Siebbi's photos with the keyword: Statue

Wilhelm Bauer

01 Sep 2012 776
Sebastian Wilhelm Valentin Bauer (* 23. Dezember 1822 in Dillingen an der Donau; † 20. Juni 1875 in München) Deutscher Erfinder, baute die ersten modernen Unterseeboote German inventor and engineer, who built several hand-powered submarines

Shoot the shooter

01 Sep 2012 800
Sebastian Wilhelm Valentin Bauer (* 23. Dezember 1822 in Dillingen an der Donau; † 20. Juni 1875 in München) Deutscher Erfinder, baute die ersten modernen Unterseeboote German inventor and engineer, who built several hand-powered submarines

Wilhelm Bauer

01 Sep 2012 739
Sebastian Wilhelm Valentin Bauer (* 23. Dezember 1822 in Dillingen an der Donau; † 20. Juni 1875 in München) Deutscher Erfinder, baute die ersten modernen Unterseeboote German inventor and engineer, who built several hand-powered submarines


08 Oct 2010 1 1 1010
Night shot, available light, spotlight from opposite building, hand-held without tripod, open aperture f/1.4, ISO 2200

Stoned faces don't lie

No wonder that he has a headache


31 Aug 2008 1 859
St. Nikolai Church, Kiel, Germany


31 Aug 2008 1 813
St. Nikolai Church, Kiel, Germany

Laurel wreath

09 Jun 2008 2 3 898
Just a short proof of life. Everything's fine but after work I'm too tired of working on the computer again at home. And currently it's too warm for my taste.

Grandma of witch?

14 Apr 2008 1 1089
1. Kiel Ipernity-flickr meeting


21 Jan 2008 2 1 832
The longer I look at her, the more she scares me

On the eye of the beheading


16 Jan 2008 1 737
Statue at the entrance hall of the old Kiel town hall

Meet you in Nirvana

Karl Marx

05 Nov 2007 1 625
Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt Euch! Workers of all lands, unite!