Photo treatment with open source tools.
How do you you treat your images with Open Source? Share your experience with the Gimp, qtpfsgui, hugin, ...
Related groups:
The Gimp
Die Landeshauptstadt Sachsens
Die Bilder sollten unterschiedliche Ansichten der Stadt zeigen, also bitte nicht 5 gleiche oder sehr ähnliche Bilder hintereinander. :)
Bitte in dieser Gruppe nur Dresden-typische Bilder posten, also keine Blumenmakros, keine Haustiere, keine Werbung oder abfotografierte Plakate, keine Porträts. Bitte benutzt die dafür angelegten speziellen Gruppen, um Eure Bilder zu posten. Wir entfernen Bilder aus der Gruppe (manchmal auch mit einem entsprechenden Hinwe…
Nur schöne EisFotos!
andere Motive -Bilder werden ohne Kommentar entfernt.
Die Aufnahmen müßen von Euch selbst gemacht sein.
only bauty Ice photos!
other pics are will be deleted without any comment
The Pictures must be made by yourself.
diese Gruppe ist gedacht für Fotos mit:
Regentropfen, Tautropfen, Nebeltropfen, Regenfotos, Wassertropfen.
This Group is for ; Raindrops, Rainingpictures, Waterdrops......
photos of green plants. The occasional blossom should not prevent you from posting to this group, but this is not about flowers.
However, green leaves (even if belonging to a flower) are admissable.
*share your BEST seascapes, beach images, ocean sunsets, anything relating to the sea!
*partagez vos MEILLEURS paysages marins, images de plage, les couchers du soleil d'océan, quelque chose concernant la mer ! !
*presenti i vostri seascapes MIGLIORI, le immagini della spiaggia, i tramonti dell'oceano, tutte le foto del mare!
*reichen Sie Ihre BESTEN Meerblicke, Strandbilder, Ozeansonnenuntergänge, alle Fotos des Meeres ein!
*No pornography please (children might see).
This is about the Sony R1. I already saw many beautiful pictures taken with an R1. But certainly good images do not really depend on the camera. So this group is also about exchange on technical aspects concerning this camera. So if you own an R1 or are interested in it join.
Please only post pictures taken with the Sony R1.
Wer möchte, kann hier den Zauber der Felsenlandschaft in der Sächsischen und Böhmischen Schweiz (also das komplette Elbsandsteingebirge) dem Betrachter näher bringen.
For everyone who fell in love with Prague :)
All interesting photos are welcomed.
Later preferably not common ones.
(basically other documents than photos are allowed as well)
Le but est de concentrer sur ce groupe des prises inoubliables, des clichés pas trop retouchés, magnifiques, qui frôlent la perfection ...
Un petit goût de paradis !
Landscapes you'll never forget, a peaceful moment at a lake, an impressive sunset or lively street sceene. in a city
Is it a place that we should visit, let us know about it.
This Group is intended to all globetrotters and those who just happen to be at a wonderful location.
Make us hungry to travel
Please post some information on the location , no must though.
Do you like b l u e?
Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the blue colour!
Please post only pictures where b l u e is the dominating colour.
Thank blue.
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Public groups in which Arne is an administrator32 groups in total
*Nature Pics*
This Group all about nature anything to do with nature goes This Group on flickr
Weather Photos
photos depicting the weather - rain, wind, the sun, snow.
Open Source Photography
Photo treatment with open source tools. How do you you treat your images with Open Source? Share your experience with the Gimp, qtpfsgui, hugin, ... Related groups: qtpfsgui HDR The Gimp
Die Landeshauptstadt Sachsens Die Bilder sollten unterschiedliche Ansichten der Stadt zeigen, also bitte nicht 5 gleiche oder sehr ähnliche Bilder hintereinander. :) Bitte in dieser Gruppe nur Dresden-typische Bilder posten, also keine Blumenmakros, keine Haustiere, keine Werbung oder abfotografierte Plakate, keine Porträts. Bitte benutzt die dafür angelegten speziellen Gruppen, um Eure Bilder zu posten. Wir entfernen Bilder aus der Gruppe (manchmal auch mit einem entsprechenden Hinwe…
Eiszauber - Beauty Ice
Nur schöne EisFotos! andere Motive -Bilder werden ohne Kommentar entfernt. Die Aufnahmen müßen von Euch selbst gemacht sein. only bauty Ice photos! other pics are will be deleted without any comment The Pictures must be made by yourself.
Raindrops-Regentropfen-Wasserperlen etc.
diese Gruppe ist gedacht für Fotos mit: Regentropfen, Tautropfen, Nebeltropfen, Regenfotos, Wassertropfen. This Group is for ; Raindrops, Rainingpictures, Waterdrops......
into the woods
pictures of woods, forests, trees (not parks or gardens)
Pictures with humans...
photos of green plants. The occasional blossom should not prevent you from posting to this group, but this is not about flowers. However, green leaves (even if belonging to a flower) are admissable.
Reflections in water, mirrors, windows.....
An Ocean of Blue
*share your BEST seascapes, beach images, ocean sunsets, anything relating to the sea! *partagez vos MEILLEURS paysages marins, images de plage, les couchers du soleil d'océan, quelque chose concernant la mer ! ! *presenti i vostri seascapes MIGLIORI, le immagini della spiaggia, i tramonti dell'oceano, tutte le foto del mare! *reichen Sie Ihre BESTEN Meerblicke, Strandbilder, Ozeansonnenuntergänge, alle Fotos des Meeres ein! *No pornography please (children might see).
Sony R1
This is about the Sony R1. I already saw many beautiful pictures taken with an R1. But certainly good images do not really depend on the camera. So this group is also about exchange on technical aspects concerning this camera. So if you own an R1 or are interested in it join. Please only post pictures taken with the Sony R1.
Public groups in which Arne is a moderator1 group in total
Sächsische Schweiz / Saxon Switzerland / Elbsandsteingebirge
Wer möchte, kann hier den Zauber der Felsenlandschaft in der Sächsischen und Böhmischen Schweiz (also das komplette Elbsandsteingebirge) dem Betrachter näher bringen.
Public groups in which Arne is a member125 groups in total
the professional photographer's
welcome ...!!
Maritim Atmosphere
Maritim moods: Ocean, sand, boats, roaps, fishing nets, gulls, shells, beach, lighthouses, beach chairs, anchors, sails, quays, bollards, and so on… Please, NO images of nude beach! Please, NO cargo ships, freighter, cruise liners - therefor other groups! Thank you!
For everyone who fell in love with Prague :) All interesting photos are welcomed. Later preferably not common ones. (basically other documents than photos are allowed as well)
Ca sort du lot !
Le but est de concentrer sur ce groupe des prises inoubliables, des clichés pas trop retouchés, magnifiques, qui frôlent la perfection ... Un petit goût de paradis !
Unforgettable places
Landscapes you'll never forget, a peaceful moment at a lake, an impressive sunset or lively street sceene. in a city Is it a place that we should visit, let us know about it. This Group is intended to all globetrotters and those who just happen to be at a wonderful location. Make us hungry to travel Please post some information on the location , no must though.
b l u e
Do you like b l u e? Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the blue colour! Please post only pictures where b l u e is the dominating colour. Thank blue.
Tips & tricks
Technical photography and digital edition.