Sami Serola (inactive)'s photos with the keyword: ntsc

Mail boxes

19 Sep 2016 18 15 559
"EI MAINOKSIA" = No advertisements

Portrait of conjoined spruces

11 Sep 2016 23 15 413
Soundtrack by Gemini Tri (Denis Piryazev): Because they deserved it. Inspired by The Sunday Challenge: Twins.

Caged bird

29 Aug 2016 6 2 315
Inspired by The Sunday Challenge 'Bird(s)'. This picture is straight out of the camera, except resized and signed. I was testing how 'Through the Glass' -mode on my pocket camera works, and looks like it does surprisingly well! Somewhat all shots got focused correctly on the next subject behind the chain-link fence.


17 Jul 2016 9 4 262
Inspired by The Sunday Challenge: Use the random point generator set your co-ordinates and select 1 point. You can decide how far away you will be prepared to go in miles or kilometers. Go to the point and take a new photo.

Hole in one...

10 Jul 2016 10 14 301
...layer. Inspired by The Sunday Challenge 'Car'. Original on notes. On GIMP editor I first used 'Polar Coords' to create an orb, then 'Lens Distortion' to "stretch" the orb to the corners. No need to crop or use any background to fill the "canvas" ;-)

Territorial pissings

05 Jul 2016 12 4 311
Suggested by Heidiho, and inspired by The Sunday Challenge 'Alphabet'. Soundtrack by CoverDuMoulin (Chris&Aurele) and their coversong out of the one made famous by Nirvana: Because tags are out of fashion, I think =P Supposedly there are declarations made by two or more gangs who does not even know who they are. Some of them are almost middle aged, selling and using drugs, hating the society, and not understanding they are the society. It is easy to say "I hate you", when one does not know who the "you" is. On the Internet they have their own circles. They do not trust any communities provided and used by the majority. Instead they hide and trust only very closed groups. And the information they seek for from the other members of those closed croups are things like how to take advantages of the system, and how to "fight" against the system. Unfortunately they does not know against whom to fight for.

Almost blue

03 Jul 2016 38 32 833
Inspired by The Sunday Challenge, Ephemeral, I took this "ambient excursion". Soundtrack by The Warheads: Because I learned a new trick ;-)

Back in Malta

12 Jun 2016 10 7 439
Inspired by The Sunday Challenge 'Hats'. Spending some quality time with my "evil step daughter", her boyfriend, and of course my wife! First day in Malta was so hot and sunny, which is why I had to buy something to protect my head. I know, I definitely look like a tourist! But that is what I am at the moment =D We spent weekend in Venice, where it was much cooler, and very nice trip it was! And now back in Malta and getting relaxed.


15 May 2016 4 3 296
Inspired by the Sunday Challenge 'The Future'.

Belated twist

21 Apr 2016 9 4 319
Inspired by The Sunday Challenge (TSC) 'Twist'. Soundtrack by gattobus (Gianni Proietti): Because it surprised behind the corner.

Pipe organ

11 Feb 2021 7 8 517
Inspired by The Sunday Challenge 'Backlight'.

The awkward way to take a selfie

05 Apr 2015 11 19 547
But how? Inspired by The Sunday Challenge 'Looking down'.


29 Mar 2015 24 37 437
Inspired by TSC Windows. Soundtrack by Lusine (Jeff McIlwain):

Total amnesia

22 Mar 2015 10 11 315
Soundtrack by Capsula=enCAPSULAte (Yosi Shamay): Inspired by TSC Doors

Journey to the light

14 Mar 2015 12 13 495
Inspired by The Sunday Challenge 'Leading lines'. Soundtrack Tanzmusik by Kraftwerk (and this they released in 1973...):

Horseplay: Scrying

28 Dec 2014 5 11 376
Inspired by The Sunday Challenge "New Year Tradition" (Fortune-telling in this case). Year ago I got some sort of a seahorse: No idea what it could have predicted. Extremely lousy year this was anyway =P

Horseplay: Metamorphosis

23 Nov 2014 2 4 356
Inspired by The Sunday Challenge 'Sliders'. Played with GIMP iWarp: Original on a note.

29 items in total