Globalpayer's groups

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Public groups in which Globalpayer is an administrator

Public groups in which Globalpayer is a member

  • SONY world

    SONY world

    Created 14 years ago

    Unlimited photos and video with SONY technology! Please, no pornography, no violence, no brutality!

  • Spirals, des spirales, Spiralen, spirali

    Spirals, des spirales, Spiralen, spirali

    Created 17 years ago

    Everything going round and getting bigger or smaller at the same time.

  • Stones


    Created 14 years ago

    This group is primarily concerned with stones. Enjoy!

  • surreality


    Created 17 years ago

    Surrealism. Philosophy. Surrealism is based on the belief in the superior reality of certain forms of previously neglected associations, in the omnipotence of dream, in the disinterested play of thought. It tends to ruin once and for all other psychic mechanisms and to substitute itself for them in solving all the principal problems of life.

  • The Art of Landscape

    The Art of Landscape

    Created 10 years ago

    Landscapes (not cityscapes) from around the world. What is the natural world like in your corner of the earth? A group where all artistic photographers wishing to share their landscapes are welcome - please try to leave a comment aon another's work after uploading - it keeps the group alive!



    Created 16 years ago

    Posted a photo to the pool? Please view pages 1 to 4 from the pool and try to find photos which deserve your personal comment, nice if you use the group commment code by your personal comment also. No rule but appreciated by all members. Thanks! Comment Code: Seen in <a href=" "> The World Through My Eyes </a> preview: Seen in The World Through My Eyes

  • The yellow in nature.

    The yellow in nature.

    Created 14 years ago

    Le jaune dans la nature. The yellow in nature. Das Gelb in der Natur La yema en la naturaleza

  • Tiere - Animals

    Tiere - Animals

    Created 17 years ago

    zeigt bitte nur Tierfotos aller Art show any Fotos with Animals

  • Time For Experiments

    Time For Experiments

    Created 17 years ago

    Taking pictures can be so different and so can the results. - abstract, beautiful, colorful, conceptual, different, industrial, macro, monochrome, natural, beautiful, strange - Different kinds of experiments are welcome... Try out your skills.

  • Universal Photos

    Universal Photos

    Created 11 years ago

    Photography is often seen as a simple hobby, a way of capturing memories and moments. But photography has many benefits beyond just taking pretty pictures. Photography can help you see the world in a whole new light.



    Created 16 years ago

    The video group, the place to watch movement. Please add only your own videos.

  • water colors...

    water colors...

    Created 17 years ago

    I love the water and live near a couple small lakes, so of course water is one of my favorite subjects. The distortions water creates, ranging from almost indistinguishable from reality to utterly abstract, never cease to amaze me. My hope is here to have a pool of water reflecting or refracting colors, with almost nothing besides water's uniquely distorted view of the world showing---thus the name water colors . This is a blantant rip off of my fave flickr group:…

  • Zauberwald • Magicwood

    Zauberwald • Magicwood

    Created 14 years ago

    Der Wald von seiner zauberhaften Seite • The magnificent facet of the wood



    Created 10 years ago

    All colourful images are welcome, the brighter and more vibrant, the better. No washed out poorly focused images please. You may use the text comment code if you wish. :) Please feel free to post your images in the group's queue for admin approval. Thank you!

  • ╠Art Libre-Free Art-Arte Libre-Freie Kunst╣

    ╠Art Libre-Free Art-Arte Libre-Freie Kunst╣

    Created 17 years ago

    “Art when really understood is the province of every human being. It is simply a question of doing things, anything, well. It is not an outside, extra thing. When the artist is alive in any person, whatever his kind of work may be, he becomes an inventive, searching, daring, self-expressing creature. He becomes interesting to other people. He disturbs, upsets, enlightens, and then he opens way for a better understanding. Where those who are not artists are trying to close the book, he opens it…