Photos,films,music about the One,Holy,Apostolic Orthodox Church of Christ...Refering to the Orthodox spirituality(sacraments,saints,monasticism) and art(icons,hymns,churches...etc)
Alle Fotos, die sich um die violetten Töne drehen...
All photographs which turn around purple tones...
Todas las fotos que giran alrededor de tonos morados...
Toutes les photos qui tournent autour des tons violets...
Photos of anything related to Santa clause, as woman, funny, sexy, everything
Please add as many Santa clause related photos as you can!... get it?... CAN!... nevermind.
Christmas Christkind Weihnacht Weihnachten Santa Feier xmas Nikolaus Advent Kalender navidad feliz natale sexy femme woman
Public groups in which Kostas Sidiropoulos is a moderator
Original name and description edited. Previous administrator has abandoned the group and no longer takes the responsibility.
Reason: Group abandoned by the original administrator and the group used to advertise one's own web site, which no longer exists.
If you disagree, contact GroupBusters to become as an administrator and reopen.
La temática es que nos podamos unir para intercambiar libremente imágenes o copiarlas sin temor de que dichas imágenes estén protegidas por derecho de autor.
Recomendamos subir vuestras imágenes al Grupo que es de todos. Por lo menos una. ademas ella si gusta te derivará mucha gente a tu blog.
Public groups in which Kostas Sidiropoulos is a member
City gardens, a corner from a pretty garden,balcons with flowers or plants,terracotta corners, terraces decorated with plants etc.....
Jardin de ville, petit coin d'un beau jardin ,balcon fleuri, pot en terre cuite, terrasse décorée etc.....
Gärten in der Stadt - eine schöne Ecke im Garten - Balkon mit Blumen und Pflanzen - Terracotta Töpfe - Terrassen geschmückt mit Planzen und Blumen etc.....
Do you like b l u e?
Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the blue colour!
Please post only pictures where b l u e is the dominating colour.
Thank blue.
Be "urban"
no porn, no nude,.. just (dark-)life in the city
the beauty or not of urban lifestyle.. it depend..
some photos with people but it depend... LOTS OF PHOTOS about "urbanism"!!!
HOMMAGE A LA FEMME. Sa beauté et sa sensualité, pas seulement physique. La beauté expressive. Ses traits qui marque son parcours dans la vie, ses larmes, son sourire, son regard, sa force et son courage. Du premier au troisiéme age.
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Kostas Sidiropoulos is an administrator7 groups in total
Sharing the beauty of womens' faces through photography........
Photos and videos about fishing...of any kind as well as fishing accesories
All about Christmas @ Ipernity. Share your Christmas images and stories and even make some new friends!
Photos,films,music about the One,Holy,Apostolic Orthodox Church of Christ...Refering to the Orthodox spirituality(sacraments,saints,monasticism) and art(icons,hymns,churches...etc)
Alle Fotos, die sich um die violetten Töne drehen... All photographs which turn around purple tones... Todas las fotos que giran alrededor de tonos morados... Toutes les photos qui tournent autour des tons violets...
Santa Clause, Mrs. Santa,Weihnachtsmann/ Frau, papa noel
Photos of anything related to Santa clause, as woman, funny, sexy, everything Please add as many Santa clause related photos as you can!... get it?... CAN!... nevermind. Christmas Christkind Weihnacht Weihnachten Santa Feier xmas Nikolaus Advent Kalender navidad feliz natale sexy femme woman
Public groups in which Kostas Sidiropoulos is a moderator2 groups in total
0P3N ★ V1SU4L_M0M3NT
Original name and description edited. Previous administrator has abandoned the group and no longer takes the responsibility. CLOSED Reason: Group abandoned by the original administrator and the group used to advertise one's own web site, which no longer exists. If you disagree, contact GroupBusters to become as an administrator and reopen.
Grupo del Intercambio Imagenes Gratis
La temática es que nos podamos unir para intercambiar libremente imágenes o copiarlas sin temor de que dichas imágenes estén protegidas por derecho de autor. Recomendamos subir vuestras imágenes al Grupo que es de todos. Por lo menos una. ademas ella si gusta te derivará mucha gente a tu blog.
Public groups in which Kostas Sidiropoulos is a member68 groups in total
Footwear.... CLOSE-UPS ONLY
A little corner from your garden. Un petit coin de votre jardin. Een klein hoekje in je tuin. Gärten in der Stadt - eine schöne Ecke im Garten By verdecores1 and Erato
City gardens, a corner from a pretty garden,balcons with flowers or plants,terracotta corners, terraces decorated with plants etc..... Jardin de ville, petit coin d'un beau jardin ,balcon fleuri, pot en terre cuite, terrasse décorée etc..... Gärten in der Stadt - eine schöne Ecke im Garten - Balkon mit Blumen und Pflanzen - Terracotta Töpfe - Terrassen geschmückt mit Planzen und Blumen etc.....
all about vessels
This group is about: boat ship yacht vessel mast pole spar rig prow forrard tackle sail rope jigger compass pyx
b l u e
Do you like b l u e? Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the blue colour! Please post only pictures where b l u e is the dominating colour. Thank blue.
Baby of human
I like baby photographs...They are innocent, sweet and cute... I want to share them in a group...What is the best pose of them?Find this together...
Bateau - Boat - Schiff
Bateaux de toutes sortes
Be urban
Be "urban" no porn, no nude,.. just (dark-)life in the city the beauty or not of urban lifestyle.. it depend.. some photos with people but it depend... LOTS OF PHOTOS about "urbanism"!!!
Beautiful Girls
HOMMAGE A LA FEMME. Sa beauté et sa sensualité, pas seulement physique. La beauté expressive. Ses traits qui marque son parcours dans la vie, ses larmes, son sourire, son regard, sa force et son courage. Du premier au troisiéme age.
beautiful photo's
beautiful photo's
Best of ipernity
The best on ipernity!
Photos à dominante bleue.