Here we want to collect photos that focus on the door or gate. You should see the whole door, the whole gate. There may also be some wall or a window in the photo. But not whole facades.
The admin will remove anything else without notice.
There are some groups with similar content. But either the administrators are no longer active or they don't care.
La carte de visite de la maison, les fenêtres et la porte ...
Tous les types de fenêtres, vitrines, portes
Anciens ou nouveaux, en couleurs ou en N / B
Die Visitenkarte des Hauses , Türen und Fenster
Schaufenster , Tore , Alt oder Neu , farbig oder S / W
Discover the different ways of shopping,
from small local traders to large supermarkets.
Outside, inside, shop windows, etc.
Markets, mobile vendors, etc.
Graffiti, italienisch Singular Graffito, steht als Sammelbegriff für thematisch und gestalterisch unterschiedliche sichtbare Elemente, zum Beispiel Bilder, Schriftzüge oder Zeichen, die mit verschiedenen Techniken auf Oberflächen oder durch deren Veränderung im privaten und öffentlichen Raum erstellt wurden.
Un graffiti est une inscription ou une peinture réalisée sur des murs, des monuments ou des objets situés sur l'espace public
Wikipédia .
Graffiti are wr…
Tout ce qui touche le monde du Manga / Cosplay : Dessin animé , BD, jeux vidéos... seulement les personnages ^^ ( en photo, bien sur ) Exemption tolérée : dessin personnel ;)
Bitte tretet bei und schickt eure Photos von Comic-Charakteren, die ihr irgendwo entdeckt habt - sei es als Graffiti, Figur, verkeideter Mensch, auf einem Plakat....
Please become a member and feel free to post photographies of comic-charakters you found - as a graffiti, a figurine, people costumed as their comic-heroes, on a poster...
This group is about photographs that have the male gender as the main subject matter. This group's aim is to picture the male in all his aspects.
Acceptable submissions include:
Photos of your husband, boyfriend, best buddy, co-worker, father, brother, self portrait, men doing their jobs or enjoying some recreation time. Candid or posed images are fine.
Unacceptable submissions include:
1. Nudity or erotic images. While that is certaintly a part of any man's life it is not what this g…
Chairs, benches, any place to sit down.
Les chaises, bancs, les lieux où on peut s'asseoir.
Stühle, Bänke, jeder Ort wo man sich hinsetzen kann.
Sillas, bancos, los lugares donde tu puedes sentarse.
Sedie, panche, i posti in cui sedersi.
HBM "Happy Bench Monday"
A bench invites you to linger. You sit down to rest, watch people or let your gaze wander through the landscape. Sometimes it is a place for lovers, other times a place to sleep or you enjoy a picnic with friends. Show your favorite benches or very simple benches. There are no limits to your creativity.
A maximum of three pictures should be uploaded between Sunday afternoon and Monday evening.
And, if you want, wish you "Happy bench Monday" (HBM).
Founder of the group: "…
I've just come over from Flickr, and decided to start a new group where a few of my Flickr refugee street photographer friends might be able to settle in and feel comfortable. But of course all are welcome! Contributors may post up to three color or black and white photographs daily.
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which "seise" is a member277 groups in total
Doors and gates - quaint and old
Here we want to collect photos that focus on the door or gate. You should see the whole door, the whole gate. There may also be some wall or a window in the photo. But not whole facades. The admin will remove anything else without notice. There are some groups with similar content. But either the administrators are no longer active or they don't care.
" 1:1 Fenêtres , vitrines & portes - Fenster & Türen " La carte de visite de la maison, les fenêtres et la porte ... Tous les types de fenêtres, vitrines, portes Anciens ou nouveaux, en couleurs ou en N / B Die Visitenkarte des Hauses , Türen und Fenster Schaufenster , Tore , Alt oder Neu , farbig oder S / W
Old windows and doors
The collection of photos of old windows and doors and their accessories
Doors and Windows
Group for sharing pictures about doors and windows.
Fenêtres, portes et façades / Windows, doors and façades.
Trois éléments qui font bon ménage très souvent ! Three elements often matching together beautifully !
...EINZELNE Fenster...SINGLE windows...fenêtre SÉPARÉES...
"All about shopping"
Discover the different ways of shopping, from small local traders to large supermarkets. Outside, inside, shop windows, etc. Markets, mobile vendors, etc.
Featuring pictures of men from around the world. Nudity is acceptable but please, no porn.
" ART of Graffiti " Graffiti, italienisch Singular Graffito, steht als Sammelbegriff für thematisch und gestalterisch unterschiedliche sichtbare Elemente, zum Beispiel Bilder, Schriftzüge oder Zeichen, die mit verschiedenen Techniken auf Oberflächen oder durch deren Veränderung im privaten und öffentlichen Raum erstellt wurden. Un graffiti est une inscription ou une peinture réalisée sur des murs, des monuments ou des objets situés sur l'espace public Wikipédia . Graffiti are wr…
MANGA Cosplay manga
Tout ce qui touche le monde du Manga / Cosplay : Dessin animé , BD, jeux vidéos... seulement les personnages ^^ ( en photo, bien sur ) Exemption tolérée : dessin personnel ;)
Comics, bandes desinées, fumetti, strips, Manga
Bitte tretet bei und schickt eure Photos von Comic-Charakteren, die ihr irgendwo entdeckt habt - sei es als Graffiti, Figur, verkeideter Mensch, auf einem Plakat.... Please become a member and feel free to post photographies of comic-charakters you found - as a graffiti, a figurine, people costumed as their comic-heroes, on a poster...
Men at Work
Männerporträts. Bei der Arbeit. Der Name ist Programm :)
This group is about photographs that have the male gender as the main subject matter. This group's aim is to picture the male in all his aspects. Acceptable submissions include: Photos of your husband, boyfriend, best buddy, co-worker, father, brother, self portrait, men doing their jobs or enjoying some recreation time. Candid or posed images are fine. Unacceptable submissions include: 1. Nudity or erotic images. While that is certaintly a part of any man's life it is not what this g…
Benches - chairs - and other seats
Occupied or vacant.
Sit down
Chairs, benches, any place to sit down. Les chaises, bancs, les lieux où on peut s'asseoir. Stühle, Bänke, jeder Ort wo man sich hinsetzen kann. Sillas, bancos, los lugares donde tu puedes sentarse. Sedie, panche, i posti in cui sedersi.
Bancs publics....
On le sait, on s' y bécote, mais aussi on y médite, on y rêve, on y casse l' oeuf dur. On attend ....
HBM "Happy Bench Monday"
HBM "Happy Bench Monday" A bench invites you to linger. You sit down to rest, watch people or let your gaze wander through the landscape. Sometimes it is a place for lovers, other times a place to sleep or you enjoy a picnic with friends. Show your favorite benches or very simple benches. There are no limits to your creativity. A maximum of three pictures should be uploaded between Sunday afternoon and Monday evening. And, if you want, wish you "Happy bench Monday" (HBM). Founder of the group: "…
On the Street - A Meetup for Flickr Refugee Street Shooters
I've just come over from Flickr, and decided to start a new group where a few of my Flickr refugee street photographer friends might be able to settle in and feel comfortable. But of course all are welcome! Contributors may post up to three color or black and white photographs daily.
bridges all over the world