Buelipix's groups

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Public groups in which Buelipix is a member
127 groups in total

  • Strong Colors

    Strong Colors

    Created 17 years ago

    Each color and shade has an individual effect and is strong seen this way. Consequently, all colors are welcome : bold colors, monochromatic images, psychedelic color combinations, abstract or natural colors...

  • oldtimers cars motos bikes...all

    oldtimers cars motos bikes...all

    Created 17 years ago

    oldtimers cars bikes motos....

  • Selfies


    Created 3 years ago

    In dieser Gruppe möchte ich mehr von Euch sehen:) Selfies haben Charme, Witz und sind oft fantasievoll aufgenommen. Solltet Ihr kein Selfie hochladen, darf es trotzdem bleiben...ich bin kein Rausschmeißer! Also her mit Fotos von Euch, die Ihr selbst gemacht habt...egal ob mit dem Smartphone oder mit der Kamera. Bitte nur seriöse Fotos einstellen...unanständige Fotos möcht ich hier nicht sehen:))) In this group I want to see more of you :) Photos you took of yourself ... whether with your smar…

  • Where in the World?

    Where in the World?

    Created 10 years ago

    This is a group of people and places from around the world

  • Skulpturen-Park


    Created 5 years ago

    Making sculptures from all over the world accessible to everyone. Pictures of sculptures made of wood, stone, metal are welcome here. Three images per day may be set

  • Trios !!!

    Trios !!!

    Created 8 years ago

    Sur le même principe que le groupe "Duos" ... peu importe ce que c'est pourvu qu'ils soient trois de la même catégorie ! 3 animaux, 3 plantes, 3 motifs architecturaux, ... etc! Le groupe est libre dans la limite de 3 contributions par jour ... mais l'administrateur se réserve le droit de supprimer les photos hors sujet ! Bonne chasse aux images et merci d'avance pour vos contributions !

  • National Geographic

    National Geographic

    Created 17 years ago

    We strive to emulate the photographic quality of National Geographic magazine —combined with informational/educational content. Please do read the rules in the "New admin, new group rules" discussion topic.

  • Folk architecture, arquitectura popular, Volksarchitektur

    Folk architecture, arquitectura popular, Volksarchitektur

    Created 15 years ago

    Arquitectura popular, Architecture populaire, lidová architektura, Volksarchitektur As you can see, some of the buildings are not so popular, but we do not mind.

  • Festivals and Events, Parade, Shows

    Festivals and Events, Parade, Shows

    Created 11 years ago

    Share photos taken at events and festivals parade, shows.

  • Landing Page Suggestions

    Landing Page Suggestions

    Created 19 months ago

    Post your suggestions for the new landing page photo here. To be acceptable you have to format your photos to: Landscape 1350 x 580 px . Further details of the requirements can be found here . Please review your portfolio for appropriate photos. You might also consider accepting it as a challenge to take a new photograph for the purpose. Feel free to invite your friends and contacts.

  • Night-time ambience

    Night-time ambience

    Created 9 years ago

    Show all the images taken during the evening or at night.

  • UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe...UNESCO World Heritage…Patrimoine Mondial de l‘UNESCO

    UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe...UNESCO World Heritage…Patrimoine Mondial de l‘UNESCO

    Created 9 years ago

    unesco-welterbe.group.ipernity.com UNESCO Weltkulturerbe: Das Schönste, was Mensch und Natur uns hinterlassen haben. Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO: La plus belle chose que l'homme et la nature nous ont laissé. UNESCO World Heritage Site: The most beautiful thing Man and nature have left us. Patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO: La cosa più bella che l'uomo e la natura ci hanno lasciato.

  • Living water

    Living water

    Created 21 months ago

    All photos with streams, rivers and waterfalls. No sea, ocean, lake or pond. All photos with streams, rivers and waterfalls. No sea, ocean, lake or pond. Alle Fotos mit Wasserläufen, Flüssen, Wasserfällen und Flüssen. Kein Meer, Ozean, See oder Teich. All photos with arroyos, rivers and waterfalls. No mar, océano, lago o estanque.

  • Volcanoes and volcanic landscapes

    Volcanoes and volcanic landscapes

    Created 15 years ago

    Here we collect images of volcanoes and volcanic landscapes - from craters, calderas and lava flows to geysers, hot springs and other fascinating phenomena created by volcanic activity.

  • Waterfalls


    Created 17 years ago

    This group is a gallery for images of waterfalls - large and small. It would be nice to mention the name and geo-position of the waterfall shown. Posted images will be published without being checked. Thematically unfitting images will be removed without notice.

  • HTT - Happy Tuesday Table

    HTT - Happy Tuesday Table

    Created 2 years ago

    To display images [posting on Tuesdays] of Tables of all / any type. Dining table, Picnic Table, Side Table - with or without people and objects on the table ... Note : as usual with these groups - one image per week is preferred. Please add HTT to the image's keywords Family friendly group suitable images only ! {anything that isn't WILL be deleted}

  • Colorkey that´s it   - - -

    Colorkey that´s it - - -

    Created 7 years ago


  • naturey crap - crappy nature

    naturey crap - crappy nature

    Created 11 years ago

    A two-fold group - taken directly from two groups (that i love) of the same names on another photo site. So go with either or both: 1) "For those of us that really hate nature photos, but take them anyway. We may even do it well, and that pisses us off even more." ------------- 2) "Many people feel that their nature images are inadequate, or 'crappy'. This group welcomes any nature shots, even if they are crappy!" (I couldn't write the object of the group better than the originals - thus th…

  • "a mixed pixels presentation...."

    "a mixed pixels presentation...."

    Created 9 years ago

    Ihre persönlichen TOP - Favoriten ! Vos top - favoris personelles ! Your personal top - favorites! La vostra personale top - Favoriti!

  • Travel Photography

    Travel Photography

    Created 17 years ago

    A group for images from the perspective of travelers. From places we visited that amazed us – because we discovered them with fresh eyes, free from everyday thoughts. This is about the special perspectives that only emerge while traveling: the unfamiliar that excites us and the small details that local eyes might overlook. To ensure the magic of these moments truly shines, we welcome images of good amateur quality, captured with care and passion.