tiabunna's photos with the keyword: marsupial

Swamp wallaby

08 Apr 2022 26 21 210
The Swamp Wallaby (sometimes known as a Black Wallaby) is found in eastern Australia. As macropods they are related to kangaroos, though wallabies are usually smaller and stockier. These are identified by their dark coat and lighter coloured flashes on their cheeks. Well, I'm about to emulate the wallaby and hop away for several days. Best wishes for an enjoyable and safe weekend, everyone.

In the spotlight

24 Sep 2016 21 17 710
Do you see him? Taken on a spotlighting tour of our local Botanic Gardens. About 25M up this old gumtree, there is a Greater Glider (one of our native gliding possums) blinking into the light from his hole in the trunk. He came out shortly afterwards and you will find him in the PiP (I'd suggest viewing large on black). These were taken hand-held with the light of a wandering spotlight, which explains the poor qualtiy.

The Greater Glider

24 Sep 2016 9 9 662
Taken on a spotlighting tour of our local Botanic Gardens, this is a Greater Glider - one of our native marsupial gliding possums. The long tail is used in the air as a rudder for steering. More about them here. Our guide spotted him by the reflection from his eyes as he peered from his sleeping hollow in the tree (next image/note)