BIENVENUE | WELCOME to our only L'Atelier d'Art ✪ Maïclo & Félix ~ a very special group dedicated to art in all its forms . Please visit also other great images in the group and post at least two or more comments to offer your appreciation and support. THANKS | MERCI
Ni akceptas diversajn formojn de esprimo kiu altigos la valorojn de homa beleco: Estetikaj, intelektaj, moralaj kaj etikaj manieroj esprimi sian amon kiel edzo, amiko, amanto, patro kaj filo...Aceptamos diversas formas de expresión que exalten los valores de belleza del hombre: Estéticos, intelectuales, morales y éticos, sus formas de expresión de amar como esposo, amigo, amante, padre e hijo.
NATURE ❤ SANCTUARY group celebrates: nature , flora and fauna , environment and ecology . Please post your best NATURE photos, videos and audios. NO pics with -buildings, -people, or -pets indoors! Our motto: Love'n'cherish Earth, Save the World!
This is a group for pictures of birds perching on a structure, such as a fence, tree or bird feeder. No black and white. Live birds - wild or domestic. No stuffed animals.
Willkommen | Welcome! The QUADRAT Größe ▐█ SQUARE Size accepts the best and finest artistic quality photographs formatted as a PERFECT ▐█ SQUARE = QUADRAT = CUADRADO = KVADRAT
What is must & matter the most in this group are: the PERFECT▐█ SIZE and FINEST QUALITY of your artistic photography. Dankeschön | Thank you▐█
▐█ ▐█ ▐█ ▐█
Por plibonigi kaj igi tiujn elsendojn pli amuzajn sendu al mi vian poemojn, kantojn, skribajxon cxion kion vi opinias valoran kaj oportunan kaj mi prezentos tion en elsendoj.Kion vi sxatus auxskulti k.t.p. skrinbu al mi-via Viki
' TRAVELOGUE ' = an illustrated presentation about travels, places visited and traveler's experiences. Please post your favourite photos and videos from all over the world, not only where you traveled, but also where you live now, so we can virtually travel and visit the place ¡Gracias! Thanks! Merci! 感謝 !
This is a group for pictures of at least two of the same species of animal. They can be adults and juvenile, male and female, as long as they are the same species. When possible, please include the name of the animal in the description.
Urban Exploration &
Lost places -
Eine Gruppe für Eure tollsten Fotos von vergessenen Orten – es gibt keine Regeln, außer dass nur Motive erlaubt sind, die dem Gruppennamen entsprechen !!!
So entsteht mit der Zeit eine tolle Sammlung an sehenswerten Bildern zum Thema Urban Exploration. Würde mich freuen, wenn Ihr meiner Einladung folgt & mit Euren Bildern die Sammlung komplett macht.
Eure schönsten Bilder von verlassenen Orten :-)
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Marcos García Crespo is a member
L'Atelier d'Art ✪ Maïclo & Félix
BIENVENUE | WELCOME to our only L'Atelier d'Art ✪ Maïclo & Félix ~ a very special group dedicated to art in all its forms . Please visit also other great images in the group and post at least two or more comments to offer your appreciation and support. THANKS | MERCI
LA VIRO KAJ SIAJ VIRTOJ...El hombre y sus virtudes...
Ni akceptas diversajn formojn de esprimo kiu altigos la valorojn de homa beleco: Estetikaj, intelektaj, moralaj kaj etikaj manieroj esprimi sian amon kiel edzo, amiko, amanto, patro kaj filo...Aceptamos diversas formas de expresión que exalten los valores de belleza del hombre: Estéticos, intelectuales, morales y éticos, sus formas de expresión de amar como esposo, amigo, amante, padre e hijo.
Les belles villes dans le monde...
lignes..des lignes...( plutôt..Architecturales... )
la ou les lignes dans tout ses états ...non figuratif ou figuratif, couleurs ou nb . imagination, esthétisme et surtout faites vous plaisir !!!
Mes Préférences à Moi
Your favorite photos among all those you come across as you walk through the Ipernity galleries!
NATURE ❤ SANCTUARY group celebrates: nature , flora and fauna , environment and ecology . Please post your best NATURE photos, videos and audios. NO pics with -buildings, -people, or -pets indoors! Our motto: Love'n'cherish Earth, Save the World!
Nuestro hermoso cielo - Unser schöner Himmel
Solamente fotos del cielo en "primer plano" , como por ejemplo nubes,luna,estrellas,etc ( NO PAISAJES) - Nur Bilder mit , Wolken, Mond und Sternen.
Perching Birds
This is a group for pictures of birds perching on a structure, such as a fence, tree or bird feeder. No black and white. Live birds - wild or domestic. No stuffed animals.
We accept photos that include a greeting message
Willkommen | Welcome! The QUADRAT Größe ▐█ SQUARE Size accepts the best and finest artistic quality photographs formatted as a PERFECT ▐█ SQUARE = QUADRAT = CUADRADO = KVADRAT What is must & matter the most in this group are: the PERFECT▐█ SIZE and FINEST QUALITY of your artistic photography. Dankeschön | Thank you▐█ ▐█ ▐█ ▐█ ▐█
Radio stacio-Viki
Por plibonigi kaj igi tiujn elsendojn pli amuzajn sendu al mi vian poemojn, kantojn, skribajxon cxion kion vi opinias valoran kaj oportunan kaj mi prezentos tion en elsendoj.Kion vi sxatus auxskulti k.t.p. skrinbu al mi-via Viki
Beautiful pictures and creations that have as their object only the romance ........
Spain, sólo lugares, o costumbres, por favor.........
Photos from spain are welcome. Post your photos here, and show other people how you feel spain.
Sun-Sational Skies
This is a group dedicated to sunrises and sunsets around the world.
Showing tenderness under all kinds of variations, except pornographic...
The Four Seasons
This is a group for pictures depicting spring, summer, autumn and winter.
The Power of the Flower
Flowers of all kinds
' TRAVELOGUE ' = an illustrated presentation about travels, places visited and traveler's experiences. Please post your favourite photos and videos from all over the world, not only where you traveled, but also where you live now, so we can virtually travel and visit the place ¡Gracias! Thanks! Merci! 感謝 !
Two (or more) of a Kind (Animals Only)
This is a group for pictures of at least two of the same species of animal. They can be adults and juvenile, male and female, as long as they are the same species. When possible, please include the name of the animal in the description.
Urban Exploration
Urban Exploration & Lost places - Eine Gruppe für Eure tollsten Fotos von vergessenen Orten – es gibt keine Regeln, außer dass nur Motive erlaubt sind, die dem Gruppennamen entsprechen !!! So entsteht mit der Zeit eine tolle Sammlung an sehenswerten Bildern zum Thema Urban Exploration. Würde mich freuen, wenn Ihr meiner Einladung folgt & mit Euren Bildern die Sammlung komplett macht. Eure schönsten Bilder von verlassenen Orten :-)