Sami Serola (inactive)'s photos with the keyword: Disfarmer

"Laundry boys"

07 Nov 2019 28 17 326
Contribution for the Macro Dreams challenge : "family portrait" Contribution for The 50 Images-Project: Still Life 43/50

Another day at Disfarmer's

15 May 2018 15 5 311
Found another unpublished "Disfarmer copycat" from my archives. Previous version here: And if you don't know who Disfarmer was, find out more here: ... or here:

Having picture taken at Disfarmer's

28 Nov 2017 35 22 670
"Disfarmer's reclusive personality and his belief in his own unique superiority as a photographer and as a human being made him somewhat of an oddity to others. Having your picture taken at Disfarmer's studio became one of the main attractions of a trip into town." ~