With the photos you should have thought something in terms of composition, processing, artistic, artful, etc.
Always quality before quantity - the quality has to be right...
We mainly encounter monochrome images in black-and-white photography. Basically, monochrome just means mono for "one" and chroma for "color". But not only images in black and its nuances are meant: the tint in a certain color is also referred to as monochrome
Monochrome to any color is also accepted.
We welcome quality images related to any and all WORLD RELIGIONS . Our motto is: "Coexistence & Tolerance!" Please, post appropriate images only and keep in mind that we are family-friendly group.
Pictures of all kind of dogs :) Feel free to post 5 pictures a day, but don't forget to look at the other pictures and to write to them too :)
You can also visit our other group www.ipernity.com/group/cats
Photos mer et montagne, ciel d'ici ou d'ailleurs, le grand nord, la savane ,enfin toutes les images appelant à l'évasion.
Foto di mare e di montagna, cieli di qui e di altrove, l'estremo nord, la savana, insomma tutte le immagini che invitano alla fuga.
Fotos del mar y la montaña, cielos de aquí y de otros lugares, el lejano norte, la sabana, en fin, todas las imágenes que llaman a la evasión.
Photos of the sea and mountains, skies from here and elsewhere, the…
Alles zum Thema: Nahrung und Getränke... Guten Appetit ...
Tout au sujet: Aliments et boissons...Bon appétit...
All about: Food and beverages ...Enjoy your meal...
Tutto su: Prodotti alimentari e bevande...buon appetito...
Pictures of the wildlife on the marine coastline, and its geology
Flora , fauna , rocks, vegetation , traces ....
environments :beaches , cliffs , dunes , from a living point of view
it does not concern human activities, nor artistic creations.
Animals in art...
- painting - drawing - statues - sculptures - made of wood -
No real animals! AI unwanted !!!
No AI - KI !!
there is a separate group for AI !!!!
Do you like b l u e?
Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the blue colour!
Please post only pictures where b l u e is the dominating colour.
Thank blue.
All photos of fruit or vegetables, edible or not, only, in any form, even creative accepted...We reserve the right to delete anything that is not suitable...No characters, or animals♫
I am the creator of this group! Revisited photos accepted as long as they respect the theme♫
Verbeulte Dosen oder Kanister aus Blech, oder Flaschen aus Plastik oder Glas... plattgefahren, weggeworfen, dekadent, zerstört, demoliert ...
Cans made of sheet metal, or plastic, or glas bottles from dented, decadently, thrown away, flat driven, demolished . . .
Bonjour mes amis..
Le groupe a été créé dans le but de mettre à l'honneur vos photos et créations qui sortent de l'ordinaire, faites par vous et non pas par un tiers. Les images d'IA sont acceptées si conformes au thème.
Please post "only" what you consider to be your finest work !!!
- Nos vrais coups de cœurs mais pas n'importe lesquels, genre pour faire plaisir aux amis...;-)
- Pas des portraits d'animaux car il en existe plusieurs groupes sur Ipernity.
- Pas de collages faits sur des sit…
“The clouds are like the thoughts, the daydreams, the nightmares of the sky. »
The troposphere is the area of the atmosphere in which cloud systems form. Clouds consist of fine water particles that are composed in the liquid state (droplet clouds) or in the solid state (ice or snow crystal clouds).
Pour tous les naufrageurs victimes de ce pauvre site, bienvenue ici dans ce lieu de havre et de paix où le capitaine sera bien tenir la barre et ne quittera pas le bateau en le laissant à l'abandon
Ici c'est le plaisir de partager ses photos entre iperniticiens et bienvenue aux autres qui veulent venir nous rejoindre les photos I A ne sont pas acceptées
For all the shipwreck victims of this poor site, welcome here to this place of haven and peace where the captain will hold the helm and will…
Autres mouvements chrétiens
Lieux de culte multiconfessionnels
la liste est longue !
A vous de jouer !
merci d'avance de votre participation
Help & Contact|Club news|About ipernity|History|ipernity Club & Prices|Guide of good conduct Donate|Group guidelines|Privacy policy|Terms of use|Statutes|In memoria
Public groups in which Léopold is a member387 groups in total
L'oeuvre de l'homme embellie par la nature.Human work enhanced by Nature
Every capture with architecture and natural elements for decorating it....
Monochrome Photography
With the photos you should have thought something in terms of composition, processing, artistic, artful, etc. Always quality before quantity - the quality has to be right... We mainly encounter monochrome images in black-and-white photography. Basically, monochrome just means mono for "one" and chroma for "color". But not only images in black and its nuances are meant: the tint in a certain color is also referred to as monochrome Monochrome to any color is also accepted.
