The group for all transport photos. Car, motorcycle, truck, plane, bicycle, boat, train, pretty much anything you like, as long as there is some form of transport in the image. ( and the form of transport depicted is prominent in the image and the complete vehicle rather than extreme close ups of only parts of the vehicle ) Also please only pictures of the mode of transport AND NOT just pictures of transport infrastructure )
ALSO please no glamour shots where the mode of transport is s…
We strive to emulate the photographic quality of National Geographic magazine —combined with informational/educational content.
Please do read the rules in the "New admin, new group rules" discussion topic.
Ce groupe est pour mettre en évidence la pollution visuelle des lignes électriques aériennes et qui rendent caduques une photographie.
When you thing that your pictures are spoiled with electric wires just add them here.
Fotos con hijos eléctrico.
All sorts of animals, whether cuddly or creepy.
Post the best shots of your pet, wildlife photos or macros of insects, spiders and other tiny critters.
All photos of fruit or vegetables, edible or not, only, in any form, even creative accepted...We reserve the right to delete anything that is not suitable...No characters, or animals♫
I am the creator of this group! Revisited photos accepted as long as they respect the theme♫
Nous souhaitons rassembler dans ce groupe des photos de qualité concernant tous les moyens de transport anciens, terrestres, aériens ou maritimes.
Nous aimerions aussi, que dans un esprit de courtoisie et de convivialité entre les membres, chaque photo soit accompagnée des informations techniques ou historiques dont il dispose pour permettre de mieux l’apprécier. Nous souhaitons également que, par courtoisie envers les autres membres, chaque photo déposée soit accompagnée d’un commentaire sur u…
All abandoned rusty, rotten boats and ships around the world are welcome. quality of photos should be high or at least the object should be of interest. the existing shipwreck group seems not to be managed, so I created a new one. if you are able to research the name and history of the wreck, even the technical data, it's welcome! - Only photos please, no AI-generated images!
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Public groups in which Gary Schotel is a member47 groups in total
Flowers from all over the world. We only accept high quality photos with flowers as the main motif.
O Canada!
This group is all about Canada, for Canadians or visitors to Canada or those who hope to visit someday.
Oude gebouwen-kastelen-hoeven-watermolens-kerken-bruggen ed
Kastelen--Burchten--Hoeven -farms-watermolens-kerken-etc liefst alleen oudere gebouwen
Horses / Chevaux / Caballos / Pferd
Transport World
The group for all transport photos. Car, motorcycle, truck, plane, bicycle, boat, train, pretty much anything you like, as long as there is some form of transport in the image. ( and the form of transport depicted is prominent in the image and the complete vehicle rather than extreme close ups of only parts of the vehicle ) Also please only pictures of the mode of transport AND NOT just pictures of transport infrastructure ) ALSO please no glamour shots where the mode of transport is s…
National Geographic
We strive to emulate the photographic quality of National Geographic magazine —combined with informational/educational content. Please do read the rules in the "New admin, new group rules" discussion topic.
La photo électrique / The electric photography / La fotografía eléctrica.
Ce groupe est pour mettre en évidence la pollution visuelle des lignes électriques aériennes et qui rendent caduques une photographie. When you thing that your pictures are spoiled with electric wires just add them here. Fotos con hijos eléctrico.
Rusty Vehicles
Cars, Trucks, Tractors,...Anything with wheels that has a little rust or just a plain rust bucket.
Exquisite Textured Compositions
A group for textured photos ONLY Please type the reference of the texture's Owners you use in description. Thanks.
For me ..... TOP!
Shots that a lover of beauty like me, not very qualified, considers SPECIAL for himself
Animal Photos
All sorts of animals, whether cuddly or creepy. Post the best shots of your pet, wildlife photos or macros of insects, spiders and other tiny critters.
Magical sunlight
Sunrises and sunsets. Sunbeams in the forest Lights and shadows
5 / Cinq / Five / Fünf / Cinque / Cinco / πέντε
5 / Cinq / Five / Fünf / Cinque / Cinco / πέντε
Fruit and vegetables
All photos of fruit or vegetables, edible or not, only, in any form, even creative accepted...We reserve the right to delete anything that is not suitable...No characters, or animals♫ I am the creator of this group! Revisited photos accepted as long as they respect the theme♫
" All types of historical transportation // Tous les moyens de transport historiques ...
Nous souhaitons rassembler dans ce groupe des photos de qualité concernant tous les moyens de transport anciens, terrestres, aériens ou maritimes. Nous aimerions aussi, que dans un esprit de courtoisie et de convivialité entre les membres, chaque photo soit accompagnée des informations techniques ou historiques dont il dispose pour permettre de mieux l’apprécier. Nous souhaitons également que, par courtoisie envers les autres membres, chaque photo déposée soit accompagnée d’un commentaire sur u…
Shipwrecks - Schiffswracks - Épaves
All abandoned rusty, rotten boats and ships around the world are welcome. quality of photos should be high or at least the object should be of interest. the existing shipwreck group seems not to be managed, so I created a new one. if you are able to research the name and history of the wreck, even the technical data, it's welcome! - Only photos please, no AI-generated images!
Allle water opppervlakten--dus rivieren-beken-plassen-vijvers-zee- etc etc ALLEEN WATER !
Ipernity Members Association Project
This is a group to inform all users of IPERNITY about the progress of the IMA project. All entries which support this concern, are very welcome.
Wooden Architecture
All kinds of wooden constructions