Joe, Son of the Rock's photos with the keyword: Tearoom

Wicker Teapot Pointing at the Willow Tearooms

Tearoom at the Botanics

25 Jun 2021 4 10 131
Glasgow Botanic Gardens is a botanical garden located in the West End of Glasgow, Scotland. It features several glasshouses, the most notable of which is the Kibble Palace. Quoted from Wikipedia

Botanic Gardens in the Snow

06 Feb 2021 6 6 162
Glasgow Botanic Gardens is a botanical garden located in the West End of Glasgow, Scotland. It features several glasshouses, the most notable of which is the Kibble Palace. The Gardens has a wide variety of temperate and tropical flora, a herb garden, a chronological bed with plants arranged according to their introduction to Scotland, the UK's national collection of tree ferns, and a world rose garden officially opened in 2003 by Princess Tomohito of Mikasa. Quoted from Wikipedia

'Cup and Saucer', Vintage Tea Room, Glasgow

11 May 2019 8 12 421
'The Cup and Saucer' on Facebook .