Joe, Son of the Rock's photos with the keyword: Doors Open Days Glasgow 2019

Holmwood House

23 Sep 2019 5 6 148
Found in Cathcart, Holmwood House is the architect’s finest residential villa, and the only Thomson property in the area with public access. With a plethora of ornately decorated rooms, period furniture, artful freizes and beautiful riverside grounds, there is lots to discover in this National Trust Scotland property. Quoted from the People Make Glasgow website

Holmwood House

23 Sep 2019 5 2 132
Lying just a few miles from the centre of Glasgow, Holmwood House has been described as Alexander 'Greek' Thomson's finest domestic design! Quoted from the What's On Glasgow website

Holmwood House

23 Sep 2019 9 8 141
Classical elegance and architectural tricks distinguish Alexander ‘Greek’ Thomson’s finest domestic creation. Quoted from the National Trust for Scotland website

The Merchants House of Glasgow

22 Sep 2019 7 16 142
The Merchants House of Glasgow was constituted in 1605 by the Letter of Guildry, which laid down the rights, duties and privileges of the Merchants and Craftsmen of Glasgow. Quoted from The Merchants House of Glasgow website

Clydeport Authority Building

22 Sep 2019 4 4 149
Henry Bell Portrait Henry Bell (7 April 1767 – 14 March 1830) was a Scottish engineer known for introducing the first successful passenger steamboat service in Europe. Bell died at Helensburgh in 1830, aged 62. He was interred in the Rhu churchyard . Quoted from Wikipedia .

Holmwood House

22 Sep 2019 3 2 147
Holmwood House is the finest and most elaborate residential villa designed by the Scottish architect Alexander "Greek" Thomson. It is also rare in retaining much of its original interior decor, and being open to the public. Quoted from Wikipedia