Ulrich John's groups

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Public groups in which Ulrich John is a member
134 groups in total

  • " 100 %  MIROIR - Mirror - Spiegel - Espejo - Specchio "

    " 100 % MIROIR - Mirror - Spiegel - Espejo - Specchio "

    Created 8 years ago

    miroirs-mirrors.group.ipernity.com Toutes les "images miroirs" sont les bienvenues, dans l'eau, miroirs, verre, fenêtres, vitrines, métal, etc ... Alle " Spiegelbilder " sind willkommen , im Wasser , Spiegel , Glas , Fenster, Schaufenster , Metall usw ... All "mirror images" are welcome, in the water, Mirrors, glass, windows, shop windows, metal etc ... Tutte le "immagini dello specchio" sono i benvenuti, in acqua, specchi, vetro, finestre, vetrine, metallo ecc ...

  • ... A COLOR up for your life...

    ... A COLOR up for your life...

    Created 9 years ago

    color-life.group.ipernity.com Farben , Farben und nochmals Farben... Couleurs, des couleurs et des couleurs encore ... Colors, colors and colors again ... Colori, colori e colori ancora ...

  • All people at their work places

    All people at their work places

    Created 9 years ago

    people.work.group.ipernity.com Menschen am Arbeitsplatz entdecken. Découvrir les gens au lieu de travail. Discover people at the workplace. Scoprite le persone sul posto di lavoro.

  • " A - Z ...  Tout le charme de la France ...The charm of France...Der Charme Frankreichs  "

    " A - Z ... Tout le charme de la France ...The charm of France...Der Charme Frankreichs "

    Created 9 years ago

    de_charme.group.ipernity.com Tout ce qui rend ce beau pays si exceptionnel : la culture, la terre et les gens, les traditions, les festivals, les fêtes, ainsi que son côté culinaire... (excepté les voitures) Alles was dieses schöne Land so aussergewöhnlich macht : Kultur , Land und Leute, Traditionen , Feste sowie seine kulinarische Seite... ( ausser Autos ) Everything that makes this beautiful country so exceptional: culture, land and people,Traditions, festivals as well as its culinary side .…

  • Urban Landscapes

    Urban Landscapes

    Created 16 years ago

    NO PEOPLE. The city as subject and star. Bright, dark, tall, stark, optimistic and broken. NO PEOPLE.

  • Cultural Landscapes/Tirluniau Diwylliannol

    Cultural Landscapes/Tirluniau Diwylliannol

    Created 11 years ago

    This is a group for LANDSCAPES + THE MARK OF MAN - generally NOT for TOWN & CITY or WILDERNESS shots, although distant views of towns etc. may be deemed suitable. Landscape is taken as being "A picture depicting an EXPANSE OF SCENERY and an aspect, or aspects, of the land characteristic of a particular region" "There exist a great variety of Landscapes that are representative of the different regions of the world. Combined works of nature and humankind, they express a long and intimate relati…

  • " ALL about : Street@rt "

    " ALL about : Street@rt "

    Created 9 years ago

    artstreet.group.ipernity.com Die spontane Fotografie , vornehmlich in S / W... The spontaneous photography, mainly in B / W ... La photographie spontanée, principalement en N / B... La fotografia spontanea, principalmente in N / B ...

  • ...A real eye catcher...

    ...A real eye catcher...

    Created 9 years ago

    eye-catcher.group.ipernity.com Sehr bunt , farbenfroh oder aber S /W mit selektiver Farbe sind die Kriterien für diese Gruppe ! Starke Farbkontraste ! Magnifiquement coloré, ou N / B avec la couleur sélective sont les critères pour ce groupe! En somme, de véritables " eye - catcher " ! Forts contrastes de couleurs ! Beautifully colorful, colorful, or B / W with selective color are the criteria for this group! Real Eye-Catchers up! Strong color contrasts ! Splendidamente colorito, o N / B con c…

  • Ei  hun ◊ E-unan ◊ Leis-fhèin ◊ Bakarrik ◊ Seul ◊ Alone ◊ Sola

    Ei hun ◊ E-unan ◊ Leis-fhèin ◊ Bakarrik ◊ Seul ◊ Alone ◊ Sola

    Created 11 years ago

    “All great and precious things are lonely.” John Steinbeck, East of Eden ☩☩☩☩☩ Lluniau o bobl go-iawn, dynion neu ferched, lle y gwelir unigrwydd, neu lle y ceir awgrym o unigedd. ☩☩☩☩☩ Luc’hskeudennoù eus an dud, tud evit gwir, pe paotred ha merc’hed, ma weler an digenvez pe ma vezomp lakaet da soñjal en den e-unan-penn. ☩☩☩☩☩ Dealbhan dhe na daoine, fireannaich agus boireannaich, far am faicear an anaoranachd no far an cuirear an anaoranchd an intinn. ☩☩☩☩☩ Edo non bakardadea ikusten d…

