- Ou des relations entre les êtres vivants...
- Connivence, symbiose, complicité...Au travers de photos ou de créations digitales personnelles
- Trois images du même auteur au plus / jour
- Pas d'image qui pourrait choquer
-Relations between living beings
-Symbiosis, connive, bond
-Through own pictures and (or) digital works
-Nothing shocking in any way please
Nure la plej belaj kaj estetikaj bildoj en blanka koloro kaj preskaŭ blanka, klopodante ne duobligiti (aŭ ne ripeti), oni serĉas klarajn bildojn sed sen eraroj kiel esti neprecizaj (nebulosaj, svagaj).
Sòlo las màs bellas y estèticas imàgenes en blanco y colores en casi blanco, procurando no ser repetitivo, se buscan imàgenes claras pero sin errores como no precisas(borrosas o vagas).
Classic cars are usually over 30 years old, but some classic makes can be as little as 10 years old. A vehicle should be a Road one, not a plane, train. boat or tractor. Photos should preferably show the whole vehicle or be a set.
The aim of the group is to have a collection of Quality photos showing classic vehicles. Sorry but poor quality work will be deleted.
Post and comment on fellow members posts.
People who do not follow the spirit of Ipernity group guidelines or the aims of this group w…
Photos of nature: plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables, trees, sea, rivers, forest, gardens, parks, mountains, animals, wildlife,etc...
NOT MAN MADE THINGS, such as buildings, cars, roads, etc, or art work.
Pictures that don't fit the purpose of the group will be removed without warning!
The group does not condone trawling for comments and does not advertise other sites or groups.
The use graphics / links / references to other sites in comments is prohibited by Ipernity (See Ipernity group gui…
All Transport Vehicles and Wheels. Trucks, Autos, Boats, Trains, Tractors planes, carts etc etc. Photos must be the Members own work, if you did not take the photo you have no right to post it.
Contributions Closed as most members have left Ipernity
"December 8, 1996
For: National and International civil Society
From: Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos
CCRI-CG of the EZLN.
Health, greetings. Stop. Bow to you many times. Stop. Supreme government with amnesia. Stop. Forgotten agreements. Stop. Renewed excuses. Stop. Probable need for more Indian blood in order to refresh memory. Stop. Your presence is urgent. Stop.
An intercontinental dance may serve to refresh memory.…
Teneraj kaj kortuŝantaj fotoj ĝenerale, ne konfuzi kun erotikaj fotoj kiuj ne eniras en tiu ĉi grupo.
Imagenes tiernas y conmovedoras en general, no confundir con imàgenes eròticas que no entran en èste grupo.
He tardado en decidirme pero por fin me he decidido en crear este grupo no sin antes pensármelo mucho...quiero que todos los que pertenezcan a él, de alguna forma puedan compartir fotografías de personas, lugares y pensamientos que han tenido de que ver con un estado de ánimo concreto, que les han hecho felices o por el contrario han sentido tristeza o enfado, me parece interesante crear un grupo donde además de compartir fotografías también compartamos sentimientos y estados emocionales, algo q…
Is humanity ready for transformation?
consciousness as radical and deep as that
which would allow him to open up to the splendor of the world,
like a bud that explodes in spring
to make the light of the flower appear, premise
of the fulfillment of the fruit?
Photo montages, drawings with looks as their features
Fotomontagen, Zeichnungen mit Blicken als Merkmalen.
Fotomontajes, dibujos que tienen como característica la mirada
Fotomontaggi, disegni che hanno come caratteristica l'aspetto.
Montages de photos, dessins ayants pour traits des regards.
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Elbertinum is a member158 groups in total
ENSEMBLE, c'est tout..... / TOGETHER, just it....
- Ou des relations entre les êtres vivants... - Connivence, symbiose, complicité...Au travers de photos ou de créations digitales personnelles - Trois images du même auteur au plus / jour - Pas d'image qui pourrait choquer -Relations between living beings -Symbiosis, connive, bond -Through own pictures and (or) digital works -Nothing shocking in any way please
BLANKA KAJ PRESKAŬ BLANKA (Blanco y casi blanco)...
Nure la plej belaj kaj estetikaj bildoj en blanka koloro kaj preskaŭ blanka, klopodante ne duobligiti (aŭ ne ripeti), oni serĉas klarajn bildojn sed sen eraroj kiel esti neprecizaj (nebulosaj, svagaj). Sòlo las màs bellas y estèticas imàgenes en blanco y colores en casi blanco, procurando no ser repetitivo, se buscan imàgenes claras pero sin errores como no precisas(borrosas o vagas).