We welcome quality images related to any and all WORLD RELIGIONS . Our motto is: "Coexistence & Tolerance!" Please, post appropriate images only and keep in mind that we are family-friendly group.
BAG-DRE-LIEN / bateau à voile in memoriam à Mahuphidos...
Des bateaux dont la propulsion principale est la voilure
Hunde - Dogs - Chien - Hundoj
Pictures of all kind of dogs :) Feel free to post 5 pictures a day, but don't forget to look at the other pictures and to write to them too :) You can also visit our other group www.ipernity.com/group/cats
" - Espaces -Spaces- Räume - Espacios- spazi "
espaces.group.ipernity.com Photos mer et montagne, ciel d'ici ou d'ailleurs, le grand nord, la savane ,enfin toutes les images appelant à l'évasion. Foto di mare e di montagna, cieli di qui e di altrove, l'estremo nord, la savana, insomma tutte le immagini che invitano alla fuga. Fotos del mar y la montaña, cielos de aquí y de otros lugares, el lejano norte, la sabana, en fin, todas las imágenes que llaman a la evasión. Photos of the sea and mountains, skies from here and elsewhere, the…
" A table "
a-table.group.ipernity.com Alles zum Thema: Nahrung und Getränke... Guten Appetit ... Tout au sujet: Aliments et boissons...Bon appétit... All about: Food and beverages ...Enjoy your meal... Tutto su: Prodotti alimentari e bevande...buon appetito...
Coasts of the sea: animals, vegetation and coastal geology
Pictures of the wildlife on the marine coastline, and its geology Flora , fauna , rocks, vegetation , traces .... environments :beaches , cliffs , dunes , from a living point of view it does not concern human activities, nor artistic creations.
Animal-Art - Animal in art
Animals in art... - painting - drawing - statues - sculptures - made of wood - No real animals! AI unwanted !!! No AI - KI !! there is a separate group for AI !!!!
b l u e
Do you like b l u e? Then this group is perfect for you, because it's dedicated to the blue colour! Please post only pictures where b l u e is the dominating colour. Thank blue.
Toutes photos aux teintes bleues intenses
Fruit and vegetables
All photos of fruit or vegetables, edible or not, only, in any form, even creative accepted...We reserve the right to delete anything that is not suitable...No characters, or animals♫ I am the creator of this group! Revisited photos accepted as long as they respect the theme♫
Bottle / can / tube / canister
Verbeulte Dosen oder Kanister aus Blech, oder Flaschen aus Plastik oder Glas... plattgefahren, weggeworfen, dekadent, zerstört, demoliert ... Cans made of sheet metal, or plastic, or glas bottles from dented, decadently, thrown away, flat driven, demolished . . .
Food and Beverages
Any kind of food and beverages
Bonjour mes amis.. Le groupe a été créé dans le but de mettre à l'honneur vos photos et créations qui sortent de l'ordinaire, faites par vous et non pas par un tiers. Les images d'IA sont acceptées si conformes au thème. Please post "only" what you consider to be your finest work !!! - Nos vrais coups de cœurs mais pas n'importe lesquels, genre pour faire plaisir aux amis...;-) - Pas des portraits d'animaux car il en existe plusieurs groupes sur Ipernity. - Pas de collages faits sur des sit…
Clouds and Nebulosity of the atmosphere.
“The clouds are like the thoughts, the daydreams, the nightmares of the sky. » The troposphere is the area of the atmosphere in which cloud systems form. Clouds consist of fine water particles that are composed in the liquid state (droplet clouds) or in the solid state (ice or snow crystal clouds).
Pictures with humans...
Pour tous les naufrageurs victimes de ce pauvre site, bienvenue ici dans ce lieu de havre et de paix où le capitaine sera bien tenir la barre et ne quittera pas le bateau en le laissant à l'abandon Ici c'est le plaisir de partager ses photos entre iperniticiens et bienvenue aux autres qui veulent venir nous rejoindre les photos I A ne sont pas acceptées For all the shipwreck victims of this poor site, welcome here to this place of haven and peace where the captain will hold the helm and will…
Edifices religieux de tout pays
Eglises Mosquées Abbayes Basiliques Cathédrales Couvent Pieurés Chapelles Christianisme Catholicisme Protestantisme Autres mouvements chrétiens Judaïsme Bouddhisme Hindouisme Sikh Lieux de culte multiconfessionnels la liste est longue ! A vous de jouer ! merci d'avance de votre participation
"Oh! Mer, nul ne connaît tes richesses intimes" - "Oh, mare, nessuno conosce le tue ricchezze più intime"- "Oh Meer, niemand kennt deinen inneren Reichtum" - "Oh, sea, no one knows your innermost riches" -
Mers et océans, rochers,côtes et rivages, plages de sable et falaises toujours au bord de l'eau de mer exclusivement