Las mujeres en el arte....
Dedicado al arte hecho o inspirado por mujeres...
Música, videos y textos hechos o inspirados en mujeres son también bienvenidos...
La mujer en el arte - Women in Art
Mujeres en el cine - Women in Films
Women in art...
Dedicated to the art made by or inspired by women...
Music, videos and writtings created by or inspired by women are welcome too....
What kind of music makes you fly! Which music makes your emotions free? Please share this with us in this group. No limit! You can add many music, but it is important that it gives good emotion to fly for you.
Compartir la música de los miembros. La música ha sido compañera del ser humano desde los comienzos de su historia. Se especula que los comienzos de su historia tiene relación con la imitación de los sonidos de la naturaleza, como el canto de las aves y también de la naturaleza interna del ser humano, por ejemplo el ritmo natural de los latidos del corazón; las últimas teorías concernientes a los comienzos del arte le dan muchísima importancia a este último punto (formas percibidas internamente)…
Pictorial is an article primarily featuring many photographs,
or simply a collection of photographs.
Having or suggesting the visual appeal or imagery of a picture:
Please read these rules, we are still getting images submitted for approval that do not comply
This is a family group, so please, no porn, no nudity, no swearing/bad language, no offensive images, no images of dead animals, no political images/statements of any sort, however, this does not include photos depict…
Taking pictures can be so different and so can the results.
- abstract, beautiful, colorful, conceptual, different, industrial, macro, monochrome, natural, beautiful, strange -
Different kinds of experiments are welcome... Try out your skills.
-Solamente fotos que se identifiquen con crepúsculos de las mañanas o puestas de sol
-Es soll gezeigt wären, die Dämmerungen am morgen oder Sonnenuntergänge
-Dawn and sunsets
NOTA:no subir fotos donde salga solamente el cielo con nubes
“The clouds are like the thoughts, the daydreams, the nightmares of the sky. »
The troposphere is the area of the atmosphere in which cloud systems form. Clouds consist of fine water particles that are composed in the liquid state (droplet clouds) or in the solid state (ice or snow crystal clouds).
Submit high quality, surreal, manipulated , 3D computer generated,creative,imaginative images only, please enjoy the group and most of all and have fun :)
~ Accepted Images~
3D Creations/Digital Art created with 3D digital computer programs.
Daz3D, Bryce, Poser, Cinema 4D, 3ds Max, Zbrush, Blender, Fractals, Abstract, Smoke Art, Mandelbulb 3D, Incendia, tasteful street Art and get the drift ect,
~ Not Accepted~
No real life photography of any description
What's the group object?
Obviously your document (photo / film / blog OR whatever) shoud have been voted 35 times or more.
3+ Faves
We have fave groups in steps of 7 faves
7+ Faves
14+ Faves…
ི♥ྀAll Wonderful Flowers are Welcome ི♥ྀ
BITTE! NUR Kodex vorgesehene ... nicht die alte Codes!
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Public groups in which HelenaPF is a member146 groups in total
Women in art
Las mujeres en el arte.... Dedicado al arte hecho o inspirado por mujeres... Música, videos y textos hechos o inspirados en mujeres son también bienvenidos... La mujer en el arte - Women in Art Mujeres en el cine - Women in Films Women in art... Dedicated to the art made by or inspired by women... Music, videos and writtings created by or inspired by women are welcome too....
Melancholie und Tristesse
Wie der Name der Gruppe schon sagt....ich freue mich auf eure melancholischen und/oder tristen Bilder.
~ All butterfly images ~
Music makes me fly!
What kind of music makes you fly! Which music makes your emotions free? Please share this with us in this group. No limit! You can add many music, but it is important that it gives good emotion to fly for you.
Our Four-Legged Friends
Pictures of four-legged animals wild and domestic.
Compartir la música de los miembros. La música ha sido compañera del ser humano desde los comienzos de su historia. Se especula que los comienzos de su historia tiene relación con la imitación de los sonidos de la naturaleza, como el canto de las aves y también de la naturaleza interna del ser humano, por ejemplo el ritmo natural de los latidos del corazón; las últimas teorías concernientes a los comienzos del arte le dan muchísima importancia a este último punto (formas percibidas internamente)…
Pictorial is an article primarily featuring many photographs, or simply a collection of photographs. Also Having or suggesting the visual appeal or imagery of a picture: Please read these rules, we are still getting images submitted for approval that do not comply This is a family group, so please, no porn, no nudity, no swearing/bad language, no offensive images, no images of dead animals, no political images/statements of any sort, however, this does not include photos depict…
Time For Experiments
Taking pictures can be so different and so can the results. - abstract, beautiful, colorful, conceptual, different, industrial, macro, monochrome, natural, beautiful, strange - Different kinds of experiments are welcome... Try out your skills.
-Solamente fotos que se identifiquen con crepúsculos de las mañanas o puestas de sol -Es soll gezeigt wären, die Dämmerungen am morgen oder Sonnenuntergänge -Dawn and sunsets NOTA:no subir fotos donde salga solamente el cielo con nubes
Exquisite Cats
A group for Cats Photography
Clouds and Nebulosity of the atmosphere.
“The clouds are like the thoughts, the daydreams, the nightmares of the sky. » The troposphere is the area of the atmosphere in which cloud systems form. Clouds consist of fine water particles that are composed in the liquid state (droplet clouds) or in the solid state (ice or snow crystal clouds).
Les Texturiens
Photos réalisées avec différentes textures
Submit high quality, surreal, manipulated , 3D computer generated,creative,imaginative images only, please enjoy the group and most of all and have fun :) ~ Accepted Images~ 3D Creations/Digital Art created with 3D digital computer programs. Daz3D, Bryce, Poser, Cinema 4D, 3ds Max, Zbrush, Blender, Fractals, Abstract, Smoke Art, Mandelbulb 3D, Incendia, tasteful street Art and get the drift ect, ~ Not Accepted~ NO SPAM No real life photography of any description
Black and white photos only. Film or digital.
35+ Faves
What's the group object? Obviously your document (photo / film / blog OR whatever) shoud have been voted 35 times or more. SISTER GROUPS ARE THE FOLLOWING : 3+ Faves We have fave groups in steps of 7 faves 7+ Faves 14+ Faves…
Image Editing
Photos that have been manipulated or created in Photoshop or any other image editing software.
Wonderful Flowers
ི♥ྀAll Wonderful Flowers are Welcome ི♥ྀ PLEASE! ONLY USE THE CODE PROVIDED...NOT THE OLD CODES! S'IL VOUS PLAÎT! UTILISER UNIQUEMENT LE CODE FOURNI ... PAS les anciens codes! BITTE! NUR Kodex vorgesehene ... nicht die alte Codes! ...