Classic Cars & Road Vehicles
Classic cars are usually over 30 years old, but some classic makes can be as little as 10 years old. A vehicle should be a Road one, not a plane, train. boat or tractor. Photos should preferably show the whole vehicle or be a set. The aim of the group is to have a collection of Quality photos showing classic vehicles. Sorry but poor quality work will be deleted. Post and comment on fellow members posts. People who do not follow the spirit of Ipernity group guidelines or the aims of this group w…
Poems, poets and dreams
For the love of Poetry...Read and try to understand the poems, the emotions felt This group is public Contributions: No limits See other limitations
BLEUNIENN / FLOWER in memoriam to Mahuphidos **********
Preferably a single flower, not a bouquet or landscape! thank you all♫
Photos of nature: plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables, trees, sea, rivers, forest, gardens, parks, mountains, animals, wildlife,etc... NOT MAN MADE THINGS, such as buildings, cars, roads, etc, or art work. Pictures that don't fit the purpose of the group will be removed without warning! The group does not condone trawling for comments and does not advertise other sites or groups. The use graphics / links / references to other sites in comments is prohibited by Ipernity (See Ipernity group gui…
Wheels around the World- All transport photos
All Transport Vehicles and Wheels. Trucks, Autos, Boats, Trains, Tractors planes, carts etc etc. Photos must be the Members own work, if you did not take the photo you have no right to post it. Contributions Closed as most members have left Ipernity
The art from Photograph
URGENT TELEGRAM TO CIVIL SOCIETY "December 8, 1996 URGENT TELEGRAM For: National and International civil Society From: Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos CCRI-CG of the EZLN. Madam: Health, greetings. Stop. Bow to you many times. Stop. Supreme government with amnesia. Stop. Forgotten agreements. Stop. Renewed excuses. Stop. Probable need for more Indian blood in order to refresh memory. Stop. Your presence is urgent. Stop. An intercontinental dance may serve to refresh memory.…
ORANĜOJ, RUĜOJ... Naranjas, rojos.
Pritraktas aldoni ĉiujn belajn dokumentojn en tiuj koloroj...Trata de aportar todos los documentos bellos en esos colores...
TENERA, KORTUŜANTE...Tierno, conmovedor.
Teneraj kaj kortuŝantaj fotoj ĝenerale, ne konfuzi kun erotikaj fotoj kiuj ne eniras en tiu ĉi grupo. Imagenes tiernas y conmovedoras en general, no confundir con imàgenes eròticas que no entran en èste grupo.
Personas, lugares y estados de ánimo... / Persones, lieux et humeurs .... / People, places and moods ...
He tardado en decidirme pero por fin me he decidido en crear este grupo no sin antes pensármelo mucho...quiero que todos los que pertenezcan a él, de alguna forma puedan compartir fotografías de personas, lugares y pensamientos que han tenido de que ver con un estado de ánimo concreto, que les han hecho felices o por el contrario han sentido tristeza o enfado, me parece interesante crear un grupo donde además de compartir fotografías también compartamos sentimientos y estados emocionales, algo q…
Nature and Biodiversity
Is humanity ready for transformation? consciousness as radical and deep as that which would allow him to open up to the splendor of the world, like a bud that explodes in spring to make the light of the flower appear, premise of the fulfillment of the fruit?
Photographs that blur bokeh or grant them a special beauty, poetic, "creamy" dream, immaterial. Become blur visual orgy.
All flowers
I Know there are many flower groups but to save this one from closure please put your flower pics here. Thanks
La Boca
This group accepts * Audios, Videos. photos of people, sexy or not, flowers,animals,everything enjoyed *_* J***
For picture, videos, etc... That deserve votes but don't get them. The admins and moderators will choose pictures.
Photo montages, drawings with looks as their features Fotomontagen, Zeichnungen mit Blicken als Merkmalen. Fotomontajes, dibujos que tienen como característica la mirada Fotomontaggi, disegni che hanno come caratteristica l'aspetto. Montages de photos, dessins ayants pour traits des regards.
Sunrise - Sunset
Photos taken at the special special time between night and day. Whether the sun is visible or not...
Esperanto 125 jaroj
En 2012 la internacia lingvo Esperanto festas sian 125 jaran jubileon. Ni interŝanĝu informojn pri niaj planoj.