Faire découvrir le travail et les lieux de travail de nos ancêtres !
Die Arbeit sowie die Arbeitsplätze unserer Vorfahren entdecken !
Discover the work and the workplaces of our forefathers!
Scopri il lavoro e botteghe artigiane dei nostri antenati!
Saluez vos amis ici avec une belle photo H.A.N.W.E. personnelle (ayez - une - agréable - fin - de - semaine )
Grüßen sie ihre Freunde und Bekannte hier mit einem netten persönlichen H.A.N.W.E. - Foto ( Have - a - nice - week - end )
Greet your friends here with a nice personal H.A.N.W.E. - Photo (Have - a - nice - week - end)
Der/die FotografIn im Selbstbildnis mit Kamera, im Schatten oder Spiegel ... oder andere Fotografen bei der Arbeit...
The photographer in Self-portrait with camera in shadow or mirror ... or other photographer at work ...
Créations et accessoires modes : foulards - chapeaux- chaussures - lingerie - sacs - etc...... un ensemble au service de la féminité. Des créations plutôt que des compositions - MERCI ET CHALEUREUSE BIENVENUE !
...abandoned thinks...
Niedergang - Verfall - Dinge, Objekte welche einmal etwas bedeuteten...
Urban decay, buildings, abandoned cars, factories in ruins. Hospitals, Prisons, Villages and abandoned military installations. Everything somehow define the passage of time or neglect.
Reflections of all kinds.
Please note the difference between reflection and refraction and understand that images will be refused without comment which do not correspond to the theme of the group.
Thank you
These giants that make us live and that we do not always respect....I talk about our friends the trees and forests in general......
Attention, no photos of flowers or macros in this group.....only trees and forests.the tree must be the main subject of the photo. Thanks
If you are loving blue and your heart is full of blue, This group is proper for you...
Wenn du Blau liebst und dein Herz voller Blau ist, ist diese Gruppe genau das Richtige für dich.
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Public groups in which Percy Schramm is a member452 groups in total
" ARTISANAT et professions d'antan // HANDWERKSKUNST und Berufe aus vergangener Zeit " Faire découvrir le travail et les lieux de travail de nos ancêtres ! Die Arbeit sowie die Arbeitsplätze unserer Vorfahren entdecken ! Discover the work and the workplaces of our forefathers! Scopri il lavoro e botteghe artigiane dei nostri antenati!
H.A.N.W.E. - Have A Nice Week End Saluez vos amis ici avec une belle photo H.A.N.W.E. personnelle (ayez - une - agréable - fin - de - semaine ) Grüßen sie ihre Freunde und Bekannte hier mit einem netten persönlichen H.A.N.W.E. - Foto ( Have - a - nice - week - end ) Greet your friends here with a nice personal H.A.N.W.E. - Photo (Have - a - nice - week - end)
Bancs publics....
On le sait, on s' y bécote, mais aussi on y médite, on y rêve, on y casse l' oeuf dur. On attend ....
Bright red
The photo must be at least 50% bright red
photographer - Fotograf - il fotografo - le photographe
Der/die FotografIn im Selbstbildnis mit Kamera, im Schatten oder Spiegel ... oder andere Fotografen bei der Arbeit... The photographer in Self-portrait with camera in shadow or mirror ... or other photographer at work ...
Fenêtres, portes et façades / Windows, doors and façades.
Trois éléments qui font bon ménage très souvent ! Three elements often matching together beautifully !
Au bonheur des dames.................................
Créations et accessoires modes : foulards - chapeaux- chaussures - lingerie - sacs - etc...... un ensemble au service de la féminité. Des créations plutôt que des compositions - MERCI ET CHALEUREUSE BIENVENUE !
http:// desserts-nachspeisen
Planet City
Stadtansichten aller Art . Gebäude , Strassen , Tag-und Nachtansichten von Städten . -City , Town , World -
Decadenza - Dekadenz - abandoned thinks - decadencia
...abandoned thinks... Niedergang - Verfall - Dinge, Objekte welche einmal etwas bedeuteten... Urban decay, buildings, abandoned cars, factories in ruins. Hospitals, Prisons, Villages and abandoned military installations. Everything somehow define the passage of time or neglect.
De lumière et d'ombres - light and shadows
light and shadows
" Ambiance et lumière - Stimmung und Licht - Atmosphere and light - Ambiente e la luce" Faire découvrir l'ambiance crée par la lumière , naturelle , artificielle , brouillard , etc...
Reflections - snoitcelfeR
Reflections of all kinds. Please note the difference between reflection and refraction and understand that images will be refused without comment which do not correspond to the theme of the group. Thank you
Au fil de l'eau, With the current
When water is painter and mirror lakes edges ocean blue ... Pretty new encounters (animals, characters etc)
Our friends the trees
These giants that make us live and that we do not always respect....I talk about our friends the trees and forests in general...... Attention, no photos of flowers or macros in this group.....only trees and forests.the tree must be the main subject of the photo. Thanks
Into the Blue Blue Sky
Pictures with a blue sky
Blue Hearts
If you are loving blue and your heart is full of blue, This group is proper for you... Wenn du Blau liebst und dein Herz voller Blau ist, ist diese Gruppe genau das Richtige für dich.
light blue - dark blue - violet
This group wants to show that it is worth drawing attention to these colors from light blue to dark blue to violet.
Escaliers - Stairs
Escaliers, volée de marches plus ou moins naturelles sont les bienvenues
" - Altstadt - Ansichten - Vues vieille ville - Old City Views "