially called "St. Pauli-Elbtunnel") in Hamburg offers more than just two tunnel tubes. It contains several car lifts and numerous other photographically interesting motifs such as signs and control panels. Documents showing the tunnel tubes do not belong to this group, there is another Alte Elbtunnel - Group , which specialises in this. Please do not spam on behalf of this group in comments. No "Seen in Alter Elbtunnel" etc., otherwise you risk your permanent exclus…

Public groups in which Variationen is a member