  • Minimalist - real subjects

    Minimalist - real subjects

    Created 11 years ago

    All too often I see so called minimalist photos where, for example, the whole photo is perhaps a colour block with a contrasting mark on it. The photo may be minimalist but it fails to show a real subject. This group is for "real life" minimalist design and subjects. I hope that I am making this clear enough.

  • Altstadtgassen - Oldtownlanes

    Altstadtgassen - Oldtownlanes

    Created 15 years ago

    After a long search with different terms, I have noticed that there is no group that are experiencing this specific topic. Therefore, there is now this new group! Not least in my holiday on the Costa Brava, I was always this mysterious, quiet and historic sites attracted away from the car traffic, narrow and sometimes beautifully restored and maintained. I mean, these streets should have a special place of the publication too! Whenever possible, the media (images, movies, etc.) do not includ…

  • bridges all over the world

  • Tolerance


    Created 11 years ago

    This group is dedicated to tolerance and free expression in art and speech on Ipernity to foster an atmosphere of respect and understanding. No pornography or copyright infringed images please, since exploitation and intellectual property theft are not tolerance. Nudes are permitted. _____________ Chinese: 该小组致力于宽容和自由表达艺术和有关“宣教”的言论,以营造一种尊重和理解的氛围。 请不要色情或侵犯版权的图像,因为剥削和知识产权盗窃是不能容忍的。允许裸体。 ___________ Russian: Эта группа посвящена терпимости и свободе выражения в искусстве и речи на Ипернити…

  • Clouds and Nebulosity of the atmosphere.

    Clouds and Nebulosity of the atmosphere.

    Created 11 years ago

    “The clouds are like the thoughts, the daydreams, the nightmares of the sky. » The troposphere is the area of the atmosphere in which cloud systems form. Clouds consist of fine water particles that are composed in the liquid state (droplet clouds) or in the solid state (ice or snow crystal clouds).

  • Trees and Clouds Exhibition

    Trees and Clouds Exhibition

    Created 17 years ago

    In order to promote the idea of an exhibition space on Ipernity, Anthony and I have decided to make a place where clouds can float over some of Nature's majesty. I hope you enjoy this virtual exhibition. Stuart*********************************************************************************************************** The idea was retaken by the current non-volunteer administrator. Trees and clouds are the most frequent Nature's elements with strong influence on the Humankind behaviour. They ar…

  • Street shoots......

    Street shoots......

    Created 14 years ago

    Photos gens dans la rue, couleur ou N&B UNIQUEMENT....Merci

  • miroirs et reflexions sur l'eau - mirrors and reflections on the water

    miroirs et reflexions sur l'eau - mirrors and reflections on the water

    Created 11 years ago

    Tout reflet dans l'eau:Nuages, bateaux, constructions, végétaux, animaux, personnages, lumières ,etc....eau de la mer, des lacs, des étangs, des rivières, flaques d'eau, bassins, etc...-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Any reflection in the water. Clouds, boats, buildings, plants, animals, people, lights, etc. .... sea ​​water, lakes, ponds, rivers, puddles -------------------------------------------------------

  • Fine Art Landscape Photography

    Fine Art Landscape Photography

    Created 11 years ago

    This group is for Landscape/Cityscape photos only. Photos that don`t meet this criteria will be removed.



    Created 13 years ago

    -Solamente fotos que se identifiquen con crepúsculos de las mañanas o puestas de sol -Es soll gezeigt wären, die Dämmerungen am morgen oder Sonnenuntergänge -Dawn and sunsets NOTA:no subir fotos donde salga solamente el cielo con nubes

  • Architecture of Days Gone By

    Architecture of Days Gone By

    Created 11 years ago

    A group to display photos of mainly historical buildings which were created up to and including the 20th century. It would be appreciated if photos here could be accompanied by a short description giving location and a little history if known. Also please do not submit images of 21st century glass towers as they would not be appropriate to this group's theme. Optional Comment Code: Seen and admired in Architecture of Days Gone By www.ipernity.com/group/325907