Diana Australis' photos with the keyword: Outback Australia

HFF from Central Australia

20 Jun 2019 56 38 705
I am in the desert of Australia. First internet for a week. Greetings from Marree far away in the outback! Have a great weekend, and thanks sincerely for visits and comments! I will be another week with no real internet! Big hug to all.

Road sign..Central Australia

09 Jan 2019 32 20 419
At the commencement of some hundreds of kilometres of unsealed road. Meaning....you will be blinded by dust and shaken to pieces! Take care!


04 Aug 2017 27 27 773
Outback, remote Australia.....portrait of a real bushman

On the road

16 Jul 2014 27 21 1087
Wild camels. Central Australia......a common sight in very remote areas. These feral pests are descended from escaped Afghan cameleer herds in the days [1860's] when camels were imported to transport good into remotest Australia. There are now about 6 million of these destructive pests in Australia. White settlers introduced rabbits, foxes and goats....previously not here...now also feral pests in their millions, along with millions of feral cats, descendants of house cats...... They are all through the désert and remote lands. These animals all wreak havoc with the land and decimate native animal species.

Bungle Bungles

30 Jun 2014 34 24 1499
In the Purnululu National Park in far north Western Australia. These ancient eroded landforms spread across a huge area and are classified as a World Heritage site by UNESCO. They are very remote. Photo taken and uploaded by phone.

First a bus, then a house..now......

30 Sep 2011 4 7 678
Andamooka. Isolated desert opal mining town Remote central Australia

Sign for food ahead...kangaroo, camel and emu! Des…

05 Jul 2011 2 1 834
800 km north of Adelaide.