Diana Australis' photos with the keyword: Tso Moriri

Tso Moriri @ 4,600m

Pack pony, Tibetan style

04 Oct 2011 8 9 1118
Tso Moriri, Ladkah, India,. (Near Tibet border at 4600meters altitude. Pony caravans are used to transport goods long distance to remote settlements.

Diana at Tso Moriri - sunset

15 Sep 2011 10 14 1152
At 4,600 meters In India, near the border with Tibet. (by Janette)

Karzog, Tso Moriri @ 4,600meters

03 Sep 2011 12 18 809
Morning. Ladakh, India, on edge of Tibetan Plateau. Home to Tibetan nomads. -40C in winters