Photos - images - dessins et textes poétiques suivant l'inspiration - seulement à ce qui se rapporte à des poésies, films, dessins, créations...toutes photos non adéquates qui n'exprimeront pas le thème avec texte, titre de films etc. seront supprimées !
all existing flowers ...
You can put flowers of any kind! framed and HDR will be accepted! Also the buds of flowers but only photos and videos! Plants fat but flowery. and even creations from your flowers! We reserve the right to delete photos that do not correspond ...
Thank's everyone.
Toute photographie qui reflète la lumière et les différents tons du blanc et du noir.
Pas de sépia uniquement du noir & blanc ! Toute photo qui reflète la lumière et les divers tons de blanc et de noir.
All photos with these colours in MAJORITY ! NO BLUE or others please ! No nude or porn pictures too ! All inappropriate photos will be deleted ! Revised photos accepted♫
Photo ou art graphique, pictural ou digital accompagné obligatoirement de musique lyrique(opéra, comédie musicale et opérette)
Pictures taken by a camera or digital art or designs and paintings WITH lyrical music (lyric opera, musicals and light opera)
Texts, poems or writing extracts by authors you like. (No personal writings, there are some very nice groups already out there) -For short excerpts, put a link to the text. Contemporary authors also welcome. Associate beautiful photos, creations and images that correspond to the text. We reserve the right to delete any unsuitable material. thank you in advance******
J'ai créé ce groupe en mémoire du regretté Mahuphidos qui était le seul admisitrateur de ses groupes.
I created this group in the memory of Mahuphidos who was the only admistrator of his numerous groups.
Toutes images prises de la rue (urbaine / rurale) avec une certaine activité en cours.
All picture taken in the street with live action.
Ajoutez ici vos contributions éclairées de lampadaires et lanternes en tout genre merci !
A place for street lamps and lanterns fans !
Add your lightened contributions and enjoy !
For lovers of exotic plants who know their names, or would like to know.
In photos, plants or flowers must be identifiable...
Preferably, give the official and local names in the title or description. Otherwise, ask other members to complete the picture.
Aesthetic and artistic creations in painting, pastel, oil, sculpture, abstract art, art objects, artistic photos. Please make sure that you ONLY post images that relate to this theme. We reserve the right to delete any creation that does not correspond to the theme of this group... Thank you for your understanding!
This group is to help raise awareness of breast cancer in women, and testicular cancer in men.
So often in our busy lives we forget to check ourselves. I hope that by posting to the group, you will have a little reminder each time to do your check. Time is ALWAYS of the essence.
Please join the group before posting, and the limit is 3 per day.
Also, if your settings stipulate that comments cannot be added under your photo by members of this group, then it will be removed without notice, as it d…
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Public groups in which Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* is an administrator76 groups in total
Torticollis photographique / Stiff neck pictures
All photos that make your neck crack when you take them.
L'oeuvre de l'homme embellie par la nature.Human work enhanced by Nature
Every capture with architecture and natural elements for decorating it....
La joie de vivre....Lust for life
Laughter and joy in all their forms in photos........the abstract creation which by its colours gives joy, makes happy
Love your art
Creations of pictures where effects (brushes, textures etc.) are used.
Photos - images - dessins et textes poétiques suivant l'inspiration - seulement à ce qui se rapporte à des poésies, films, dessins, créations...toutes photos non adéquates qui n'exprimeront pas le thème avec texte, titre de films etc. seront supprimées !
Fleurs en folie,Flowers in madness
all existing flowers ... You can put flowers of any kind! framed and HDR will be accepted! Also the buds of flowers but only photos and videos! Plants fat but flowery. and even creations from your flowers! We reserve the right to delete photos that do not correspond ... Thank's everyone.
Epaves et carcasses in memoriam à Mahuphidos...
photo de vieilles épaves et carcasses en tous genres, le beau dans le chao . L'abandon dans tous ses états ...
Blanc i Negre
Toute photographie qui reflète la lumière et les différents tons du blanc et du noir. Pas de sépia uniquement du noir & blanc ! Toute photo qui reflète la lumière et les divers tons de blanc et de noir.
Green, emerald and memoriam to Vilmar Vidor ♫
All photos with these colours in MAJORITY ! NO BLUE or others please ! No nude or porn pictures too ! All inappropriate photos will be deleted ! Revised photos accepted♫
Châteaux de ce monde / Castles around the world / Castillos del mundo
Bienvenue dans le royaume des tous les beaux châteaux de ce monde ! Welcome in the kingdom of majestic castles al around the planet !
L'art lyrique et la création ...Lyrical art and creation
Photo ou art graphique, pictural ou digital accompagné obligatoirement de musique lyrique(opéra, comédie musicale et opérette) Pictures taken by a camera or digital art or designs and paintings WITH lyrical music (lyric opera, musicals and light opera)
"From Villon to Prévert********
Texts, poems or writing extracts by authors you like. (No personal writings, there are some very nice groups already out there) -For short excerpts, put a link to the text. Contemporary authors also welcome. Associate beautiful photos, creations and images that correspond to the text. We reserve the right to delete any unsuitable material. thank you in advance******
La rue est vivante / Mahuphidos in memoriam
J'ai créé ce groupe en mémoire du regretté Mahuphidos qui était le seul admisitrateur de ses groupes. I created this group in the memory of Mahuphidos who was the only admistrator of his numerous groups. Toutes images prises de la rue (urbaine / rurale) avec une certaine activité en cours. All picture taken in the street with live action.
Lampadaires et lanternes / Street lamps and lanterns.
Ajoutez ici vos contributions éclairées de lampadaires et lanternes en tout genre merci ! A place for street lamps and lanterns fans ! Add your lightened contributions and enjoy !
Exotic flower, what's your name?
For lovers of exotic plants who know their names, or would like to know. In photos, plants or flowers must be identifiable... Preferably, give the official and local names in the title or description. Otherwise, ask other members to complete the picture.
Design urbain" - "Design urban landscape"
Every modern outstanding architecture in towns (interior or exterior)
Caresses for the eyes and the soul
Any photo, any digital work that is soft by the curves, colours and a certain blur, moving ....
A l'Atelier
Aesthetic and artistic creations in painting, pastel, oil, sculpture, abstract art, art objects, artistic photos. Please make sure that you ONLY post images that relate to this theme. We reserve the right to delete any creation that does not correspond to the theme of this group... Thank you for your understanding!
Poets and dreamers***
To share our poems, sweet dreams and pleasant images.
◉It's all in your hands...
This group is to help raise awareness of breast cancer in women, and testicular cancer in men. So often in our busy lives we forget to check ourselves. I hope that by posting to the group, you will have a little reminder each time to do your check. Time is ALWAYS of the essence. Please join the group before posting, and the limit is 3 per day. Also, if your settings stipulate that comments cannot be added under your photo by members of this group, then it will be removed without notice, as it d…