Drei Dinge sollen im Vordergrund stehen, > Sachen - Personen - von gleicher Konsistenz ... o.ä.
Three things should be at the focus,> things - people - similar of the same consistency etc.
Anything ... as long as there are 2 !!! Take inspiration from the examples. The administrator reserves the right to remove photos that are outside the theme! Thank you to all contributors, and even more to those who sign up!
Autres mouvements chrétiens
Lieux de culte multiconfessionnels
la liste est longue !
A vous de jouer !
merci d'avance de votre participation
- Ou des relations entre les êtres vivants...
- Connivence, symbiose, complicité...Au travers de photos ou de créations digitales personnelles
- Trois images du même auteur au plus / jour
- Pas d'image qui pourrait choquer
-Relations between living beings
-Symbiosis, connive, bond
-Through own pictures and (or) digital works
-Nothing shocking in any way please
Photos, drawings or paintings of flowers (without hello or good evening message on the image) as well as floral compositions and creations of their authors only -
festive flowers
all existing flowers ...
You can put flowers of any kind! framed and HDR will be accepted! Also the buds of flowers but only photos and videos! Plants fat but flowery. and even creations from your flowers! We reserve the right to delete photos that do not correspond ...
Thank's everyone.
Des fleurs sous toutes les formes : dessin, pastel, huile; acrylique, fleurs fraîches et fleurs séchées, fleurs stylisées et de très belles photos ne comportant pas de messages écrits et voeux divers.
Bienvenue à chacune et chacun
About "flowers my passion"
File that has to offer us the best nature that this group aspires to
Flowers, plants, trees, landscapes,
Garden beautiful and unusual flowers
Fog sometimes gives you the opportunity to take photos of special fascination.
In this group you are invited to present photos with fog veils, ground fog or high fog.
Arquitectura popular, Architecture populaire, lidová architektura, Volksarchitektur
As you can see, some of the buildings are not so popular, but we do not mind.
entraide, astuces, partage et conseils ( ce groupe a des règles, merci de les respecter : pas de photos de mineurs au visage reconnaissable, ni modèles et encore moins de nus)
To capture images of the people, buildings, architecture, landscapes,scenery and culture that makes France such a wonderful place.
Please can the photos showcase France.
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Public groups in which Patrice Leconte is an administrator
Drei Dinge - three things - tre cose - trois choses
Drei Dinge sollen im Vordergrund stehen, > Sachen - Personen - von gleicher Konsistenz ... o.ä. Three things should be at the focus,> things - people - similar of the same consistency etc.
Anything ... as long as there are 2 !!! Take inspiration from the examples. The administrator reserves the right to remove photos that are outside the theme! Thank you to all contributors, and even more to those who sign up!
Edifices religieux de tout pays
Eglises Mosquées Abbayes Basiliques Cathédrales Couvent Pieurés Chapelles Christianisme Catholicisme Protestantisme Autres mouvements chrétiens Judaïsme Bouddhisme Hindouisme Sikh Lieux de culte multiconfessionnels la liste est longue ! A vous de jouer ! merci d'avance de votre participation
ENSEMBLE, c'est tout..... / TOGETHER, just it....
- Ou des relations entre les êtres vivants... - Connivence, symbiose, complicité...Au travers de photos ou de créations digitales personnelles - Trois images du même auteur au plus / jour - Pas d'image qui pourrait choquer -Relations between living beings -Symbiosis, connive, bond -Through own pictures and (or) digital works -Nothing shocking in any way please
Fenêtres, portes et façades / Windows, doors and façades.
Trois éléments qui font bon ménage très souvent ! Three elements often matching together beautifully !
Festive flowers
Photos, drawings or paintings of flowers (without hello or good evening message on the image) as well as floral compositions and creations of their authors only - festive flowers
Fine Art Landscape Photography
This group is for Landscape/Cityscape photos only. Photos that don`t meet this criteria will be removed.
Des photos immatriculés 29
Fleurs en folie,Flowers in madness
all existing flowers ... You can put flowers of any kind! framed and HDR will be accepted! Also the buds of flowers but only photos and videos! Plants fat but flowery. and even creations from your flowers! We reserve the right to delete photos that do not correspond ... Thank's everyone.
Flo. Fam.: Asteraceae
Regrouper toutes sortes de plantes , fleurs , de cette famille fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asteraceae Caractéristiques : Capitule ( fausse fleur constitué de nombreuses petites fleurs soit tubulées ( coeur) soit ligulées ( les pétales de la couronne) asters , marguerites, chrysanthèmes, anthemis , matricaires salsifis , Dahlias,tournesols , centaurées , chardons , laitues , séneçons , ligulaires , bidens , pissenlits, gaillardes, Zinnia , Rudbeckia , Osteospermum, helichysum, soucis , tanaisie, ach…
Flo. Fam.: Liliaceae, Asparagaceae, Convallariaceae, Amaryllidaceae, Alstroemeriaceae
Montrer des plantes , des fleurs de cette belle famille : Asparagaceae: Lis , hémérocalles, tulipes, jacinthes , muguet, fritillaires , tricyrtis, érythrones, gagées, scilles, muscaris, liriopes , ophiopogons, muscaris, Lachenalia, ornithogalum ( asphodèles), camassia, eucomis , tritelia, aphyllante, asparagus, chlorophytum, agaves , ruscus, nolina , dracaena , aspidistra , beaucarnea, yucca, cordyline.... etc Convallariaceae : muguet ,polygonatum, maianthème, parisette..... Amaryllidaceae : na…
Floral Expressions
Flowers, near, far, of all colors, of all seasons…
Florissimo ............
Des fleurs sous toutes les formes : dessin, pastel, huile; acrylique, fleurs fraîches et fleurs séchées, fleurs stylisées et de très belles photos ne comportant pas de messages écrits et voeux divers. Bienvenue à chacune et chacun
Flowers from all over the world. We only accept high quality photos with flowers as the main motif.
flowers my passion
About "flowers my passion" Welcome! File that has to offer us the best nature that this group aspires to Flowers, plants, trees, landscapes, Garden beautiful and unusual flowers
fog, dust, mist, brouillard, Nebel, nebbia, bruma
Fog sometimes gives you the opportunity to take photos of special fascination. In this group you are invited to present photos with fog veils, ground fog or high fog.
Folk architecture, arquitectura popular, Volksarchitektur
Arquitectura popular, Architecture populaire, lidová architektura, Volksarchitektur As you can see, some of the buildings are not so popular, but we do not mind.
entraide, astuces, partage et conseils ( ce groupe a des règles, merci de les respecter : pas de photos de mineurs au visage reconnaissable, ni modèles et encore moins de nus)
To capture images of the people, buildings, architecture, landscapes,scenery and culture that makes France such a wonderful place. Please can the photos showcase France.