wintorbos' photos with the keyword: saskatchewan

Qu'appelle St., Qu'appelle.

24 Oct 2013 331
Postmarked in August 1912 at Eyebrow, Saskatchewan and addressed to Mrs. A. Hailstone, Carling, Ontario (Parry Sound District). A branch of the Northern Bank is at right. The card appears to be in the Winnipeg Photo Co. series but is not marked as such. It is numbered 699. It is attributed to W. H. Hunter. The Central Drug Hall appears in the centre of the photo, so it is possible that W. H. Hunter could have been the proprietor of that shop.

Four Big Four "30s," each pulling 8-foot-cut John…

25 Sep 2013 1 494
Interesting farm implement advertising card, unused, with the following printed on the back: "Compliments of Gas Traction Company. First and Largest Builder in the World of Four-Cylinder Farm Tractors. Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A. Canadian Office: Winnipeg, Man."

Alameda Hotel

23 Aug 2013 426
This photo postcard of the Alameda Hotel in Alameda, Sask. (presumably) presents a bit of a puzzle, since it has the appearance of being a Winnipeg Photo Co. card but is credited to Western Art Gallery of Oxbow, Sask. A great view. Hotel inscribed with the year "1909" indicating that it was almost new at the time of the photo.

Mr. Benjamin F. Holden's Farm, Indian Head, Canada

19 Jul 2013 460
One of the less interesting looking "Government Agent" cards, showing the successful farm of Benjamin Holden at Indian Head, circa 1905. The card is unused.

Bulls, Experimental Farm, Indian Head, Assiniboia.

08 Jul 2013 281
Unused Valentine & Sons card, no. 100,391 and likely dating to about 1905 (as the reference to "Assiniboia" suggests).

[Outlook, Sask.]

09 Jun 2013 315
This unattributed image is a very sharp photo of downtown Outlook, Sask., including the snazzy new Canadian Bank of Commerce, a fascinating pastiche of Prairie Clapboard and Ancient Athens. Two well-dressed gents appear to be posing for the photographer. The letter was composed at 12:05 p.m. on December 12, 1911 and reads "We drove in here today my brother it is 16 miles from his place. We are going back with him and to-morrow we will go to Saskatoon. Snow is falling here to-day. Best wishes, Wm." This was addressed to Miss Hilda Melander, Temple, N. Dak., U.S.A. and postmarked at Outlook on December 12, 1911.

Farm of H. Dorell, near Moose Jaw, Assa., Canada

22 Jun 2013 430
Another in the "Government Agent" series, this one happily has a postmark: Oxford, May 9, 1906. Very often these cards weren't actually mailed. The card is addressed to Miss A. A. Pasten, Carlingford, Sidcup and has the message: "Thank you so much for your kind invite. Shan't be able to accept now as I am off to Canada for a 3 months trip the end of the month - Else I had hoped to descend upon you for a night or two! Love from H.G.L."

Plowing and Disking "Breaking" Moose Jaw Distric…

22 Jun 2013 449
This is almost certainly a C.S. Co. card, although it is marked only with the distributor initials "L.R. 1475". Souch's C.S. Co. booklet records an "L.R." in Moose Jaw and while card 1475 is not recorded, card 1476 *is* in the list and is also an "L.R." from Moose Jaw. Presumably "L.R." is "Lewis Rice". The postcard has a Moose Jaw & Calgary R.P.O. postmark dated June 9, 1909 and is addressed to someone whose name looks like Mr. Lee Silliman Jr. of Toulon, Illinois, which is over by the Iowa border. It reads: "Moose Jaw - Dear Nephew, I remember once upon a [time] you wrote me a letter and I will now send you a card from the fields of Canada. There is just lots of beautiful prairie and it looks like a good chance for a young man to raise wheat in [?] a good time, Your aunt, Sarah."

Moose Jaw, Sask.

19 Jun 2013 254
This unused multiview is divided back and produced by the Albertype Co. of Brooklyn, N.Y. It appears to be a U.S. card. The lower image is identified as a "Porter Photo".

Looking East on Railway Ave. Frobisher

19 Jun 2013 517
Frobisher is a village of 145 (2006) in southern Saskatchewan between Oxbow and Estevan. It is found on Highway 18. This postcard was mailed on August 25, 1910 at Hirsch, SK to Miss Annie Duff,, Gassfield P. O., Ont. with the message" Hirsh Sask. August 28, 1910 Sent you a card a few weeks ago hope you will let us hear from you soon, with best regards L.K." The card is numbered "8" (in a Frobisher series, presumably) and is almost certainly the work of Winnipeg Photo Co. of Napinka. It has an unusual "Canada Post Card" undivided back.

Our New Arrival [Last Mountain Valley]

19 Jun 2013 1 235
This postcard is unused but is addressed to Vinnie Binkley, Brookville, Ohio. On the front is a faint stamp: "B. F. Kiester, Dist. Mgr., 102 Salem Ave. Dayton, O." This card is #2 in a series of immigration-promoting cards issued (one assumes) by a land company.

Settlers enroute to Last Mountain Valley, Sask.

22 May 2013 2 346
This lithographed postcard shows settlers departing for the Last Mountain Valley area of Saskatchewan on March 27, 1911. It was produced by William Pearson Co., as indicated on the front. This company was likely the promoter of settlement in this region of Saskatchewan.