christel.k's groups

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Public groups in which christel.k is an administrator
2 groups in total

  • Altstadtgassen - Oldtownlanes

    Altstadtgassen - Oldtownlanes

    Created 15 years ago

    After a long search with different terms, I have noticed that there is no group that are experiencing this specific topic. Therefore, there is now this new group! Not least in my holiday on the Costa Brava, I was always this mysterious, quiet and historic sites attracted away from the car traffic, narrow and sometimes beautifully restored and maintained. I mean, these streets should have a special place of the publication too! Whenever possible, the media (images, movies, etc.) do not includ…

  • Lüneburg


    Created 6 years ago

    Die schönsten Fotos von dieser sehenswerten Stadt!

Public groups in which christel.k is a member
64 groups in total