People dressed in YELLOW : skirts, t-shirts, bikini, hair, shoes, trousers, pants ........ No nude.******************
In GELB bekleidete Personen. Bitte nicht nackt.*****************
Personnes habillées en JAUNE: jupes, t-shirts, bikini, cheveux ........ Pas de nu.****************
La gente vestita di GIALLO: gonne, t-shirt, bikini, capelli ........ N. nudo.****************
Frauen Babes Sexy Lying Woman Girl Beauty Femina Female Donna Ragazza Femmes Fille Nina Mujer Zena Kvinde женщина Candy…
In order to promote the idea of an exhibition space on Ipernity, Anthony and I have decided to make a place where clouds can float over some of Nature's majesty. I hope you enjoy this virtual exhibition.
The idea was retaken by the current non-volunteer administrator. Trees and clouds are the most frequent Nature's elements with strong influence on the Humankind behaviour. They ar…
pour ceux qui font tout et surtout de ce qui s'apparenterait à de l'art , avec pas grand chose :ou ce qu'ils ont sous la main au moment ou l'irrépressible besoin de créer les démange!!!!
i-Central: the Pulse of the Ipernity Community
i-CENTRAL IS YOUR get involved and be active! The more you contribute, the better you make YOUR group!! Don't be shy, we have so many great threads and so many great people here. So, instead of just looking at the threads, post in them!!
A group for all Ipernity members to share images, stories and ideas.
This group is only based on the artistic research of the hand(s) which must be the main subject, even the single of the photograph. Leave to research the most aesthetic hand(s) :)
The administrators reserve the right to remove any photograph which would not correspond to their quality standards.
Abstract photos and macros.
Die abstrakte Kunst ist eine zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts einsetzende Ausdrucksweise.
Sie ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Künstler sich in ihrer Arbeit zunehmend von der Darstellung realer Natur entfernen und ihre Kunstwerke aus ungegenständlichen oder Gegenstände nur andeutenden Formen, also abstrakt, komponieren.
Abstract art is a form of expression that began at the beginning of the 20th century.
It is characterised by artists increasingly distancin…
If you can ride it, fly it or drive it, IT belongs here.
Trains, planes, automobiles, motor cycles, or skateboards. Basicly anything that moves a person from one place to another.
The main subject of an image has to be some sort of transportation.
If something other than a means of transportation is the main subject of a image it will be deleted.
Temporary moderated.
Don´t spam in the name of this group.
Don´t add "Seen in...", "Admired in..." or something like this in your comments.…
I want photos of all people in the world here, because we are all the same!!!
Please NO : Erotic, fetish, violance or other adult oriented content.
Do not post copyrighted works or part of copyrighted works in this group unless you own the copyright or have the permission to do so.
This is an 0P3N sub-group.
Not only portraits but any photo technic to represent somebody's face or similar (masks etc.). Group photos. Painted faces. Let your imagination flow !
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which cps2006 is a member307 groups in total
Religiöse Bauten - Religious buildings
from outside, from inside and also details... Limited. We do not tolerate pictures with badges between the comments. Thanks :)
Dressed in YELLOW
People dressed in YELLOW : skirts, t-shirts, bikini, hair, shoes, trousers, pants ........ No nude.****************** In GELB bekleidete Personen. Bitte nicht nackt.***************** Personnes habillées en JAUNE: jupes, t-shirts, bikini, cheveux ........ Pas de nu.**************** La gente vestita di GIALLO: gonne, t-shirt, bikini, capelli ........ N. nudo.**************** Frauen Babes Sexy Lying Woman Girl Beauty Femina Female Donna Ragazza Femmes Fille Nina Mujer Zena Kvinde женщина Candy…
The Main Goal of the Group is Cold The Peoples must think Cold if they look at the photo
Trees and Clouds Exhibition
In order to promote the idea of an exhibition space on Ipernity, Anthony and I have decided to make a place where clouds can float over some of Nature's majesty. I hope you enjoy this virtual exhibition. Stuart*********************************************************************************************************** The idea was retaken by the current non-volunteer administrator. Trees and clouds are the most frequent Nature's elements with strong influence on the Humankind behaviour. They ar…
pour ceux qui font tout et surtout de ce qui s'apparenterait à de l'art , avec pas grand chose :ou ce qu'ils ont sous la main au moment ou l'irrépressible besoin de créer les démange!!!! sensible!!! Carolll.H
France Pix
All pictures about France
i-Central: the Pulse of the Ipernity Community i-CENTRAL IS YOUR get involved and be active! The more you contribute, the better you make YOUR group!! Don't be shy, we have so many great threads and so many great people here. So, instead of just looking at the threads, post in them!! A group for all Ipernity members to share images, stories and ideas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Market stalls and street markets - Not shops, Not malls!
Pictures of commerce (buying and selling) carried out in the street or in markets but not in malls or shops!
the ╠Mains-Hands-Hände-Mani-Manos╣ group icon
This group is only based on the artistic research of the hand(s) which must be the main subject, even the single of the photograph. Leave to research the most aesthetic hand(s) :) The administrators reserve the right to remove any photograph which would not correspond to their quality standards.
100+ Visits groupe
100 up to 9999999999999999 visits
500+ visits
See also the sister group: 10+ visits 50+ visits 100+ visits 250+ visits 750+ visits 1000+ visits 2500+ visits 5000+ visits
Abstract photos and macros. Die abstrakte Kunst ist eine zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts einsetzende Ausdrucksweise. Sie ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass die Künstler sich in ihrer Arbeit zunehmend von der Darstellung realer Natur entfernen und ihre Kunstwerke aus ungegenständlichen oder Gegenstände nur andeutenden Formen, also abstrakt, komponieren. Engl. Abstract art is a form of expression that began at the beginning of the 20th century. It is characterised by artists increasingly distancin…
workers working
Please feel free to post pictures of working people. Title of this group by Tom .
Pictures and videos of musicians playing music... also, singers! NO AI images !!!
★ Crazy & Happy Faces ★
As the name of the group mean ...
If you can ride it, fly it or drive it, IT belongs here. Trains, planes, automobiles, motor cycles, or skateboards. Basicly anything that moves a person from one place to another. The main subject of an image has to be some sort of transportation. If something other than a means of transportation is the main subject of a image it will be deleted. Temporary moderated. Don´t spam in the name of this group. Don´t add "Seen in...", "Admired in..." or something like this in your comments.…
Les plus beaux sourires sur Ipernity !..
Rassembler les plus beaux sourires sur Ipernity !..
We are the World!
I want photos of all people in the world here, because we are all the same!!! Please NO : Erotic, fetish, violance or other adult oriented content. Do not post copyrighted works or part of copyrighted works in this group unless you own the copyright or have the permission to do so.
0P3N.faces - countenance - des visages - Gesichter - volti
This is an 0P3N sub-group. Not only portraits but any photo technic to represent somebody's face or similar (masks etc.). Group photos. Painted faces. Let your imagination flow !
Pictures with humans...