The main function of this group is to make ALL MEMBERS aware of copyright infringements, as this affects us all.
It is not right that you, as an Artist/Photographer, who has dedicated time, money and effort, should have your work stolen, abused and violated for someone else's monetary gain.
We can do something if ARTISTS UNITE against trolls.
Do not post copyrighted works or part of copyrighted works in this group unless you own the copyright or have the permission to do so.
By accepting and signing the Ipernity-ToS/Guidelines, you agreed to upload only pictures done by yourself.
Please only post photos which are currently in the " Gallery "!
Only pictures with 7 or more faves!
Normally an invitation is given by the administrators or moderators.
The admins will check all new contributions - please be patient.…
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Public groups in which Karl Hartwig Schütz is a member71 groups in total
◉*Vigilant Photographers Unite*
The main function of this group is to make ALL MEMBERS aware of copyright infringements, as this affects us all. It is not right that you, as an Artist/Photographer, who has dedicated time, money and effort, should have your work stolen, abused and violated for someone else's monetary gain. We can do something if ARTISTS UNITE against trolls.
❖ Ipernity Photo Gallery ❖
RULES! Do not post copyrighted works or part of copyrighted works in this group unless you own the copyright or have the permission to do so. By accepting and signing the Ipernity-ToS/Guidelines, you agreed to upload only pictures done by yourself. Please only post photos which are currently in the " Gallery "! Only pictures with 7 or more faves! Normally an invitation is given by the administrators or moderators. The admins will check all new contributions - please be patient.…