wintorbos' photos with the keyword: 20131123

G.T.R. Double Track through the Garden of Canada (…

24 Nov 2013 298
Interesting image of a Grand Trunk train. Posted at Hamilton, Ontario, May 3, 1908 to Miss W. Green, Danson Park Stables, Welling, Kent, England. No. 102,198 in the Valentine & Sons series. Undivided back.

Imperial Limited Trans-Continental Express, Montre…

24 Nov 2013 339
Valentine & Sons no. 100,044: "This is the very sort of train I spent a week in they are very big engines out here the one we came by was froze once and would not go." Undivided back, not addressed or posted.

On the North-West Arm, Halifax, N.S.

24 Nov 2013 262
This is a very early MacFarlane card without the MacFarlane identification. It has the Halifax coat of arms on the front. The card was mailed on January 5, 1903 at Halifax to Miss H. (?) Field, Strathfield, Leamington, Warwickshire, England. No message. Has the typical "Private Mailing Card" back.

Provincial Parliament Bldg, Toronto, Ont., Canada.

24 Nov 2013 248
Unused embossed card showing the provincial Legislative Building in Toronto, known as "Queen's Park". No maker indicated.

Field, B.C., and Mount Stephen (Alt. 10,523), Cana…

24 Nov 2013 192
Message across the entire back: "Aug. 29th, 1913. Many happy returns on your birthday. From Annie and Horace. Montreal, P.Q., Canada." Valentine & Sons card 600,152.

Tower of Babel and Mount Fay, Ten Peak Valley, Can…

24 Nov 2013 183
Unused, no. 600,156.

Valley of the Ten Peaks, Laggan, Canadian Rockies

24 Nov 2013 220
Similar to the Field card, this has a message from Annie and Horace regarding the same birthday. The message is dated August 29, 1913. Valentine & Sons no. 100,441 (if I'm reading it right).

Twin Falls, Yoho Valley, Canadian Rockies (600,145…

24 Nov 2013 236
Another birthday card dated Aug. 29, 1913. Here it is revealed that the birthday person is Annie's mother. There are separate messages from Horace and Annie. The one from Horace reads: "Thank you very much for the trainload of views from Rotherham. Hope to see them again some-day. Sincerely, from Horace, Montreal, Canada." So the views from Canada are meant to repay the mother's kindness in having sent over views of the young couple's home town in England (Yorkshire). Valentine & Sons no. 600,145.

Mount Stephen (Alt. 10,523), Canadian Rockies (600…

24 Nov 2013 191
Unused card. Number difficult to read but appears to be 600,153.

Three Sisters, Banff, Canadian Rockies (100,151)

24 Nov 2013 230
Mailed March 28, 1911 to Miss L. Price, 26 Arden Road, Birchfields, Birmingham, England. No message. Valentine & Sons 100,151.

Fraser River, near Spuzzum, Canadian Rockies (102,…

24 Nov 2013 148
Unused card, no. 102,799 in the Valentine & Sons series.

Bridges over Desjardins Canal, Hamilton, Ont.

24 Nov 2013 295
Addressed to Miss L. Price, 26 Arden Road, Birchfields, Birmingham, England (addressee of many of these cards. No. 101,235 in the Valentine & Sons series. No message. Postmarked July 30, 1908 at Hamilton, Ont.

Mink Tunnel, Lake Superior

24 Nov 2013 244
To Miss K. A. Bridge, Heaton Park, Manchester, England "With kind regards, Violet Farries, Winnipeg, 1/18/1912. The Valentine number is cut off (it's at lower left), except for the very tops of the numbers, which suggest that it could be 100,527.

Ice Mountain - Niagara Falls.

24 Nov 2013 237
Postmarked January 30, 1906 at Toronto, to C. E. Roubaud Esq., 25 Strand Road, Calcutta, India: "Many thanks. Have you ever been to Canada? This ice mountain is wonderful. It did not form this year owing to our very mild winter. You can see the water falling to right of picture (Miss) Bessie Brock." [presumably a postcard exchange]

Moraine Lake, Valley of the Ten Peaks

24 Nov 2013 190
Card (no. 1259) by Thompson's Studio of Vancouver, B.C., showing Moraine Lake. Posted at Laggan, Alberta, January 14, 1907 to Mrs Blackman, 9 Eldon Road, Worthing, Sussex, England: "I hope this is the right address. I will write soon. Hope you are all well. Sid."

Thousand Islands, The Westminster Park Hotel.

24 Nov 2013 206
Unused card published by C. M. Bannister of Watertown, N.Y. No. 2525. Made in Germany.

Sir Donald, Uto, and Eagle Peak, Canadian Rockies

24 Nov 2013 227
Unused Valentine & Sons card, no. 600,131.

City Hall, Ottawa (102,696)

24 Nov 2013 237
Valentine & Sons no. 102,696, addressed to the famous Miss L. Price, 26 Arden Road, Birchfields, Birmingham, England. "Oct. 11/13 Dear Lizzie, We had a nice holiday in the country this year for two weeks, also very nice weather. I expect to see my nephew from Hamilton on Thanksgiving Day which falls on the 20th of this month. With love, Ernest."

27 items in total